Editor's Note
Elder D. Todd Christofferson spoke at BYU on March 26, 2005, offering his unique perspective on the Atonement and the Resurrection. In this landmark address, he bears witness of the Savior’s suffering for our sins, His complete submission to the Father’s will, and the fruits of the Atonement for us.
In “Beyond ‘Recipe Repentance’ and ‘Formula Forgiveness,’” Lawrence R. Flake shares the story of a young woman who broke the law of chastity and then expected quick forgiveness because she had “gone through the motions” of repenting. He rejects the notion of repentance as a to-do list and gives us additional insight into finding peace through the Atonement.
In the first of three articles on the Book of Mormon, R. Mark Matheson draws vital aspects of teaching from this sacred record, including becoming worthy of the Spirit’s influence and learning from the students. Then, in “‘Ye Shall Have Joy with Me’: The Olive Tree, the Lord, and His Servant,” Daniel Belnap highlights the relationship between the Lord and His servant to emphasize our role in gathering Israel. In “Building Lessons Filled with Light,” Robert R. Wallace takes the account of the Jaredites’ boatbuilding and suggests principles for educators, including making our lessons “small, light, and tight” like the Jaredite barges.
In “Teachers as Torchbearers,” Michael K. Parson shares his early dreams of becoming a teacher and an Olympic runner and relates his life-changing experiences in the Vietnam War.
Peter B. Rawlins teaches how discerning and meeting the needs of members was the essence of the Savior’s ministry and suggests that we keep this in the forefront of our own ministry. Tina Taylor Dyches discusses a very practical application of this concept by suggesting ways we can serve ward members with disabilities.
President J. Reuben Clark Jr. offered a charge to religious educators in 1938 that has become a classic. In “Charting the Course,” Scott C. Esplin looks at the lasting influence of this address.
We finish this issue with the first installment in a new series of articles, “Profiles of the Prophets.” The focus this time is Gordon B. Hinckley, fifteenth President of the Church.
Richard Neitzel Holzapfel, Editor-in-Chief
R. Devan Jensen, Executive Editor
Ted D. Stoddard, Associate Editor