The Grail

1858 September, p. 197–98—The Laying on of Hands

1858 March, p. 72—The United States intends to give a thrashing to the Mormons

Grail (Llangollen), September 1852, pp. 197–98

The Laying on of Hands

[A long article about the laying on of hands. This excerpt refers specifically to the laying on of hands as practiced by the Latter-day Saints.]

If the laying on of hands is anything, it is an ordinance; if it is viewed as an ordinance, it would be desirable to know by whom it was established. The practice of the apostles is the rule of the Mormons, according to their witness; and thus, and this doctrine is thorough Mormonism, according to this reasoning, and the procedure of these impostors is to lay on hands, anoint with oil, work miracles, etc. May Mr. Evans cease to blaspheme “brothers of a trade.” The proper Mormon view in the opinion of the writer is to see six or seven “reverends” placing a hand (not hands) on that which they call the “head of the preacher,” in order to ordain him to baptize and break bread. I quote the words of Mr. Evans from Rhuddlan, in his treatise on baptism, to show the continuation of preaching and baptizing (Evans from Rhuddlan is a thousand times more able than Evans from Abercanaid). “On reading the commission given to the apostles, it appears that the purpose of the great Head of the church is that of baptizing continually as well as to preach. Preaching and baptizing have been joined together and have been given to the care of the same officials, without the least sign that baptism is to end before preaching.” He also says that there are no apostles and prophets now; consequently, who is to preach and baptize? Logically, the remaining officials. The reader can see that he is arguing in favor of the continuation of baptism from a commission of Christ, and that he is arguing in favor of the laying on of hands from the succession of the apostles and others (the interpretation of the Mormons), independent from any commandment, which shows the absurdity of arguing against the two on the same grounds, while basing the two doctrines on completely different foundations.

Grail (Llangollen), March 1858, p. 72

The United States

The United States intends to give a thrashing to the Mormons at the beginning of summer, for their lawlessness and their impudence, and Brigham Young has decided to resist with all his might. It appears from the official report of the United States, which was published lately, that the Mormon rascals have shown their defiance to a far-reaching extent. The number of Mormon missionaries in Europe is 95; “about the same number in Asia, Africa, and the islands of the Pacific Ocean, and a very great host is spread all over the United States and British America. They also have a newspaper in Salt Lake City, of which four thousand are printed weekly; one in Liverpool, of which 42,000 are printed weekly: one in Swansea, published in the Welsh language; one in Copenhagen, one in Australia, one in India, and another one in Switzerland, which is published in French.” The “Book of Mormon” has been published in several languages. We mention this for the purpose of putting our readers on their guard against this frightful plague.