14 September 1843 (Thursday Afternoon). Temple Stand

[1] 2. P.M. at the temple Stand John Finch spoke on the 3d principle mentioned yesterday 10 past 3. Joseph spoke 5 minutes, told an anecdote of Sidney Rigdon. and Al. Cambell [2] got up a community at Kirtland. big fish eat up the little. did not believe the doctrine.—&c.

Levi Richards Diary

…P.M. 2 O'clock at Temple Grove heard Mr Finch's [3] closng Lecture—Answered by Eld John Taylor—& Pres Smith continued 4 hours.

—14 September 1843


[1] See History of the Church, 6:33. Not in Teachings. The original source for the entry in History of the Church is the Joseph Smith Diary, by Willard Richards. The report by Levi Richards is here published for the first time.

[2] Alexander Campbell (1788-1866), with whom Sidney Rigdon associated was one of the founders of the Disciples of Christ. He established and became first president of Bethany College.

[3] John Finch.