March, 1848
“1848,” Ronald D. Dennis, ed., Prophet of the Jubilee (Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1997), 33–48.
Prophecy of Saint Thomas the Martyr.
SIR,-Would you be so good as to provide space for the following in your correct and useful Prophet. My reason for sending it is because I, after questioning many men who professed to have much knowledge, have failed to find satisfaction. And since you avow that religion that leads to every truth, we are confident that we shall have the correct interpretation of it, which will satisfy several besides your well-wisher,
Translated from Latin, and quoted from the “Magazine,” 1793.
“The Lily (a) dwells in the best parts, and invades the land of the helpless Lion (b); and the creatures of his own kingdom will tear his skin with their teeth (c), and he will stand in the land, to the purpose of triumphing over the thorns of his kingdom. The Son of Man (d) will come with a great host (e), going across the waters (f), bringing the beasts in his arms (g), and his government will be in the land of the wool (h), and will frighten the whole world. The eagle (i) will come from the east spreading his wings over the sun, and with him a large host of people to assist the Son of Man (k). In that year the camp will be left empty, and great fear will be in the world (l), and in one part of the kingdom of the lion, there will be war among many kings, and a spilling of blood (m). The lily will lose its crown, with which the Son of Man will be crowned (n). And during the following four years there will be wars among the followers of the faith (o). The greatest part of the world will be destroyed—The end of the world will come to the earth-The Son of Man and the eagle will triumph, and then there will be peace in the whole world (p), and after that the Son of Man will see a great wonder, and he will enter the land of promise (r).”
The following is the most correct interpretation we can think of at present. Despite our having obtained, mercifully, “that religion that leads to every truth,” yet we are far from possessing its infallibility thus far, and we are very pleased for anyone who can improve on our interpretation.
(a) The “Ancient of days,” Dan. vii, 9, 10. (b) The “beast,” Dan. vii, 7. (c) Dan. vii, 12. (d) Ver. 13. (e) Ver. 10. (f) Zech. x, 5–18. (g) Isaiah xl, 6–9; and lxv, 25. (h) The American Continent: see history of the Peruvian Sheep. (i) Those of the House of David who go from Jerusalem toward Zion, Isaiah xviii; Jer. iv, 6, 7. (k) Jerusalem. (l) Battle of Armageddon, Zech. iii, 8; Ezek. xxxviii. (m) Dan. vii, 13, 14, 25. (n) The thing most likely to this is the period of prophecy of the “two witnesses,” Rev. xi, if their days are counted at 360 in a year, it is seen that the 1260 days make from three to four years. (o) Dan. vii, 18, 27. (p) Zech. xiv, 9. (r) Rev. xi, 15.—ED.
A Pagan Proves Two of the Sectarian Rabbis Liars
“And they shall speak with new tongues,” says Jesus Christ. Our purpose in the following is not to prove that such a self-evident doctrine as the gift of “speaking with strange tongues” is to continue in the church of Christ while any other gift continues; but the following true story is an example to prove how similarly the children fill up the measure of their fathers now compared to what they did in the time of Christ; and it proves also that it is the same class of craftsmen, namely sectarian rabbis and doctors, who are the most cruel enemies, and the most impudent persecutors, of the same godly religion now as in the days of the apostles, whatever their hypocritical profession.
A few days ago, one of the persecuting Rabbis of Independia came arm-in-arm with one of the haughty students of Trefecca, into the home of one of the saints, who had himself been a sectarian preacher, until he saw their deceit and tired of it, and embraced the truth, together with his wife. After expressing surprise and insulting the saint at length for having “been so foolish as to be charmed into such unpopular deceit;” and after dispairing in their attempt to charm him back into their deceit, they insisted that the Saints do not speak in tongues through the Spirit, but that it is all a bunch of nonsense or gibberish. And at that the following conversation took place:—
Saint.—What proof do you offer of that, namely that the strange tongue that the Saints speak in their church is a bunch of nonsense or gibberish?
Rab.—Oh, that is what we believe.
Saint.—But I know that they speak tongues understandable through the Spirit of God, for I have witnesses that have heard them. One told me that he had heard the Saints speaking in six different languages that he understood, and that in one meeting; and also he testifies that others interpreted them, as far as they were interpreted correctly in English, when neither the speakers nor the interpreters understood one word of those languages of themselves.
Rab.—We do not believe that; and if it is true, tell us where we can get hold of that man; for we would search all over Britain, whatever the cost, in order to have the truth; and if that is the truth, we ourselves would become Mormons at once.
Saint.—Well, remember your promise. But you will find him sooner, and more easily than you expect, perhaps; at least, you will not have to go outside the borders of Wales to find him.
Rab.—All the better; bring him forward, and we shall believe at once.
Saint.—Do not forget your promise, then, when he comes.
Rab.—If you can, say who he is, and where he can be found; otherwise we shall not believe you.
Saint.—Be calm; you do not have to wait days, hours, or many minutes, or go out of the village of Aberdare, or even from this house, to have proof of the matter.
And then, opening a door leading to another room, he said in English, “John Shack Mamoth, these gentlemen wish to interview you.” At his call there stood before them, sooner than their expectation, a large, black, and cheerful Hindu, in the dress of the eastern countries, with his turban on his head, and gazed intently into their eyes. They looked like two simpletons who had lost their way in the fog. They had no idea what to do now, for they saw that they were about to fall in the ditch they had dug for the honest and the innocent. If the man proves he understands the strange tongue, they were obligated to become Mormons at the cost of their popularity, and all their merchandise, or break their vow, and through that admit themselves voluntary liars. A man-size trap to catch them! An accurate mirror to show whether it was the truth or lies they loved most. The whole time they were in shock, and looked at each other, there was the living witness standing before them ready to answer for himself. At last, they went ahead with the interview to look for an escape from their snare. The Reverends asked the pagan the following:—
Rab.—How many languages do you understand?
Pagan.—Sixteen [and he named some of them].
Rab.—Do you understand Arabic?
Pagan.—Do you understand Arabic?
Rab.—Yes, and several other languages.
Pagan.—[Taking a book from his pocket, containing Arabic, and handing it to them] Prove that you are telling the truth, by reading this [but the two were struck dumb!], or ask me something in Arabic, and I shall answer you in the same language; or else, you answer me.
But no answer. The pagan proved that he was a better linguist, and more of a doctor than the learned and proud rabbis, and he also proved that he could tell the truth better than they, which was no great task. The rabbis struggled greatly, trying to escape the trap, by turning the story to something else, but the pagan held their noses to the lie until they became terribly angry, and let go inhuman passions, and in this rage, the following came out:—
Rab.—How many languages did you understand the Saints speaking through the Spirit in their meetings?
Pagan.—I understood a few in nearly every meeting, and as many as six in one meeting.
Rab.—An impudent lie (!) is every word you speak, and you do not understand a word they say.
Is that so? Are these the men who were so desirous of having the truth a few minutes ago? Are these the ones who promised to go to the nethermost corner of the country to question him, and to seek him at any cost? And here he is looking them in the face right then and there irresistibly, and the reception he gets is an allegation that he was telling an impudent lie, while their own lies had hardly finished echoing from the walls. All this substantiates the proverb that says that “the most impudent liar shouts lie first at the truth.” Is this the best polish that can be had in the academies, I wonder? After their clamour subsided somewhat, the pagan defended his truthfulness bravely and irrefutably, and challenged them to put him to the test before linguists whenever they wanted. And with his hand he gave an appropriate scoff to the contentious selfwise men, informing them “that the pagans of his country did not consider it proper manners to come uninvited to the home of a stranger, and accuse anyone under that roof of telling lies. You are too much of a blackguard for me to speak with you; but before you leave I shall testify again that it is true that the Saints speak with different tongues through the Spirit of God, while not understanding a word of those languages on their own. But you and your ilk build splendid synagogues with the money of the poor, and eat the bread of the orphan and the widow, so you can ascend to your pulpits to tell lies to them, and to teach them to reject the true gospel, and to persecute the children of God. And it is not enough for you to do so in your own country, but you send your brethren across the great sea to our country, to try to proselyte my honest compatriots to your false religions, teaching them to tell lies as you yourselves do. You have been proved wicked men here; and this you cannot deny.”
Then the pagan left them, and went into the other room. They tried to excuse themselves for their poor manners. But the man of the house was obliged to give them a few lessons on ethics, to prepare them to behave properly next time in the presence of a pagan, and they went away in their shame, refusing the truth after everything, as do all seekers of miracles, despite all their promises. And in all likelihood the next scene in which they can be seen is one in which they have ascended to the top of some pulpit, above a crowd of their fellow travelers toward judgment, and are there cursing and blaspheming the Saints of the Most High, and twisting the gospel of Jesus Christ, under the false profession of their preaching. May the gracious God take pity on their wretched and deluded ones, and may he shatter quickly their traditional and ruinous shackles.
The aforementioned Hindu was convinced a few months ago to believe the gospel, through hearing in our meetings of the “great works of God in the language in which he was reared.” He was baptized, and he, poor thing, despite the blackness of his skin, greatly rejoiced in the eternal gospel. Should not the zealous Welsh blush on hearing this pagan defending Christ’s true religion in the face of all their errors! Who else can bring so much proof as this of the godliness of their cause? If the spiritual gifts the Saints have are not true, how does the Hindu understand them? And he is not the only one who understands them. If these gifts are not true how does he give the same interpretation in English of the utterance as others give through the Spirit in Welsh, when the latter do not understand English, nor he Welsh? It is useless for the Reverends to shout that this is a lie, for there are hundreds of witnesses of its truthfulness in Wales! Let the sign-seekers make rightful use of this fact then, or let them be silent from asking for more.
Return of the Prodigals
AMONG others who were unfaithful, and who returned repentant, came Herbert Walters, of Dowlais. This is the man about whom there was so much commotion through the Star of Gomer, and some other publications. This is he whom Mr. Davies called one of “two of the chief elders of the Mormons (!) having left them, and speaking with tongues, and exposing the disgrace of the system, &c.” This is the only one they could tempt through all the lectures of Mr. Roberts, in these environs at all. Yes, this is he, poor thing, the only one from the midst of all the Saints who turned to them, and O! if they could hear him now telling of his bitter experience; from the sufferings of a guilty conscience day and night because of what he had done; and if they could understand his great and sincere desire for returning, no doubt they would confess the truthfulness of Christ’s saying on this subject, namely that “it were better that a millstone were about their neck, and were sunk in the depth of the sea, than for them to offend one of these little ones.” He earnestly wishes for the forgiveness of the Saints for that which he did against them, and for a part in their prayers for God to forgive him and keep him in the face of all temptation ever again. Where now are the claimed victories of our Dowlaisite persecutors? Where are those who declared “that Mormonism has received a home stroke,” that it is a sacrilege and a curse, &c., &. Let them read our conference statistics, besides many who were baptized in Dowlais since that time, and there are better signs than ever for growth; yes, let them open their ears or their eyes, and then they shall see and hear facts to prove, not the ruin of Mormonism, rather to prove clearly that our persecutors are the false prophets who prophesy lies against us. Several others of the chief persecuting backsliders are earnestly pleading to be allowed to come back to the church this way.
What Is the Matter?
THE principality is on fire—its usurper is striking up for volunteers—the priests of great Babylon are on its towers blowing their horns, long and loudly, to gather all their armies to do holy sectarian battle against the Saints—their foundations are shaking—their armies are fleeing before the cannons of the truth—the giants of the principality are falling before the two-edged sword of the Spirit, and the others are enraged in the pangs of death—the devil is losing subjects in every battle—the hind parts of the great goddess are being bared—her worshipers are retreating from her temples in shame and enlisting under the banners of the King Jesus—the treacherous tricks of the chief leaders of the usurper are coming into full public view—his crown, and the hope of profit of his priests are about to fail!!
It is supreising what wars and rumors of wars are throughout our country in these days! From the preparations and noise of their enemies one would think that the Saints were about to turn the principality upside down, and that these agitators fear that it will fall on their toes and hurt their corns or something worse! From nearly one end of the principality to the other the goatherds of Babylon have become frightened as the mountain rams are frightened at the echo of thunder in their own twisted horns. And they dart across hills and dales, blowing their shrill horns against their innocent neighbors, just like the shooting stars go to the reaches of outer space, and their place cannot be found. What is the matter? Why all the noise, the chatter, the lecturing, the publishing of lies, and the big yoohoo that grates on ears in the south and the north in these days? Why can every vain man, from the schoolteacher to the editor and from there to the highest benches of the Colleges, be seen scouring their old weapons, and each one with his old rusty sword on the whetstone of malice? Certainly something is wrong! Has not some archenemy dangerous to all their crafts just landed on the shores of our country? Something must be threatening to destroy them before they would prepare so busily for war. What is the cause of all the commation? Who can say? Let the generals of the attacking armies answer the question themselves. Come Mr. Times, your horn is going to sound loudest in this massive campaign. Tell us, of whom are you so greatly terrified? “Joe Smith and Mormonism” are still the target of your reed arrows, are they not? Some “Mormon deceit,” “Saint in Prison,” or “chemical oil,” are staining your columns constantly. As the movement of the straw indicates the direction of the breeze, so your actions show in which army you are.
Next, Mr. Revivalist, you have shown which side of the battle you are on. Yes indeed, you have devoted as much as the enemies of Mormonism wanted of your columns to slander it, and you yourself help a little at times, says your shibboleth. After everyone had cried shame on you, and not before, you gave a backward kick, it is true, to the “Hater of Deceit from Blackwood,” and likewise to others after getting all the slanderous material their lying hearts possessed. Is it those few “illiterate and bad little men” who are frightening you now? Is it that “most harmless and insignificant little thing” which by now has charmed toward Mormonism many of the best and most able people that you had? Is it because of this that you listen intently for every distorted story to publish it against them? And after failing to get anything else, behold a fresh edition of the “walking on water” story, the hundred and second edition of the Spaulding Romance about the Book of Mormon, and finally, and just as true and logical as anything else of your chatter, you publish a story about some “dove as big as a horse!” Bah, man, where have your senses gone? It is easy to perceive that poor Joe, even though he is dead, is the common foe of these editorial and Reesly Reverends.
The Star of Gomer also, and its thousand forked and slanderous tongues, proves of what army it is the trumpet. It is like a bellows, blowing wherever there is a spark of the fire of malice, and away it goes until it sets the whole state on fire with all its might. This is its favorite work; and the sons of Gomer understand, especially those who are of the same taste, that their slimy slander will be welcomed here anyway, as long as it is something dirty to smear poor Joe and Mormonism.
The Apostolic Witness. It is marrow to thy bones, and honey to thy mouth under a pseudonym, like all false apostles and false angels, to show the length of thy filthy tongue against Mormonism forever; if there were no better, there would be “laughing” work for thee at the lying scoundrel in Machynlleth, who, although he professes zealously with thy great goddess, testified that he wished to be baptized, when he was just joking with one of the important ordinances of the house of God, and had announced his treachery to his blasphemous partners, who gathered secretly to the place and tried to drown the preacher!! Yes, this is what the presumptuous infidel calls a “laughing” matter! That is sufficient to prove to whom and to what thou art a “Witness.”
And the Educator, which is one of the chief trumpets of great Independia, itself shows its side at time, and its cannons roar to the point of startling the goatherds and the goats of Cader Idris, and driving them over the cliffs. Cader Idris is not a sufficiently strong tower, it would seem, to keep you from the terror and fear of these “illiterate and foolish little men” who are called Mormons. In spite of that, they must be more immortal than the “young men of Snowdon;” otherwise some of your giants surely would have killed them before now. But the roar of your cannons is an admission that they are alive, and that your craft is in danger. Besides the editors, pick up the work of any recent author you wish, and one can see that the aim of their arrows is the same thing.
The last, and the dirtiest also, to come to our attention is Mr. Baptist, and its tasty stories about the “the Saint a thief.” But we have not heard it publish a word about that Baptist preacher from Bethesda, who was exiled to Botany Bay lately for wholesale thievery, nor anything about the one who broke into the St. Asaph church Sunday night after he had finished preaching and stole almost up to his throat. Nor was there a word about the thefts or the murders of anyone of the Baptists to be sure; however, every imaginary mote among the Mormons it holds up to the wind, but the huge beams that are in the eyes of its partners it hides. Your mistake, Sir, is to say that that T. H. had “scratched out the name of the owner of the book” or to admit either that he had stolen it. How in the world do you come across every lie and fail to ever get the truth of things? The name was on a loose page, and it was lost. He admitted that he had the book, but he denied having stolen it, nor did he know how it came to his possession. That is what was proved by the investigation. But this has nothing to do with Mormonism any more than your confessing that all Baptists are thieves because those mentioned and many others are. If you had been a contemporary of Judas, the readers of the Baptist would have plenty of proofs from you, and those as solid as the aforementioned, to prove the Son of God a deceiver, and his religion as bad as Mormonism!! Those who live in glass houses should not begin to throw stones at others. We are reminded of this one’s filthy old tales some time ago about those chaste women in Penydarren, Rhymni, &c., things that anyone else would be ashamed to publish out of respect to womankind, but from the most wanton hearts flows the filthiest wantonness, and from the carcass the unclean bird feeds; so it is here. This one spies, eavesdrops and searches all the dirtiest papers from the “Warsaw Signal” to the back issues of the Baptist for lewd stories until at last he received a tasty morsel from some American paper mentioning some kind of wives who are called “spiritual wives!” Well, could it be that he denies that all wives are spiritual? Listen, wives, this one doubts the existence of your spirits, it seems! Take care, women, lest your husbands join the Baptists; otherwise, who can tell if they consider you any better than their animals. Yes, and according to the logic of the Baptist, we warn the husbands also. Watch, lest the preachers of the Baptists in Wales steal your wives, not to mention those in America! Surely, it is dangerous, and only a few days ago a man’s wife was enticed by one of their members. And even worse, she stole his money and all his furniture she could get her hands on, and all this just because of the poisonous fangs of the Baptists in the religion of the husband. Some dangerous monstress to family society is this one. J. S. was accused of much because of his fatherly defense to the “weakest vessel” when under oppression of a hot-headed man, and the thanks he received was to be accused of wantonness by wantons; and thus accused are all humanitarians who save the life of a woman by divorcing her according to the laws of the land. Pity that they cannot tell some bad story by now, after trying so long!
It is obvious that Mormonism is the target of all these crusaders, and that all of them from Abergavenny to Anglesey, and from Cardiff, Abercanaid, Dowlais, Llanelli, &c., &c., to the borders of Wales. Why so? We answer that it is clear fulfillment of the prophecy that says, “Ye shall be hated of all men for my name’s sake.” It proves that Mormons are subjects of one kingdom. But of all the vain men who have been on the field against their common foe, the most stupid, the most impudent, and the most shameless, is that one who blows his strident horn from the Rhymni Valley. That one claims that despite the failure of all the giants who shouted that they had killed Mormonism, &c., that he is the great champion who is going to put an end to it for sure-that he has the “sling,” or “the jawbone of an ass,” and he will bury its skeleton in the Rhymni Valley, that he will erect on it a tall monument to immortalize his name, and he will carve on it, “I was the big lad who was the death of Mormonism.” And off he goes to battle like a fool, with his quiver filled with reed arrows. He lectured his slime in Dowlais to the point of making Mormons out of scores of his listeners, yes, and some of them members with Davies, Caersalem, himself; and they testify to this day that it was upon hearing those lying tales that their minds were inclined to examine it. Now that’s no way to kill Mormonism! Again he vomited his sick stomach out in Merthyr; and greatly did he sweat and shout, “down with Mormonism,” when he was here. But despite everything he did, things improved by leaps and bounds that week, and went along as heedless of him as the moon is in its orbit, in spite of the little corgi dog barking at it until his voice cracked. His rage was boiling hotter and hotter. We heard that he promisied to kill Mormonism in Rhymni on Christmas day and bury it the next. But by the time the day came for it to die, its alleged murderer was bound between the sides of his bed by the cords of him who has the power of death, it seems. It was necessary to ask someone else to fill his pulpit that time. Again, the gracious God allowed him to get up, and one would think that he had kicked enough against the divine pricks, but on he went battling against the Saints still; and not only were all the Saints who were there to hear him strengthened in Mormonism, but the eyes of many others were opened to see his tricks and his deceit. He failed to kill it or to hurt it on any of those occasions anyway. Rather it was he himself he hurt every time. We refuted his lying tales so completely in two treatises that he has not tried to answer either of them to this day, neither can he. He saw everything, but to no avail, rather he loved lies. It did not make any difference to him whether it was true or not, for he had learned his one story, like the parrot, and that which he said first, he said last.
Since Mormonism was succeeding in Aberdare, with one of the chief preachers with the Baptists there together with his wife, and several others having joined it lately, that was good opportunity for him to show himself, and satisfy his passion; and there he went as greedily as the wolf goes after the innocent lamb. We can imagine seeing him listening intently to the tinkling of the tickets, for no one would get to hear the secrets, certainly, without paying sixpence. Pity the poor; because they lacked the sixpence, he would let them “be charmed by Mormonism going headlong to hell.” These Reverends had the policeman drag one respectable man, like a dog by his neck, from his own pew, for which he paid regularly, and this man’s wife was a member of that chapel. Great was the battle that ensued between the reverends and her by the door. The woman announced the deceit of their craft, and they were forced to flee to their hiding place, where no one could utter a word except themselves. Those two were not the only ones of the members of the Baptists who decided that they would not go near them again, but that was the general prediction that was heard throughout the listeners at that idiotic lecture; and the Saints have baptized more there in a few weeks than they had baptized in months before the lecture.
After getting all the sixpences he could for delivering his rubbish, he is riding another speculation now, as did his foster father of the same taste from Dowlais, that is to publish his lectures as a pamphlet. And great is the placarding of the walls, and the puffing they do about it, and then they failed to get rid of it without getting it peddled from door to door by those who plead poverty as their excuse for selling it! That is frequently the murderer’s excuse. But his treatise stinks in the nostrils of everyone we know without exception; in spite of that, one sees this puff after puff going up on the walls. One would expect that he could afford to pay the printer without all this, and give more than 24 pages for sixpence, since he has received so many sixpences here and there for his lecturing, besides the eight pounds each month that he gets at the same time for the use of his tongue at home; or else, pity the poor Mormons who do not charge eight pence, or even eight halfpennies in a year for preaching, and who even paid sixpence to those who came to listen to his lectures get torn to bits. Facts such as these show who is making commerce of the souls of the people at the cost of their pockets. And yet, here is this one, in his own opinion, threatening and supposing that he can hinder the success of Mormonism. Poor fellow! time will tell: let him do his worst, for the gnashing of his teeth does not frighten the least, rather it strengthens the youngest of the Mormons in every place. Yes, poor thing, although against his will, instead of killing Mormonism, he enlivens it and causes people to listen. Not so much as one has turned back in spite of all his jabbering; rather hundreds have joined the Saints in these environs since he began his cruel crusade. Let him go forward and thrash as he will; he is nothing more than a splash in a wash hand basin!
This last one, as his brethren before him, must be totally ignorant of the divine powers of Mormonism to expect to be able to hinder its pace. But, bah! what good it is to review or take notice of their treatises or their ridiculous lectures. Our reviews are already across the country by the thousands, and are plainly giving the homestroke to their rubbish;—but we will say this again, after spending much more time writing than we had intended to spend with their kind, if all the priests of Babylon were to come like a herd with their spinning wheels to spin lies as fast as the breeze, and if they got assistance from all their persecuting partners, from Pharoah, Maximus, and Nero, down to their American brothers, yes, let them do whatever they will, they have slept too late, and there is too much daylight for the birds of the night to frighten anyone who has eyes in his head. Succeed is what Mormonism will do until it brings the lovers of truth out from Babylon. And after all our persecutors are buried in the graves they have dug for Mormonism, the Mormons by the thousands will sing:
I shall climb through the persecution, up above the King invites me;
Depite the cruelty of my enemies, I have not yet been killed.
Regardless of the obstacles on my path, my journey will never be reversed;
Blood will not do except for a witness, victory, will be the result in any event.
It is true that prejudice can kill, it is true that the world turns away
Yet if they were all unified, a Saint would never come back.
Were there a thousand for one of them, were the obstacles myriad for one,
Yet at the calls of the King, the Saint himself would go forward.
The world calls from the right and the left, that I am stupid, that I am a fool;
Sin calls on me to stand, hell calls me back;
The enemy calls for his libel—let him call, and for his fire!
While the King of heaven is calling, the Saint forward must go.
Let all the great giants come with their scheme—bitterly,
And let them strike against Mormonism;
Let them try to wound us, but what use, what difference,
Until they deal with our testimony?
Misfortune does its work quickly,—and flaunts;
But strange how powerless it is!
We are raising the cross of the age—
We are running and succeeding.
Excommunication of Phillip Seix Blaina Monmouthshire From the Church
WE are sorry to announce that this person has sunk to such depths to the influences of the devil, that our rules of discipline have obliged us to excommuniate him from the church, and that he now has been taken by civil officers to the Lunatic Asylum.
According to our understanding, through a detailed search into the painful circumstances, and truthful eyewitnesses, it took place as follows:—
The afflicted was of a gentle and meek nature, with a natural inclination to depression. About three months ago, he believed that he had sinned greatly by disobeying the counsels he had received, and by neglecting his religious duties. Finally, he went in secret, to pray for God to send a messenger to inform him if there was any forgiveness for him; and while there, some being appeared to him (or so he said afterwards), and told him that all his prayers were in vain, because he had committed unforgiveable sins. This had a worse and worse effect on his mind, until it nearly drove him insane. After his religious brethren understood what was troubling him, they persuaded him not to believe any such thing, that it was the influences of the devil, to do him harm. According to the commandments of Jesus Christ in such a circumstance (see Mark xvi, 18, &c.), they rebuked that evil spirit from him by the laying on of hands and the prayer of faith, and God heard their prayer and restored the afflicted to his former senses. After following his calling for a while, a stone fell upon his head at work and injured him greatly. Before wholly recovering from the effects of this, he fell into such influences as before. He received deliverance once again in the same way as before, and many times afterwards. After coming to his senses, he admitted that the fault was his because he did not oppose the influences of the devil with greater bravery, and promised to do so from then on, &c. But again, and again, he was possessed by the same or worse spirits. Finally, Elders W. Phillips, together with A. Evans, visited him, and through their administrations of the above ordinances, he was restored to the possession of his full reason, and went with them to Nantyglo. They counseled him to remain there for a while, until he was strengthened from his physical illness, and the Saints there promised to keep him for free; but the next day, he insisted on returning against the will of them all. He was warned, that if he went, he would be possessed once again by a worse spirit, until he would be bound hand and foot, and under the care of the police before long; but nothing had any effect—back he went. He continued in his full reason until the next afternoon after returning. At this time he was called to a neighbor’s house, and he was invited to the table to drink tea with the others. These accused the religion that he professed of having caused his sickness; and they persuaded him to leave it, &c. This agitated his feelings to such an extent that he arose to his feet in the presence of them all and he testified that it was not the religion’s fault, rather his own—that it was the true religion of the Son of God the Saints professed, and because of that he had been healed a number of times. This opposition caused such agitation in his mind, that he hated them out of zeal for his religion, and sinned because of that. At this he was possessed worse than ever, and they all ran from the house in fear, and he after them howling and frothing, and others after them through the streets, causing quite a stir in the place. Finally, he was got into a house, and bound. While in this situation, W. Phillips visited him again, and in a few minutes, he was restored to his reason and was as good as ever. He arose, washed himself, ate, and took comfort, thanking God greatly for his deliverance; and he escorted his visitor about half a mile, and he said he would go to work the next day. The second day he gave way to temptation again, roaring like a lion, and frothing; and he tried to injure whomever he could. By this time the police came, and a host of people as well, and they bound him, taking him soon afterwards to the aforementioned place. They were obliged to carry him about three miles before getting a carriage; and all the way, until they shut him up, he testified that it was not the Saints or their religion that were at fault, rather it was his negligence that was the cause of everything, and he begged them sincerely to leave the matter between him and the Saints, saying that he would surely receive deliverance once more, but all in vain. Like this he went, the first of the Saints ever, to our knowledge, to such a place, and doubtless it was his fault; for he fulfilled the above prophecy despite our best efforts, and because of this transgression and its consequences, he has been excommunicated. From this grievous circumstance, let the Saints learn faithfulness, courage, and obedience to the counsels they receive, so they are not overcome by the same false spirits, that are overflowing our world, seeking anyone they can swallow. Our constant prayer is, that the Spirit of God will encircle his children.
This circumstance has created among the Saints a new determination to cling to their God, and to fulfill their duties. Several of the honest in heart believed the gospel when they saw the great power of God manifest in the matter, and several were baptized in those environs afterwards as a result. But as for the other part of the people, especially the most zealous and fanatical false religionists, we understand that their tongues are like a hellish spinning-wheel, spinning and twisting every color, shape, and species of lies, in order to blacken the character of the Saints. Yes, lies we say, which are almost too disgraceful for us to repeat; and their utterers are guilty of blasphemy by their arrows, despite their being so sweet to their loathsome appetite, without mentioning the wickedness of inventing such lies to shame the people and children of God without cause. His word that says,—“He that toucheth you toucheth the apple of his eye,” is as true now as before. And these slanderers prove that they are under the influence of worse devils than the foregoing wretch. We and our brethren have suffered long and quietly every kind of lie against us because of our religion, until we do not believe that God will ask us to suffer like murderers of thieves, while law is to be found in the land, and man to administer it. Therefore, we announce our decision to bring, and we earnestly implore the Saints, and everyone else who has one degree of feeling for his good name, for humanity, if not for our dear religion, to help us bring those incomparable scoundrels to prison before the civil court, namely anyone who says that we, or W. Phillips, have robbed the above Phillip Seix of his money, or of a single penny either!! There is no foundation to such allegations except in the minds of their slanderous inventors. We challenge any man to stand and accuse us to our face of getting one penny, or anything worth a penny from him, or ever trying to get anything; rather it is completely to the contrary, as he is in debt to us, and to W. Phillips, and we have witnesses who heard him say, that no one of the Saints was in his debt, but that he was in their debt. It never cost him a penny for food whenever he came this way, and the reward we have for our generosity to him is to be accused by his enemies, enemies to every good thing, of plundering his belongings, is it! But we shall not tolerate it any longer.
State of the Churches and the Baptisms
Merthyr Branch.—Thirty-five were baptized here during the past six weeks, several of which were formerly members with the sectarian denominations. All the Saints belonging to this branch are almost without exception, faithful, and increasing more and more in every gift and blessing, and if the Saints remain strong in the faith and faithful, we believe, from the hopeful signs we see, together with the numerous and attentive audience here, that hosts will come soon and become subjects of the kingdom of Emmanuel.
Dowlais.-There is here such an increase in the number of listeners since the great commotion caused by Messrs. Roberts, Davies, Lewis, &c., that the Hall the Saints had at that time has become too small; and they now preach in the convenient Hall of the Marquis of Bute, which is overflowing with polite listeners on the Sunday. This is how Mormonism became a “sacrilege and a curse” in Dowlais. Nine have been baptized there since the beginning of last January, one of which was the right hand man to the Rev. W. R. Davies! He was a scribe in his meeting house, one of the trustees, &c., and very staunch in their sight. Their persecution and their unceasing lies are what caused him to look into Mormonism; and the honesty and love that he possessed towards truth caused him to embrace it as the treasure of treasures; and now he values the Mormon religion more than the world and its fulness. Two others of Mr. Davies’s members were baptized after him, and several before that, despite Mr. Davies’s assertion that only one old woman left him for the Saints. More will yet come before long, yes, all who have love in them for the truth. Doubtless there are among them also many who are searching for the truth, and it is a shame that they are losing time, and depriving themselves from so many blessings, and divine light, by allowing anyone to pull a blind of darkness over their eyes at the cost of their purses and souls. Yes, the Saints baptized the man and his wife who were living in one of the houses of Mr. D., yes, next door to his own door, and above his shop! And yet, this is the giant who was going to kill Mormonism with one blow, a short time back. Oh, no, it is hard to kick against the pricks of Mormonism, Sir. It is not Mr. Davies’s fault that his members join with the Saints, for he does his zealous best against them, not only in the meetings, but he walks the houses while the men are at work, and by the time they return their once peaceful hearths are from then on a hell to them, just like his own bosom. Now his wiles come to view! Now many understand what and who was the root of their family discord; and having rid themselves of the evil they dwell in peace.
Tredegar.—Five have been baptized, two of which were respected deacons with other denominations for years-one with the Baptists, and two with the Wesleyans, and everyone had a good word for them. One other, who had great influence in the midst of the Wesleyans, and was the head Sunday school teacher, had been baptized a while before that. Another came from the Calvinistic Methodists, in addition to others not connected to any denomination. And great will be their joy for changing their religion for the better. And after their long search for the religion of Christ, they say now, after obtaining it, that they would not take the world to return back to empty husks.
Penycae.—Two. A while before that one of the deacons of the Baptists and his wife were baptized; they are now rejoicing daily in the happiness of the Holy Ghost, and are grateful for his bringing them from the dark mist to the freedom and light of the children of God. Their former brethren are ever their worst persecutors and false accusers as usual.
Victoria.—Nine, nearly all of them from the Baptists, besides many who have come from the Baptists a short time back. Among others, a minister came to visit with one of the women who had joined the Saints from his church. After he made a prolonged attempt to persuade her to return, but in vain, she testified to him that she was better off than anywhere in the world for having left him and his church, and coming to the Saints; for now, she said, I know in truth and surety that I have the privilege of coming to the church of God, where he imparts his Spirit in his various gifts, which I did not have while I was with you. This sincere statement greatly enraged this reverend, and he said, “Well, it was your unfaithfulness that was the cause of your not having it.” “Surely not,” said the woman, “for I was as faithful as I could be, and prayed as much as I could, for years, and despite that I never had, and I do not believe you, or any of your members, had anything like the love, the joy, or the light, that can be had through the Holy Ghost and that is with the Saints.” That was enough for the Reverend; he saw that he was finished, and the end of his story was to shout, with his hands up, as he went through the door, “Oh! you have sinned against the Holy Ghost.” And the next scene in which he appeared was from his pulpit on Sunday cruelly and shamelessly proclaiming his anathemas over the wretched woman, as he excommunicated her for, said he, “sinning against the Holy Ghost.” These tricks constitute one of the chief practices of this group of people. It is high time by now to make an example of them, since nothing else shames them. Since the devil himself appears as an angel of light, is it strange that his hireling servants imitate him? Does not the scripture warn us that they will come in sheep’s clothing, speaking swollen words of emptiness, trying to entice back the honest in heart who have escaped from their heresies, the judgment of whom, for their hard words against his children, does not slumber.
Nantyglo.—Eight, mainly of no previous religious affiliation, and this branch is flourishing in love and the spiritual gifts as well.
Blaina.—Two. The Saints here are more determined than ever to fulfill their duties.
Abersychan.—Nine, two of which were members with the Baptists, and the others of no previous affiliation. The divine sparks have opened the eyes of the honest to catch a glimpse of the church of God, and its superiority over theirs, until several of them are like a boiling cauldron, and nearly spilling over.
Cardiff.—Twenty-eight have been baptized since the beginning of January, and others promising daily almost. Some of the above came from the Baptists, and other denominations, and this is what causes the filthy Baptist to have colic and shoot its loathesome stories at the Saints, thinking to keep the rest under its paws; but those who have come have gained so much by chainging their religion, that lies will not keep the others back for long.
Llwyni.—Seven were baptized in the same week, with many (we do not know the exact number) before that, and afterwards. Those people are beginning to come to their senses after the cruel persecution there.
Swansea.—Elder Joseph Matthews baptized two last month.
Bryn.—Many (we are told) were baptized there after the Conference.
Llanelli.—The president delayed informing us by letter how many were baptized here in January, but we heard that it was about a dozen at least, through the frightful assistance of Mr. Spencer, a minister of the Baptists, and others. May he go forward successfully, and may he proselyte more of his flock to Mormonism.
Pont Yates.—Here, and in the neighborhood, the Saints have baptized 19 since the Conference, and they are all rejoicing in their privileges and their hopes.
Llanybydder.—Eight were baptized here recently-two from the Baptists.
Brechfa.—Four have been baptized since the Conference, with signs for many more.
We have heard of others baptized in different places; but those presidents have not sent the number to us. We expect that every president will do this regularly each month.
Behold over a one-hundred-and-fifty increase among the Saints just in the places named in about a month! This is how it is going! Thanks to him who sustains this work, and we pray for more and more success on it constantly. Amen.
Direct letters, prepaid, to CAPT. JONES, Wellington Street, Merthyr. No one can expect a response, if there is no stamp on the letter. We are tired at last of paying postage for everyone!
IT is intended to hold the Monmouth Conference in Nantyglo, on the last Sunday of April.
We expect to see there a number of the Saints who can come, and especially the officers, and all branch presidents, prepared to represent the branches, their number, how many baptized since the previous Conference, the number of the various officers, together with the spiritual condition of the Saints, &c.
We warn the Saints to beware of oppressors and deceivers. A woman has been this way recently professing to be one of the Llanelli Saints, saying and doing much deceit, when in fact she was not at that time, nor had she ever been in the church. Only a short time ago some were claiming to be preachers with the Saints in England, or Scotland, and expecting to receive here a welcome of such. Let the Saints and the officers take care to get certificates from the presidents of their branches, or else they will not be received in another place, unless they are well known.
Elder Jacob Watkins has been stripped of his office until he satisfies the council in Merthyr of his behavior.
WE have volumes of “Capt. Jones on Mormonism, in 1846,” priced from 3s. to 4s. 6c. Also, volumes of the Treatises published in 1847, for from 3s. 6c. to 5s. 6c. Also, the two volumes of the PROPHET have been bound in one, for from 4s. to 6s., depending on their binding. The distributors can obtain the above with the PROPHET if they send the money. We also have a variety of books in English and the Millennial Star, biweekly, for 3c. per issue.
Prophet of the Jubilee