"We Have Not Been Allowed the Liberty... to Worship As We Please"

Nancy Naomi Tracy and the Denial of Latter-day Saint Religious Liberty

Derek R. Sainsbury

Derek R. Sainsbury, "'We Have Not Been Allowed the Liberty... to Worship As We Please': Nancy Naomi Tracy and the Denial of Latter-day Saint Religious Liberty," in Religious Liberty and Latter-day Saints: Historical and Global Perspectives, ed. John C. Thomas and Robert T. Smith (Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University; Salt Lake City: Deseret Book), 12964.

Derek R. Sainsbury is a religious educator who teaches for the Church History and Doctrine Department at Brigham Young University, a scholar of Latter-day Saint history, and author of Storming the Nation: The Political Missionaries of Joseph Smith’s Presidential Campaign.

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