Editor's Note
Two hundred years ago this year, Joseph Smith Jr. was born in Sharon, Vermont. Little did the world know the impact he would have or the legacy he would leave. With Elder John Taylor, we proclaim that the Prophet “has done more, save Jesus only, for the salvation of men, than any other man that ever lived in it” and that he left a “fame and name that cannot be slain” (D&C 135:3). This issue celebrates the truths of the Restoration from a variety of perspectives.
First, we look at family history and temple work, a crowning achievement of the Prophet. First, we look at family history and temple work, a crowning achievement of the Prophet. Elder D. Todd Christofferson shares his views gained while serving as executive director of the Family and Church History Department. Next, we look at “forever families” as seen through the eyes of Douglas and Barbara Smith, a former member of the Seventy and genthrough the eyes of Douglas and Barbara Smith, a former member of the Seventy and general Relief Society president.
Seminary teacher Cameron J. Packer takes readers on a photographic journey to the Hill Cumorah to witness its changes in appearance over time. This article features the story of the Church’s acquisition of this sacred property.
As the keystone of our religion, the Book of Mormon testifies of the Creator and helps us understand how “all things denote there is a God.” But how can we see the message beyond the symbols, and how can we reinvigorate our scripture study? Articles by Bruce A. Roundy, the symbols, and how can we reinvigorate our scripture study? Articles by Bruce A. Roundy, Robert J. Norman, and R. Mark Mattheson offer suggestions.
Turning to the Doctrine and Covenants, we get detailed insights into revelations to the Prophet Joseph Smith on gifts of the Spirit (section 46), the law of consecration (section 85), and counsel to priesthood holders (section 121).
We conclude with two articles on the growth of the Church worldwide, including an interWe conclude with two articles on the growth of the Church worldwide, including an interview with Ross H. Cole of the Church Educational System and stories of faith that Kathy K. view with Ross H. Cole of the Church Educational System and stories of faith that Kathy K. Clayton tells of the Saints in Abundancia, Paraguay.
Richard Neitzel Holzapfel, Editor-in-Chief
R. Devan Jensen, Executive Editor
Ted D. Stoddard, Associate Editor