Andrew Jenson

Zealous Chronologist

Keith W. Perkins

Keith W. Perkins, “Andrew Jenson: Zealous Chronologist,” in Supporting Saints: Life Stories of Nineteenth-Century Mormons, ed. Donald Q. Cannon and David J. Whittaker (Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1985), 83–99.

Keith W. Perkins was a professor of Church history and doctrine at Brigham Young University when this was published. He received his BA degree from Arizona State University in Secondary Education (history) and his MA and PhD degrees from Brigham Young University in Church History and Doctrine. For three years he served as principal of Granite Seminary in Salt Lake City and for four years as an instructor at Tempe (Arizona) Institute of Religion. He has published widely in LDS periodicals, with emphasis on the Kirtland, Ohio, period of Church history.

The time was 3:00 P.M. on 4 July 1935. The place—Rebild Park, Denmark. Andrew Jenson stepped to the microphone. Sitting behind him on the stand was a distinguished group, consisting of Dagmar, the sister of the king of Denmark; Prime Minister Stauning; Dr. P. Munch, minister of Foreign Affairs; and Mrs. Ruth Owens, ambassador from the United States. Andrew Jenson had been selected by Governor Henry H. Blood of Utah as his personal representative to present to Denmark a covered wagon typical of the ones used by Danish emigrants in the year 1853 as they crossed the plains of western United States. As Jenson spoke, his voice was broadcast not only throughout Denmark but also to the United States.

That evening Andrew Jenson sat by Prime Minister Stauning at a banquet given in Jenson’s honor. Eleven days later he was standing in the Christiansborg Castle in Copenhagen waiting to be ushered into the presence of King Christian X. When the door was opened, Andrew bowed graciously before the king; the king arose and greeted him warmly. King Christian indicated he had listened with interest to Jenson’s speech over the radio. Jenson remarked that he had always held the land of his birth in dear remembrance and that he was immensely enjoying this special visit. The king listened as Jenson traced the journey of the first Mormon emigrants from Denmark to the United States and then explained to the king some of the doctrines of his church. In connection with the Word of Wisdom, Jenson said that he enjoyed Danish Smorrebrod but did not use strong drinks. After a fifteen-minute interview, King Christian grasped Jenson’s hand “as though he had been an intimate friend of years standing,” and the Mormon historian departed. [1] Jenson expressed great pleasure at his visit to Denmark, stating that these were days never to be forgotten—a royal welcome, indeed, to one who eighty-five years before had been born in a humble cottage, a descendant of the Danish peasantry.

Andrew Jenson [2] was born 11 December 1850 on a small farm called Damgren (branch of a pond), Torslev parish, Hjørring amt (county), Jutland, Denmark, the son of Christian Jenson and Kirsten Andersen. His people had lived in the same general region for about two hundred years. The family was almost penniless, and it was necessary for the children to support themselves at a very early age.

In 1850 the first missionaries of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints arrived in Denmark. By 1854 the elders had traveled to Damgren. After a short investigative period Christian and Kirsten Jensen were converted to the Church and were baptized 8 December 1854. Andrew was baptized in 1859 at age eight.

Andrew spent his early school years studying under the tutelage of his mother since the local schoolteacher was bitterly anti-Mormon. The main literary diet of young Andrew was the Bible, the Book of Mormon, and a few Church publications, including Skandinaviens Stjerne (Scandinavia’s Star), the Latter-day Saint semimonthly periodical printed in the Danish-Norwegian language.

While Andrew was living in Denmark, Skandinaviens Stjerne published a series of articles on the Prophet Joseph Smith, from which Andrew first acquired his interest in Church history. These articles probably helped determine his later style of writing, as he memorized the dates of the important events about which he read, [3] which led to a factual rather than an interpretive emphasis.

At the suggestion of the missionaries, he began at the age of thirteen to keep a journal. This was the beginning of a life of record keeping—for himself and for the Church. Of this chronicle he later wrote: “History has been my major interest since . . . a missionary’s journal inspired me to record my personal history. . . . In keeping this journal, which has been uninterrupted since that day, I have learned that a person can’t be a natural historian until he commences with his own life.” [4]

Andrew immigrated with his family to the United States in 1866. His journey by ship and across the plains is one of the unique recordings of such an experience by a teenage boy. One of the most poignant experiences he recalled years later was the hunger that he faced in the journey. He was reminiscing with a Mr. William H. Jackson, who as a young boy had traveled east from Salt Lake City. Jackson followed behind a wagon load of apples and ate apples until he couldn’t lift another one. Andrew replied, “Yes, I know. . . . Here it is in my journal, the record of coming along the next day. I was a hungry youth of 15, and I saw those peelings. You mayn’t believe it, but I collected all the peelings I could find, and ate them. They were pretty thin, but they tasted mighty good to me then.” [5]

The Jensons settled in Pleasant Grove, Utah, where young Andrew took up many occupations to sustain himself and assist in supporting his family. Although he preferred study to hard manual labor, he was forced to work as a farmhand, a railroad construction crew laborer, and a cowboy. His journal provides an excellent description of a nineteenth-century cattle drover. [6]

At age twenty-two Elder Andrew Jenson was called on his first of ten missions for the Church. The call was to his native Denmark. While on this mission his interest in producing historical works was further intensified. He began by writing a history of the Aalborg Conference. “And so that is how I came to myself, and found myself walking in the Aalborg Conference, preaching and commencing my historical career.” [7]

After his return home, he married and began his family. To support his new family he continued to perform manual labor, which proved very unsatisfactory. He had learned from experience that farming was not his natural vocation and that he was not gifted in doing mechanical work as was his father. From his youth he “had been of a studious nature,” particularly fascinated by the reading and writing of history. As he meditated and prayed about his future, the thought came to him “as if by direct inspiration from heaven” to continue the work that he had contemplated, to translate certain portions of the history of Joseph Smith into Danish. He called his new work Joseph Smith Levnetsløb. [8]

Thus began a new and lifetime career of translating and writing the history of the Church. Because of the limited funds of the Danish Saints, Jenson was forced to publish his literary venture in serialized form, selling the weekly series to his subscribers. Only after the entire series was completed would he then have the series bound into a single volume. This pattern of publishing his history would continue throughout his life, since he financed almost all of his historical works himself. Only near the end of his life did the Church assist in financing his works.

From this modest beginning his historical works started to increase greatly. His next work was to assist in the publication of the Danish-Norwegian paper Bikuben (Beehive). This work was interrupted by another call to a mission in Denmark. While there, following the death of the mission president, Andrew served as president for a brief period of time. Following his return, Jenson continued his work in providing Scandinavian Latter-day Saints with the history of the Church by publishing Morgenstjernen (Morning Star). As was his first venture, this work was possible because he sold subscriptions in advance of publication. Although sales of Morgenstjernen grew steadily, it was not enthusiastically received by all the Scandinavian Saints. Jenson notes of a visit to one of these settlements:

I here met some peculiar cold and indifferent members of the Church who appeared to be as ignorant and careless concerning anything of an intellectual nature as any I have ever seen. It seemed as easy to make them fly to heaven as sustain anything of a literary nature. If people are to be saved according to the knowledge they gain in this life however will such people ever get into heaven? [9]

However, this discouraging experience did not alter the enthusiasm Andrew had for producing historical works for Latter-day Saints. His next work was the translation of the Pearl of Great Price into Danish. Although it began as a private venture, it later became a Church publication. He also served as editor of Utah Posten, a Danish language newspaper, in 1855.

In May 1889 Andrew Jenson began many years of travel to various stakes of the Church, beginning with a visit to a conference of the Wasatch (Utah) Stake. To obtain some local Church history, he perused several private journals written by older settlers. This set the pattern he later followed. He would travel to an area, glean information from private journals and original records, then bring the information home and arrange it into a history of the area. [10]

One of these visits to another stake demonstrates his method of travel and gives us a fair sample of the diligence he exercised in gathering history of the Church. He rode the Rio Grande Western Railroad to the Thistle station. After a long wait of several days, he caught a ride from Thistle on a flatcar loaded with rails. His chair was a keg of railroad spikes. All during the seventeen-mile trip a terrible wind and hailstorm raged. He arrived in Indianola alive, “although cold and chilled through,” and then walked a mile to a member’s home. After a short time, he rode a lumber wagon part of the way to Milburn, walking the last two or three miles into town. He walked from Milburn to Fairview and then on to Mount Pleasant. The bishop at Mount Pleasant gave him a ride to Ephraim. [11] His success in his research was ample reward for the rigors of travel.

[I] Found in the house of the late H. F. Peterson the documents, on loose scraps of paper and small note books, which would make a fair history of Ephraim, if properly compiled. They were papers concerning the existence of which the authorities of Ephraim were entirely ignorant. I find that the ward clerks . . . are and have always been very slow in keeping their records. . . . After visiting several parties in Ephraim in order to obtain historical information, I rode by chance to the house of widow Olsen north of Manti, where I found some valuable records kept by the late Rasmus Olsen of Ephraim, deposited in the loft of an old house where they served as feed for mice. I spent most of the afternoon sorting the Records. [12]

With the excellent work he had done with the stakes of the Church, the Brethren decided to send him on a tour of the missions of the world in order to gather material for Church history. [13] This work enabled him to write the history of the missions of the Church and also assisted in the preparation of two of his major works—the four-volume Biographical Encyclopedia and Encyclopedic History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Biographical Encyclopedia is unique from many standpoints. It is Jenson’s only major work that has been reprinted in its entirety (by Western Epics in 1971). It is the first and most extensive compilation of its kind ever published in the Church. Biographical Encyclopedia is impressive in the variety and types of people represented. Although all General Authorities are delineated, most of the names listed are unknown to us today. Few Church books have given such extensive coverage to the average, commonplace variety of Latter-day Saints. Women, who are generally neglected in Latter-day Saint history, are given frequent coverage in these volumes. Another group of Latter-day Saints who receive extensive coverage in Biographical Encyclopedia are the Scandinavians. This is well demonstrated by his reaction to the treatment that Frederik Samuelsen, a member of the Danish Rigdag (Parliament) and a convert who had labored diligently to help the cause of the Church in Denmark, had received because of the difficulty he had with the English language. Jenson comments that it was the general opinion that Samuelsen died “broken-hearted as the quiet life he had been forced to lead in Utah was such a contrast to his public activities in his native country.” [14]

With the work Jenson was doing on the histories of the stakes and missions, he saw the need of a detailed history of the Church from its organization to the present time. Thus the work of compiling a journal history of the Church was begun. Charles W. Penrose began such a work, but he was unable to finish it. Elder Penrose must have been delighted that Andrew Jenson continued on and expanded the work he had just started. This resulted in one of the Jenson’s most ambitious works, over seven hundred legal-size manuscript volumes.

This was also a period of intense spiritual striving for Andrew Jenson. On a number of occasions Jenson describes going alone to pray about something which only the Lord knew. Later he reveals that the prayer concerned a dream he had where he was sustained as one of the seven presidents of the Seventy. He also began to hear reports that one of the leaders of the Church had been inquiring concerning his faithfulness, character, and family affairs. Later he reveals that because of a vacancy in the First Council of Seventy his name had been brought before the First Presidency and the Twelve, along with other names of Scandinavian descent, to determine who should fill the vacancy. “I have in the past tried not to seek for office or position, but I can not deny that I would consider myself much favored by the Lord if he accepts me as His servant in this respect.” [15] Although he was considered, Andrew Jenson was not chosen.

After the completion of Morgenstjernen, he was asked by many of the English-speaking Saints if he could not do for them what he had done for the Scandinavian Saints. With this encouragement, he launched another of his major accomplishments, the Historical Record. This work was briefly interrupted but greatly benefited by a special mission for the Church to the “waste places of Zion” in company with Edward Stevenson and Joseph Smith Black. This mission took him back to the early scenes of Church history. Historical information gained from this trip proved invaluable not only in his publication of Historical Record but also in all his future historical works. Besides the many important insights gained, Jenson was able to look at the past persecution of the Church in Missouri with some humor. In the valley of Adam-ondi-Ahman they found “a fine watermelon patch,” of which Jenson wrote:

In consideration of this being the land of the Saints, and that the occupants had not paid any rent for many years, we consecrated two of the melons to our own use; they tasted very good; in fact they were the best melons we had on our intire [sic] journey. [16]

They were surprised to find that the infamous Thomas C. Sharp, “the once notorious editor of the Warsaw ‘Signal’ (who did, perhaps, as much as any other man to incite the populace to murder the Prophet Joseph and his brother Hyrum),” was now editing the Carthage Gazette. They found the elder Sharp very uncommunicative, but his son William treated them kindly and asked them a very interesting question. “Do you think . . . that the Mormons would kill my father if he were to visit Utah?” Surprised by the question, they responded that Latter-day Saints were not a bloodthirsty people and “did not seek satisfaction in retaliation.” [17]

His next work, Church Chronology, along with the monumental work he had done already, led to his appointment as an assistant Church Historian. Concerned that his work was not properly being recognized by the leaders of the Church, he took the matter directly to the First Presidency. During the course of the interview, President George Q. Cannon moved that Andrew Jenson be appointed Assistant Church Historian. The motion was seconded by President Wilford Woodruff and was unanimously sustained by all present. Andrew Jenson’s name was presented at general conference on 10 April 1898, where he was sustained by the general membership of the Church. [18]

However, although his work on Church Chronology may have helped gain him the office of Assistant Church Historian, two years later it seemed to stand in the way of further recognition. Many of the presiding officers in the wards and stakes urged the Saints to purchase the book with the disconcerting result that in some instances Jenson was criticized because he “pushed too hard” for the sale of the work. [19]

Events at this time seemed to turn against Andrew. At the October 1900 conference he was not sustained as Assistant Church Historian. He was also informed that the new Historian’s Office would probably not be built for some time. All that he had worked for during the last several years now seemed to be fading away. He became more and more depressed at the situation. What would he do? Where could he go? If the Brethren would not recognize him in the position he felt he deserved, he would take his problems to the Lord. On 11 August 1901, Andrew took a “lonely” walk into the mountains behind Ensign Peak. There he stopped and engaged in secret prayer and meditations for some time. He recorded the manifestation that came to him following his heartfelt prayer:

My Son, be of good cheer, thy prayers are heard and shall be answered upon thy head with the blessing thou so earnestly desire. The Lord has not rejected thee, but he has permitted thee to pass through trials and affliction in order to try thy faith and thy integrity. . . . Thou has not lost thy position in the Church as a Historian; thy zeal and integrity in that capacity is known to God and is pleasing in his sight; and it is God who has inspired thee to do the work which thou has done. But thou hast been too ambitious and has cared too much for the opinion of men; and this is the main cause of thy present disappointment. [20]

Lifted by this revelation, he made his way home “fully determined to take a new stand” and obey the words that had been given to him. He continued his work and started new projects. It appears, though, that he began to contemplate leaving the Church Historian’s Office, for he started making plans to organize the Andrew Jenson History Company. [21] In the April 1902 conference, however, he was again sustained as Assistant Church Historian.

Nevertheless, his troubles were not over. Andrew Jenson had watched three fellow Church Historians move to greater prominence in the Church: Charles W. Penrose to the First Presidency, Orson F. Whitney to the Quorum of the Twelve, and Brigham H. Roberts to the First Council of Seventy. Had his time finally arrived? Were the years of frustration at seeing others appointed to higher position in the Church, while he remained behind, finally coming to an end? He had been disappointed before, but he knew that these past experiences had been for his good and that they helped develop his will power and stability of character, “as I have so far been able to bear up under it.” He realized he would be rewarded for his diligent efforts some time:

If I am not rewarded for my integrity before God and my energy in the interest of God’s work on the earth in this life I have great faith in that which in the life to come will come to them that persevere and remain steadfast and faithful to the end. And by the help of the Almighty I shall indeavor [sic] to act as becometh an Elder of Israel and servant of God the remainder of my life. [22]

But now, at last, it appeared he might receive some of his reward in this life. With the death of President Anthon H. Lund there was a vacancy in the presiding councils of the Church and in the office of Church Historian. In addition, previous to his being selected as a member of the First Presidency, President Lund had been the “Scandinavian Apostle.” Once more Jenson began to construct “air castles” only to have them shattered to the ground.

While doing research in the St. Louis Public Library, he read in the Deseret News that the new Apostle selected was a Scandinavian, but a Norwegian, not a Dane—John A. Widtsoe—and that the new Church Historian was Joseph Fielding Smith, Jenson’s former assistant. This bitter pill was almost impossible for Jenson to swallow. In the privacy of his journal he revealed his innermost feelings and emotions over this experience:

Why have I been sidetracked so repeatedly? Why this slight in the face of my known ability and activity in the historical field? . . . Way back in 1884 when my name was canvassed in connection with filling a vacancy in the First Council of Seventy, and I was sidetracked, the late Erastus Snow told me not to feel bad about it for the Lord had a better position reserved for me. I now query, as I have often done before, if I have done anything wrong whereby the Lord should be displeased with me, or why with my increased ability and diligence I should lose out instead of gaining with my brethren in the Priesthood. Yet, here I am, sidetracked once more, after a life-long struggle, during which I have given my best to Church work and have reserved nothing so far as I understand myself for selfish motives. Is it wrong in the sight of the Lord for a man to expect reward or recognizance for real merit. Is there no such thing as appreciation when a man puts his whole soul into a work which is aimed at doing good and to benefit the cause of God and mankind generally? I left the library in a solemn mood. [23]

Unfortunately Andrew had not yet learned the lesson that Anthon H. Lund had tried to teach him nine years before. He had similar feelings then which had resulted in his going to his good friend President Lund and confiding in him his concerns. President Lund had told him “he must not harbor such feelings. He was honored in the Church and it is not position but works that will count.” [24] Nor had he taken seriously the counsel of Apostle George Albert Smith: “Some wondered why Andrew Jenson was not promoted to a position among the Twelve or chief quorum of Seventies; but where there were hundreds of men in the Church who could be chosen for Apostles there were only a few indeed who could fill the position that I held or do the work I did.” [25] But still he continued to brood. “I am driving no stakes, laying no plans and having no expectations, so I look for no disappointments.” [26]

Jenson need not have worried that his work did not receive the recognition he thought it should. It was during the later years of his life that he received his greatest acclaim. President Grant personally told him how pleased he was with his work. [27] The Church periodical the Improvement Era was also laudatory, “No man has done more—if any has done so much—in the cause of abundant and correct data for the Church records.” [28] In addition, editors of many newspapers outside Utah lauded the “Mormon historian.” Andrew Jenson probably did as much to spread goodwill among non-Mormons as any other person in the Church. Typical of their response is the following:

Professor Jenson has devoted his life to the study of Mormon history, and in his exhaustive research work through a period of more than forty years has come to be regarded as one of the foremost living authorities on that era of mid-century expansion that preceded and coincided with the Civil War period. Although he has devoted himself assiduously to the perpetuation of the vivid history of his particular faith, his work has gained him wide recognition beyond church circles. [29]

Jenson’s work was becoming so well known and accepted that even the once vociferously anti-Mormon newspaper, the Salt Lake Tribune, asked him to write a series of historical articles. Not to be outdone, the Deseret News asked him to write two historical articles for them on a regular basis, one daily and one weekly.

It was during these climactic years that the Church agreed in 1941 to publish the Encyclopedic History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. His own story, Autobiography of Andrew Jenson, was sent to the 1,245 ward and branch libraries of the Church.

On 15 November 1941, at nearly ninety-one, after a lifetime of service to the Church, Andrew Jenson suffered a heart attack and died three days later.

What evaluation can we make of the contribution of this Danish-born peasant who later dined and conversed with some of the great dignitaries of the world? The sheer magnitude of his works is unbelievable. Jenson was an author, compiler, translator, and preserver of Church history. He authored twenty-seven books, fifteen volumes of diaries (1863 to 1941), some two thousand historical articles for the Deseret News, a long series of articles in the Salt Lake Tribune, and twenty-two articles for the Improvement Era. He collected fifteen thousand biographical sketches. He compiled eight hundred and fifty manuscript volumes of Journal History and histories of stakes and missions, twenty-six scrapbooks primarily with articles written about or by himself, and ten major indexes. He translated the scriptures and Church history into Danish.

In addition he was a world traveler, covering nearly a million miles. He circumvented the globe twice, visiting every continent but Antarctica, crossing the Pacific Ocean four times and the Atlantic thirteen. He visited every stake of the Church and every mission but one. He was actively involved in the civic affairs of Utah as a city commissioner, judge, school trustee, delegate to the constitutional convention of 1887, a founder and lifelong member of the board of the Genealogical Society of Utah, member of the Old Folks Central Committee for fifty-eight years, president of the Utah State Historical Society for four years, a member of the executive committee of the Utah Trails and Landmarks Association, and a copious political and Church speaker, delivering more than six thousand addresses in his lifetime. He fulfilled ten missions for the Church, one as mission president.

Many wondered why Andrew Jenson was not given a more prominent position in the Church. He had served as Assistant Church Historian for forty-two years, and his historical work had received considerable praise. Why then was he not ever made Church Historian? Jenson had two characteristics that seemed to stand in his way: his personality and his personal drive and ambition. Many commented on how difficult a man he was to work for. [30] He expected others to work as hard, as long, and as dedicated as he did. His determination was not understood or appreciated by most people. The feeling that he was not accepted and given credit for all the work he had accomplished drove him to constantly push himself to the front. He seemed to lack that basic humility needed by most leaders. The leaders over him and the revelations he reported receiving all stressed his need for more humility. He apparently never fully understood nor appreciated Anthon H. Lund’s comment to him that works rather than position mattered in this life. He was always building air castles and seeking higher positions.

But his personal ambition and need to be accepted drove him to produce that which he did. In 1934, when he received considerable praise for his work, he produced more than he had ever produced before, even though he was eighty-four years old. Therefore, looking back over his career, we find that perhaps his personality, which seemed to stand in the way of his progression in this life, was really an asset. Without this need to be accepted he probably would never have produced the fantastic amount of material that he did, and the Church would have been the loser. He laid a historical foundation that many historians have built on. His prodigious works have enabled modern historians to produce their historical works in greater abundance.

What did Andrew Jenson accomplish that had not been done before and some of it perhaps never again? First, he gathered original records from all over the world. Much of this material would have been lost or destroyed. These records enable historians to write a much more complete history of the Church.

Second, he gathered biographical sketches of over fifteen thousand people. Most of these people are dead and have left no other record of their lives. But their biographies have been recorded and preserved, thanks to Andrew Jenson.

Third, he encouraged and directed the clerks of the Church throughout the world in their record keeping by visiting most of them in his worldwide tours. As a result of these visits, he initiated a new method of keeping records in the Church, a method which was later adopted Churchwide. The fact that so many records have been preserved in the Church is probably largely due to the efforts of Andrew Jenson.

Fourth, he organized and systematized materials at the Historian’s Office in a useable form for research. Before Jenson arrived at the Historian’s Office, the records were in a deplorable state. [31]

Fifth, he prepared eleven indexes to some major works. A few of them are indexes to the Deseret News, Journal History, the history of Joseph Smith in the Millennial Star, Latter-day Saint periodicals, missionaries, obituaries, and similar records. These are a great boon to the modern researcher. Without them, historians would have to spend considerably more time culling information from voluminous records.

Sixth, he filled a void in the written history of the Church. After 1880 there was no comprehensive record of the Church being kept; he therefore commenced the histories of the stakes and missions and the Journal History of the Church.

Seventh, he had a conception of the worldwide nature of the Church which he had gained from visits to almost all of the wards, branches, stakes, and missions. He had traveled nearly one million miles in his lifetime. Probably no other man in his day had the same perspective of Church history, because few men had traveled as extensively as he had.

Eighth, not many writers have given such broad exposure in their writings to the ordinary Latter-day Saint. He was one of the first to give wide coverage to women and to so many different races and nationalities. He was also the first to publish the history of the Church into foreign languages.

Finally, his personal journals are a vast storehouse of historical information. These journals fill fifteen large volumes. And he personally knew all the Presidents of the Church from Brigham Young to Heber J. Grant. Undoubtedly, not many journals have the scope or depth of Andrew Jenson’s. He had encircled the world twice, recording in his journals the events he witnessed. His intimate insight, many times recorded in great detail, into the Church and its leaders with whom he had labored for sixty-five years is invaluable.

Truly, Andrew Jenson was one of the great Latter-day Saint historians.


[1] Andrew Jenson Journal, Book N, 375, Library-Archives, Historical Department, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Salt Lake City; hereafter cited as LDS Church Archives.

[2] “In regard to spelling my name Jenson instead of Jensen. When I came here at 15 years of age not having done much as a boy I was influenced to change my Danish name Andreas to its equivalent in English, namely Andrew. And in making this change I thought I might as well introduce the o in Jensen instead of the e as the Icelanders, the English and Scotch spell it Jenson to this day.” (Andrew Jenson to Richard R. Lyman, 11 February 1938, Andrew Jenson Papers, LDS Church Archives.)

[3] Jenson Journal, Book A, 18.

[4] Deseret News, 11 December 1936, 17.

[5] Deseret News, 13 June 1934, 11.

[6] Jenson Journal, Book A, 246–83.

[7] Andrew Jenson, Excerpts of a sacrament meeting held 27 December 1936, honoring Andrew Jenson, Jenson Papers, LDS Church Archives.

[8] Jenson Journal, Book B, 296, 298.

[9] Jenson Journal, Book C, 339–40.

[10] Jenson Journal, Book E, 172–74.

[11] Jenson Journal, Book E, 281–82.

[12] Jenson Journal, Book E, 283.

[13] Jenson Journal, Book E 751.

[14] Andrew Jenson, Autobiography of Andrew Jenson (Salt Lake City: Deseret News Press, 1938), 603–4.

[15] Jenson Journal, Book D, 20.

[16] Jenson Journal, Book E, 110.

[17] Jenson, Autobiography, 180.

[18] Jenson Journal, Book G, 24.

[19] Jenson, Autobiography, 394.

[20] Jenson Journal, Book H, 54–55.

[21] Jenson Journal, Book H, 75, 78, 79.

[22] Jenson Journal, Book K, 262.

[23] Jenson Journal, Book L, 49–50.

[24] Anthon Hendrik Lund Journal, 22 October 1912, 110–11, LDS Church Archives.

[25] Jenson Journal, Book I, 548.

[26] Ibid., Book L, 427.

[27] Keith W. Perkins, “Andrew Jenson: Zealous Chronologist” (PhD diss., Brigham Young University, 1974), 200.

[28] James H. Anderson, “One Andrew Jenson,” Improvement Era, July 1921, 787.

[29] Fremont Evening Tribune, Jenson Scrapbook, Book M, 1925, 95.

[30] Martin S. Lindsay to President Lorenzo Snow and Counselors, 29 June 1900, Lorenzo Snow Papers; Anthon Henrik Lund Journal, 25 July 1900, LDS Church Archives.

[31] Charles P. Adams and Gustive O. Larson, “A Study of the LDS Church Historian’s Office, 1830–1900,” Utah Historical Quarterly 40 (Fall 1972): 381–88.