June, 1848

“1848,” Ronald D. Dennis, ed., Prophet of the Jubilee (Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1997), 81–96.

Azaraiah Shadrach a Mormon!


ONE of my chief purposes in writing you this letter is, in order to inform you of one additional proof that I received in one of Azariah Shadrach’s columns of the restoration of the church according to the apostolic plan through shadows, which he has foreseen clearly. His method of setting the idea out is, through taking Zerubbabel as a shadow of Christ; with the manner and method of the building of the second temple being a reference to the restoration of the church to its primitive organization. He says that it was in the same manner, and in the same method that the church would be restored to its glorious state in the beginning,—yes, to the same state in which it was established also by the Son of God himself; and to the same state it has to be in before it can ever be the church of God; and to the same state it has to be in before man can have life in it. In a word, it has to be again like it was formerly, or else man cannot be perfected. But thanks to God, it is thus, and has been restored according to the will of God, and in his own good time. That to which I refer is as follows:—

“Zerubbabel was a shadow of Christ, Zech. iv, 9. For

“1. Zerubbabel was chosen and appointed by God to lead Israel from Babylon to Canaan: thus was Christ appointed to lead the Saints back from all their wanderings, to save them from all captivity, and to lead them to heavenly Canaan.

“2. Zerubbabel built the second temple in Jerusalem; his two hands began it, and his two hands finished it: thus did Christ build his church, and he will be certain to complete the entire building, despite working through poor means, with much opposition. The second temple also was a special portrait of the restoration of religion and the church in the thousand years according to the apostolic plan.

“(1.) The first temple was tarnished, and also pulled down by the Babylonians: thus was the apostolic plan of religion tarnished by the Papists.

“(2.) The second temple was built in times of tribulation: thus, in times of tribulation, will the church be restored to the apostolic plan.

“(3.) The second temple was built by those who spent long years in captivity: thus will the church be restored according to the apostolic plan by those who have long been in the captivity of human imaginings, and human traditions.

“(4.) Those who were building the second temple had much rubble to move out of the way: similarly, it will be necessary to move many superstitions and remains of Catholicism, and human imaginings, out of the way, before the church is restored to the plan of the apostolic church.

“(5.) Poor and contemptuous men in the sight of many other men were those who built the second temple: thus will it be with the restoration of religion to the apostolic plan.

“(6.) Many men were very haughty and apathetic concerning the building of the second temple, saying, ‘The time has not yet come:’ thus are many still concerning the building of the church, and restoring it to the apostolic plan.

“(7.) There was much mocking directed at those who were building the second temple: similarly, there is much mocking directed at those who are restoring the church to the apostolic plan.

“(8.) Although many wished to prevent Israel at that time from building the second temple; yet the work went forward, although it was obstructed for a time.

“(9.) It was not through the foundation or power of men that the second temple went forward; rather it was through the Spirit of the living God: similarly, in the same manner will the church be restored to the apostolic plan. May God hasten the morning when Zion will receive the foremost praise on the earth. And let all people say Amen.”

I trust that you will publish the foregoing; and perhaps it will be beneficial to show to lovers of the truth one additional proof of the restoration of the church.

I am, your fellow servant in Christ,


False Accusations of the Baptists against the Saints Again!

MR. ED.—The slanderous Baptist has been very diligent, for years, as you know, and as Wales knows also, in maligning, persecuting, and publishing everything but the truth about the Saints in many other places; and finally its jealousy failed to leave us alone in Pont Yates, and the environs. In the last issue of the Baptist, some “Anthony Fair Play” calls his religious fellowmen “deceitful fiends,” &c., without offering to show any of their deceit. What is to be thought of such an unfeeling neighbor? And yet, he accuses the Saints of lies, without offering one proof of that either, which proves that his own truthfulness is not precious to him. He says that “the Saints say that most of the Meinciau church, if not all of it, has come to them.”

Now, Mr. “Anthony,” or whoever you are, answer who of the Saints said such a thing? Name the person, or the persons, who said that which you accuse the Saints of, so that the same can come under church censure; for we have failed to find out, despite searching, who the liar is in our midst; and you must have known him before you dared to proclaim such a thing to the world; and if you do not tell his name, who will not see that you yourself are the author of that lie? If you desire good for men, there is a better way to reform them than through publishing lies about them through the Baptist. Do they say this far and near? How near? If so; then it is all the easier for you to name them, and the more guilty you will be considered if you do not. And yet, if one of the Saints were guilty of saying that; is it fair of you to accuse the thousands who are in the country of lying? There are about eighty of your neighbors, considered as truthful as you (and more truthful from now on), who depend for their lives on the religion you call (“judge of the world,” is it?) “deceitful fiends,” without proving it so much as once ever. What, and who are you? No wonder you are ashamed to put your proper name by such rubbish, which every honest man would do by the truth.

Another very malicious accusation of this reviler is that the Saints have some “ingredient” to affect men who are deceitful. Oh man! declare what is that “ingredient,” or leave your neighbors alone to worship God according to the scriptures, for shame. Another of his lies is, that only three members of the Meinciau church have come to the Saints. Yes poor thing, more than that have come, and how could you not know that? This assertion of yours must be a blatant lie also. What! can you deny it, when there are people available who are living witnesses for themselves? You boast of your increase now; but on the admission of some of those whom you baptized, those you call “deceitful fiends” and who were convinced of baptism by immersion; and if you doubt this, we have facts to prove it. And say what you wish, there are many about to come from your proven enchantment to the light of the Saints. Time will prove that in spite of you. And as soon as your own heart comes to love the truth, you will be seen begging to become one of them.

But it is useless for me, Mr. Ed., to go into any further detail on the assertions of such a man as “Anthony,” for everyone knows who, and what kind of man, he is out here; and his work of maligning his former brethren, and trying to smear their character after they leave the old deceit they professed before coming to the Saints, proves him quite clearly to all of the readers of the Baptist as unworthy of the least credence. He labels one of his former brethren a “Wandering Jew,” because he does what Paul commands, namely “Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.” What harm is there in that? That is what every lover of the truth will do, until he has hold of the true religion. The most excellent principle has truth and is condemned by this “Anthony,” much like that fox and the “sour grapes.” Men who have proved the religion of the sects are the most fit to judge the religion of the Saints; and their departure from the others, and their holding fast to this one, says loudly, that this is the solid religion they were seeking. “Anthony” knew, he said, of the acceptance of this man into their church, that he had a bad principle like this, and yet he denies the “Spirit of prophecy,” and communicated with such a man without any opposition! By this he can be judged as not caring what kind of men he sat by at the table of the Lord. His evil principle comes to the light more and more, and his own mouth testifies against him. But he bursts, and his bowels run to the light of day in the following sentence:—“As for the third, he is good for nothing but the dungheap!” What! a man who was formed in the pure image of his God-a man who possesses an immortal soul-a man who is a member of society-a man who is a subject of the state, and his neighbor;—yes, that man is “good for nothing but the dungheap!” Shame on the man who dared to publish such words before men! Who can believe a word of the man who said such a thing? Praise to the Saints is the abusive language of such an ill-tempered man, says every reasonable man. We shall leave him at that then, to suffer the shame that a man who can declare such false accusations about his neighbors deserves, and that out of jealousy for their religious success.

MR. ED.,—I am pleased to inform you that the truth is gaining ground here rapidly, despite the scorn and false accusations of his opponents, with better expectations than ever. The ears of the people of these environs have been numbed by the malicious tales that are flying on the wings of the breeze through the pulpits and monthly publications of our country. They are one by one souring and becoming disgusted, so that the most reasonable people are quickly coming to understand that they are lies, and loathing them and their inventors. Here we have baptized 74 in less than a year-twenty-one of them since the last Conference; and there are several others who have promised to obey soon. The Saints are remarkably determined and faithful under all the persecution and scorn, and are increasing in godly wisdom, and spiritual gifts, so that it is a heartfelt pleasure to be in their midst; and my constant prayer is, that He who initiated in them this good work will complete it by the day of the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. I am your brother in the eternal gospel,

Pont Yates, May 26, 1848. HOWELL WILLIAMS.

Another Example of the Cruelty of the Baptists and of the Tenderness of God Towards the Saints

DEAR BROTHER,—It is a pleasure for me to inform you that there is continuing increase to the numbers of the Saints in this County, and that they are increasing in every spiritual goodness in abundance; and also they are all in great unity and brotherly love.

Persecution is also heating up speedily in some parts of this area, despite your extinguishing the heat of fire and brimstone of that self-agitating Jenkyn Rees from Victoria, and others. Those old lying tales of his, namely that you were swindling the Saints out of their money, &c., &c., have caused an unhealthy savour on his name and memory in the nostrils of every reasonable man, since the time that you were before that large crowd disproving him to his face; and challenging him, and all the people of Monmouthshire and the world, to prove that you were in debt to anyone of a shilling; and the time that you proved that you have never taken any kind of collection of as much as a shilling from all the hundreds of Saints that are in Monmouthshire. It was very good for us that you did that: for many that were hateful enemies to us and cruel persecutors, because they had heard the “godly Minister” and that liar asserting it, have become meek and humanitarian men since you proved it all to be untrue; and the public have ever since changed their behavior towards us completely, and many besides the Baptists know who swindles people’s money under the mantle of religion-who takes the shop books from his members-and who was that cruel man who insisted on the shop book of that poor old widow, to take it from her, until she and her little children suffered from want of food because of it! [See the note at the end of this letter.—Ed.] Yes, things are coming to their right order since the truth became evident; and the inventor of the lies, and the shameless abuser, suffers the shame that his villainous works deserve.

I shall note one example to show the tricks of the malicious Baptists in another place, namely Llandovery:—As two of our ministers were preaching there a week ago last Sunday, and hundreds of listeners had gathered, at the start of the sermon some of the crowd began to shout, howl, and bawl almost like wolves, to drown the voice of the preacher; and in the end they pulled the two down from the place where they stood, and trampled them under their feet, and tried to ride them as if they were animals! The preachers had a chance to read their licenses, which gave them the right to protection and defense of the officers of her Majesty to preach, but all was in vain. Two other preachers went there the following Sunday, and received a better hearing than the first that was noted; and the plot had come to the light of day by that time, so that it was understood that the Baptists had hired the rioters to do that. Yes, some of those hired testified that they had received money from the Baptists there to disrupt our worship!! and that the drunkards, and most irreligious of all had been in dread of the oppression and cruelty of these professed religionists. The brethren are determined to go there and to declare their message, despite the devil and all his servants until those honest in heart have been offered the gospel of the Son of God. We have overcome similar obstacles and tales of the Reverends and religionists in Llanelli, Breconshire, and two have been baptized there recently, and hopeful signs that the people will soon see the difference between traditions of men of the age and the gospel of Jesus Christ.

It is with very great pleasure that I inform you of the great goodness of our God towards Brother Edward Roberts, Victoria, who was seriously burned in the coal mine. Almost no one believed it possible for him to get better at first; but he became well through the blessing of God. The doctors came to see him, and said that he could not move from his bed before about four months at least, according to their belief; but the power of God was shown greatly upon him, so that he had got up before the end of a month; and he was walking about with me last Tuesday, and he intends going to the meeting next Sunday! The doctors and many others admit that they had not seen a similar healing ever before. This thing caused some of the enemies of the truth to confess the great power of God towards his children and for others to mock, as in former days. But I, and doubtless all the Saints acknowledge the goodness of God with thankfulness of heart for imparting the great blessing to our beloved brother. His name only will have the glory. Amen.

We are able to inform you of several other examples of the power of God in these districts; but I shall forego at this time, lest this letter be too long. All the Saints and officers in Merthyr are in unity and love. The hall was as full of listeners last Sunday night as usual, and nine were received into the Church here in the first Church meeting after your departure, and hosts more are at the door. May the gracious Lord hasten his work to its end, is the constant prayer of your brother in the gospel of Christ.

Merthyr, May 28th, 1848. WILLIAM PHILLIPS.

[With reference to the man that was mentioned at the beginning of our brother’s letter, I would say that he had verified the old proverb that says “a thief shouts thief first,” without doubt. Yes, and we proved to his face through scores of witnesses that he “is the man” that is guilty of the ills that he accused the innocent of. It was judged that there were over a thousand people there, and he himself was also hearing us disproving all his lies about us and our brethren, one by one, and he dared not open his mouth to defend himself and his accusations, although we called him and challenged him to do so; but in vain we called, for he knew that he uttered lies about us in our absence: and thus, we understand that this malicious man has been spreading his invented slime about us along the road he walked, along Carmarthenshire, &c., trying to upset the new in the faith. His tricks in Kidwelly are remembered, and shame for his disgraceful behavior towards those innocent and defenseless women, yes, remember that the day of reckoning is coming ere long. The venom of asps is on the lips of such, says the holy word; and all feel their poison wherever they go. This man has many brothers that are faithful in spreading lies about us through the country, which is praise to us, and proves the jealousy of the cowards that are not able to face us to prove their lies. We still stand by our challenge.—ED.]

Questions, and Their Answers

MR. ED.,—What does Paul suggest in Rom. xvi, 25, by the words, “The revelation of the mystery which was kept secret since the world began,” &c. An early answer will satisfy many besides yours,-T. H.

We answer that the elimination of the veil that existed between Jews and Gentiles, which made it possible for the latter to have the gospel, is what Paul had reference to, I believe. Paul boasted that he was the apostle to the Gentiles. Gal. i, 11, 12, 16; ii, 7–9; iii, 14, 26–29. Paul was called by Christ through Ananias to be a “chosen vessel unto me to bear my name before the Gentiles.”

MR. ED.,—What do you understand by that phrase in 1 Cor. iv, 9. namely, “Apostles last?” Our sectarian neighbors try to prove from this verse that no other apostles were to be in the church after those twelve.—J. B.

We answer that this verse proves exactly the opposite to us. There are in the phrase but two words, and the latter of the two proves itself to be either an idle word, or else it proves that there are two classes of apostles, namely the earliest ones, and the last ones; and if two classes, why not more? It would be just as fitting for your sectarian neighbors to claim that there will never be any men after them, because they are last men, as to claim that for the apostles. If they have no better basis than that to prove their point, it will never be proved. That is like stating that the days of Paul were the last days, because he says in Heb. i, 2, “These last days.” At the same time the apostle uses the last word “these” as if purposely to prove the opposite: thus he does in the above. For more on this, consult the Treasury, under the heading Apostles, where it is seen that there were scores of apostles in the church. To deny apostles is to deny apostleship, without which it is impossible to be the church of God.

Invitation to God

GOD is calling now,

Oh listen;

He offers great gifts,

Oh listen;

Although disobedient to God,

You have forgiveness through baptism,

And the right to religious privileges,

Oh listen.

God is calling now,

Why do you not come?

He offers great gifts,

Why do you not come?

You will have clarification of the spirit,

Together with his wondrous gifts,

To guide you towards life,

Oh listen.

The Baptists Baptize “Satanists and Demons”

WE do not understand the difference between satanists and demons; but perhaps the Baptists understand the difference, for these are the noble names that those devout religionists give to their fellowmen, namely the Saints! These are the respectful names they proclaim from their pulpits for their religious neighbors! These are the names given to a denomination of religious people, through the columns of the publications that they claim teach the age in morality, and guide them to the Christian humility, love, and meekness of the gentle Jesus, “who, when he was reviled, reviled not again.” The pious minister-the respected and charitable evangelist-that meek servant of God who preaches the gospel of peace of the Baptists in Dowlais, teaching the children of his God to shout “Satanists and demons” after their neighbors along the streets; yes, after men who were formed in the pure image of God, and who possess immortal souls—loving fathers and mothers, and dear children-who were members of the same “church of God” as they—and who fed him and his family in splendor, &c., from their great need! But after it all, the most suitable names for them now, says he, when they give him no more, rather they embrace the true gospel of Christ, is “Satanists and demons!” And the learned Editors of the Baptist, the Apostolic Witness, the Star of Gomer, &c., are surely of the same mind as he before they would publish his epistles which label believers thus; for “he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds.”

He wrote a lengthy epistle to the Apostolic Witness, to prove that “Satanists and demons” are the most appropriate names for his neighbors; and he urges the people of the North to revile them in this manner also! Is this what preaching the gospel is to the Baptists? Well, he is considered a minister of the gospel, and anyone who can believe that “Satanists and demons” are the most appropriate names for men who believe in Christ according to the scriptures, and who worship God in conscience, can believe also something so incredible as this man being a minister of the gentle Jesus, although that is contrary to every fact. Is it possible that the worst of men, while in the flesh, deserve to be characterized as “Satanists and demons?” No, says every man who possess any reason; and the testimony of every reasonable man about this proves at once that even the respected Ministers, the devout Editors, and those godly and zealous religionists who call the Saints “Satanists and demons,” are revilers of the worst kind, whom the scriptures say shall not inherit the kingdom of God. Well, where will these revilers go, poor things? We do not judge anyone; but let their own works testify, by comparing them with the word of God, who is likely to keep company with “Satanists and demons,” unless they repent.

But an even greater surprise is the readiness of the Baptists, and their great eagerness, to baptize those whom they would call “Satanists and demons!” Yes, they strive in every way, by saying puffed-up words of futility, and the appearance of humility in religious will, to entice back the occasional weak woman who is new in the faith, who had escaped once from their heresies to the way of truth; and at last the Baptist screams through its screeching trumpet the victorious news that two women who had been with the Saints have been baptized by the Baptists in Llwyni, namely two she-Satanists or she-demons, of course! Good gracious! here are the Baptists baptizing “Satanists and demons,” namely those whom they themselves call such!

Let the world be amazed! behold two of the Saints turning back to the husks of the revilers, and the revilers suppose that that is a sign that all the Saints will soon turn back to them, and that the victory from their side is sure; when, from the other side, hundreds of the Baptists have come to the church of the Saints—many hundreds in all—with more coming every month, and other hosts of them who believe the gospel the “Satanists” preach, and will soon be “Satanists” just as bad as are their brothers and sisters who went before them; and in spite of it all, the “Satanists” are dying out, and disappearing, say the Baptists, and have received the homestroke, and just a few are joining them, and many are leaving them, &c. Well, one can see that it is the Baptists, and not the Saints, who are professing such miracles as these.

Baptizing “Satanist and demons” is another miracle, and a totally new one, we would suppose; but remember that it is the Baptists who are claiming the praise for this miracle also! Our Bible teaches us that the demons are kept bound until the judgment of the great day; but the Baptists say they are not-that that is a lie-that the “Satanists and demons” are free now, and have become flesh—that they have been members with them, deacons, and preachers of the gospel to them for years, and all the time they did not know that it was “Satanists and demons” who were sitting at the table of the Lord with them, who were praying together with them, and who loved them; but now they know they were “Satanists and demons” all along. Good gracious, they say, “perhaps more of us are the same species; and perhaps we ourselves are such.” We answer that they will be called such as soon as they obey the gospel of the Son of God, and the Reverends of the Baptists will shout “Satanists and demons” after them unless they turn back to them; and if they do, they will baptize “Satanists” a second time, to be sure. Behold a miracle more incredible than one the Saints ever professed, for the gospel the Saints preach does not claim to save “Satanists and demons;” Oh no, the gospel of the Baptists is the one that does that, they say! Well, even the “Satanists” must give up now,—the Baptists are way ahead of them, for they have the most remarkable gospel ever heard of, I imagine! They can preach until they bring “demons” to believe—”Satanists” to repent,—they baptize “Satanists,”—”demons” receive forgiveness for free with the Baptists! yes, they take “Satanists” and “She-satanists” as brothers and sisters in Christ!-they pray for the “demons” to receive the Holy Ghost!-they partake of bread, and they drink of the cup, together with confessed demons in the holy sacrament! Well, this is making the “table of the Lord a table of demons,” is it not? And furthermore, not only do they practice religion together lovingly here, but they pray together to be able to go to the same heaven with Satanists and demons after dying!

Can they deny one word of this? They cannot on their own words; and there is no escape for the Baptists from this severe dilemma except by calling back the bad names they gave to the Saints, and admitting that “Satanists and demons” cannot be appropriate names for them. There is no other way possible for escape. It would be a blow to their arrogance to admit this, for that would be to confess themselves as revilers openly and publicly. Let them choose whatever consequence they wish,—it makes no difference to us which one. If they choose the first, then they will go to their imaginary heaven with “Satanists and demons;” but if they admit the latter, that will be only an admission of what every sensible man knows already, namely that they are revilers. By your fruits will you be judged always.

Now, devout Baptists; now great Reverends and Editors: what will you do, and which will you choose? You have dug this deep ditch for your innocent fellowmen, but behold you yourselves are in it, and your color is very begrimed! You have built this dreadful gallows for the “Satanists and demons,” however, no one but Baptists are seen hanging from it, except for just two small “She-Satanists” or “She-demons,” one on either side of Mr. Davies, I suppose, in praise to him for inventing this noble title. Now you are seen in your own appropriate shapes and colors, until Satan himself will be ashamed to claim you, I suppose.

Baptizing “Satanists and demons,” is it! Good heavens! who knows how long it will be before hell itself becomes all Baptists! To be sure, it is to the Baptists that the “secret” of salvation of demons has been revealed. Who preaches to the spirits in prison? Do the Baptists baptize for the dead? or are all the Satanists and demons permitted to come to this earth through them? If so, we expect that the depths of the court below will be empty shortly; either all its tenants will have become Baptists, or vice versa, who knows which one! But we are sorry to report that the Editor of the Baptist is off-ox with his mind warped as usual; he is not baptizing “Satanists and demons” with the strength of his arm, I think, rather by what he says; but his plan is to baptize the insane of the madhouses first, before beginning on the bottomless madhouses. He is not nearly as merciful to the Satanists, poor things, as are his brethren; and his brother from Dowlais, and the other from Felinfoel, hesitate as to whether to the madhouses, or to the demons, they will send their missions first. Good gracious, has not this breed of Baptists suddenly become very zealous and fiery. When they fail to get enough men to baptize, they must baptize any that are available, even though they are insane, and “Satanists and demons!” But let us remember the words of Christ, “If they have called the master of the house Beelzebub, how much more shall they call them of his household?”

Letter of President Brigham Young

“Council Bluffs, January 23, 1848.

“IT is anticipated that brother Orson Pratt, and several other elders, will visit Britain toward the beginning of next summer. George A. Smith will stay here to take care of some related matters, and to direct the emigrants who are yet to come here on their way after us. Orson Hyde will also stay here with him.

“Last December, we held a Conference in the biggest house in these environs; but very soon so many Saints gathered from the surrounding areas, that there was not space for them, and it was deemed wisdom to postpone the Conference for three weeks, when a larger house to contain them could be obtained. Following that, on the 24th of the month, we gathered together again in a log chapel which had been built in the meantime, which had space for over a thousand people to sit comfortably, besides a stand at one end measuring twenty feet by ten. This was built in a number of days, although this weather was the coldest of the winter. I reported in the Conference that the Saints had plowed and sowed as many acres here in the year they have been here in the wilderness, as all the Saints would have done in ten years, had they stayed in Missouri, because of the persecutions; and it is abundantly true that we have already raised as abundant a crop here as was done in a year in Illinois. In this Conference the church was organized according to the plan we hinted at in our general epistle, namely under the leadership of a first presidency and a patriarch, and all the Saints could see the necessity of that under the present circumstances, so that everyone without exception rejoiced in the matter; and thus the hands of the “twelve” can be liberated so they can go and build up the kingdom in all the world. Brigham Young was nominated to be the first president of the church; Heber C. Kimball, and Willard Richards, as counselors to him; which was unanimously approved. Father John Smith was nominate to be patriarch of the whole church, in the same capacity as Joseph Smith, Sen., was, and then Hyrum Smith when he was martyred. The Spirit of the Lord at this time rested in an unusually powerful manner on the whole congregation, insomuch that the Saints’ hearts were filled with joy unspeakable. The president said, ‘This is one of the happiest days I have seen in my life: this is the fulfillment of the prophecy of brother Heber yesterday: all the teachings have been remarkably genuine and delicious;—I have never heard better. Is this not the bliss of heaven, and the breezes of blessed Zion, encountered here? Who feels hatred, malice, or evil? If you come to the door under the influence of a bad spirit, it would not come in with you—it could not mingle with the Spirit that is in this place; but the minute you enter, your feelings are as cheerful and loving as the seraphs of paradise. I feel the desire in my heart to praise God. Nothing more has been done today than what I knew would be done when Joseph died. We have been driven here from Nauvoo; but it is evident to me that the hand of the Lord is in it, an in all things, and it will be all right. When we see the result of all we pass through, I expect, in this probationary state, I will discover the guiding hand of God in it all, and I will say Amen. We shall make the upper courts ring with all their songs; but we have much to do before then. I do not expect to go beyond the bounds of the distant expanse where there is no opposition—where there is no devil to contend with. I have no fault to find with the providences of God, and I will not waste my time finding fault with the people. The Lord’s will is my will all the time; and as he dictates, so I will perform. If He does not guide the ship, we shall all go down in the whirlpool. Joseph told the Twelve the year before he died, ‘There is not one key or power to be bestowed on this church, that is necessary to lead it to the heavenly gate, that I have not given you, and that I have not taught you about. You have the perfect pattern, and you can build up the kingdom, and go in at the celestial gate, taking your train with you.’

“We had indeed an excellent time; and on the 16th of January, another meeting was convened by the ‘seventies,’ which they called a Jubilee; but I told them it could not be considered the Jubilee spoken of in the revelations, for all the bands are not broken, and I called it a Jubilo! This meeting continued for four days, to organize emigration matters, councils, &c. The hearts of the Saints were comforted through it all and lifted up above all their sufferings, and we rejoiced in the joy and freedom of the gospel of peace, and I pray that they might be kept above all tribulations, and be comforted, and guided to walk in the middle of the paths of righteousness, to the praise and glory of the name of him who called them from darkness to his wondrous light, so they may fill up the remainder of their days in building up the kingdom of Jesus across the earth.

“We have heard from the valley lately. All are healthy and optimistic, having sowed from two to three hundred acres of winter wheat, and there are plenty of provisions in the valley.

“The Saints here are enjoying much better health than ever in Nauvoo. The majority of the brethren are fixing up their wagons, &c., to start along in the Spring towards Salt Lake.”—From the Millennial Star.

Travel Account of the Mormon Journey From Council Bluffs to California

[Quoted from the letter of Thomas Bullock.]

“Council Bluffs, January 4th, 1848.

“IN a previous letter I made a faint description of the persecutions of the Saints at Nauvoo, the burning of their houses and their possessions, the beatings, and the cruel and needless exile they suffered, &c., how they were fed miraculously with quails, together with their progress on their journey from there to here, &c.; but now I shall begin an account of our journey from here towards the Rocky Mountains. I started, with eight of the twelve apostles, together with one hundred and forty-three other persons, to search out an advantageous spot to be able to worship God according to our conscience, where we could rest from persecution, violence, and the cruelties we suffered for so long because of the word of God and the testimony of Jesus—where we could build houses, and inhabit them, and plant fruit trees, and eat the fruit thereof, with none to hurt or to make afraid. We camped on the bank of the Elk Horn river, until all were ready to begin; then we traveled on the north side of the splendid river called the Platte. We crossed several small streams before arriving at the Loup Fork, which is the most difficult stream of all to cross, because of the quicksand in it. But by the blessing of the God, we got all through in safety, together with our provisions; then we crossed over a ridge, and we came to the head of Grand Island, where on the 30th of April, we could see the first Buffalo: and this was a day long to be remembered, for having seen the first Buffalo hunt. Several of the brethren rode their horses after them. They went in pursuit of one band of about sixty-five for several miles; and from the camp we had a full view of their campaign along the mountain side, until they were enveloped with a cloud of dust raised by the feet of the horses and the Buffalo, and they did not return until they brought back the spoil of eleven bulls, cows, and calves. Our camp looked now like a large butcher’s market. They way we preserved the meat was by drying it.

“May the 4th we traveled five wagons abreast in a defensive position, for we had been informed of a large war party of Indians ahead of us. We had a cannon, which we fired several times to frighten the Indians, which had the desired effect, and we went on our way in peace. We held a meeting of gratitude to God for protecting us. Next morning, we saw several thousands of Buffalo, besides many Antelope, Elk, &c. Within a few days afterwards, we saw the face of the land covered with Buffalo for several miles. I think I saw something like one or two hundred thousand of these animals in one day. They were so numerous on the other side of the mountains, that our camp had to wait three times until the droves of them went round us. Several of them turned back and looked at the scene, as if they were amazed at the sight of our camp. We caught several calves alive: but remember that catching one of these calves, and catching one of your domesticated calves, are two different things. They are as swift as swift horses; and despite the ugliness of the gallop of these creatures, they get over the ground with such speed, that they leave the swift rider to admire them in the distance; and if he gets within shooting distance, he should be thankful if they do not cause him to kiss mother earth.

“We arrived at Fort John (Laramie) on June 1st. Here our journey commenced over hills and mountains, along which plenty of timber is available for firewood, which is chiefly pine; but in the lower land, the kinds of trees are chiefly cottonwood. Afterwards there is before us a journey of five hundred miles, through plains of bushes called sage, which grow from six inches to ten feet high, and which do not permit much grass to grow in their midst. About four miles to the east of Independence Rock, there is a lake of Saleratus, of which I would advise you to gather one or two hundred pounds’ weight for family use, for this is what you will use from now on in place of leaven in your bread; and there is soda also in the same lake, which would be very useful to wash clothes. Be sure to remember this.

“The rocks now are bold and high, the roads very sandy, and the sage bushes are more plentiful; yet you will be rejoicing that every day brings you nearer home. There is nothing unusual in the South Pass, by which you will know you are in it, except this, namely that the water runs the opposite direction, that is to the west. From this point you will have several heavy days’ drive, without seeing much water, except in those places in which you camp overnight. After passing Fort Bridger, you can camp comfortably wherever you have a mind to. The grass out here will sustain your animals practically any time in the year; and when the muskeet grass is dry, it answers for corn, hay, and grass for your animals. The mountains between Fort Bridger and the valley are very high, and the road winds through the valleys between them, some of which are very narrow-in some places not more than ten yards wide, and the rocks are steep on either side, sometimes about a mile high. The elevation of the highest mountain ridge we have to cross over on the entire journey is about 7300 feet above sea level. From this ridge you will see the Twin peaks, which are covered with eternal snow. The slopes of these two mountains reach to the valley; and when you see them, you will shout out, ‘I shall soon be home now.’ There is no fear of losing the way between the mountains. After crossing a small creek twenty-one times in about five miles, and between mountains near a mile high, and after coming round a high knoll and making a sudden bend in the road, you come at once in full view of the “Salt Lake,” together with a beautiful valley about twenty miles wide, and thirty miles long; and even though there is very little timber to be seen, you will be sure to say, “Thank God, I am home at last.” On this spot that I am now talking to you about, our procession arrived on Thursday afternoon, the 23rd of July. The next morning we removed to the place where the city will be built; at noon we consecrated the place to the name of the Lord God of Israel; and before evening four ploughs were tearing up the face of the ground. The next day we had planted five acres of potatoes, and irrigated all the land. Sunday was a day of rest-a day of rejoicing before the Lord, and he poured out his Spirit on us, and peace dwelt in the “valley of the mountains.” The first Sabbath that was kept in the valley where a city is to be built unto the Lord, will be preserved in eternal remembrance by those few brethren who first sang there, ‘Hosanna to God and to the Lamb.’

“During the space of a month and three days after arriving there, we had planted and sown eighty-four acres of potatoes, Indian corn, beans, buckwheat, turnips, and some garden vegetables. We surveyed the city, and laid out its streets to run from east to west, and from south to north, which will make a block between them containing ten acres; these will then be divided into eight lots of one-and-a-quarter acres, for building a house on each one. The width of the streets is about forty-three yards, with twenty miles of width on each side for sidewalks, to be ornamented with shade trees. Then the houses will be built twenty feet back of that, with flower gardens in the front, &c. One block is reserved for the building of a temple, and two more blocks for the building of public buildings on them. Fountains of pure water run through each square, and it is intended to adorn them with all kinds of trees and flowers, &c. One thing here that will greatly attract the attention of you Englishmen [and the Welsh also], is that you do not have to purchase land here, and there will be no need of clever lawyers to write out deeds, &c., or stamps, or parchments. At last we have gotten hold of some beautiful land, where we can have their fill of the most fruitful land under the sun, as much as we can take care of, free without money and without value, until it comes to the open market, and then it will cost about a crown an acre. My inheritance is on the second block, near the temple, so you know where you can find me. We also built during the aforementioned time twenty-seven log houses, and a large part of a line of houses around ten acres of land, which will contain a comfortable place for over one hundred and sixty families, until they can build houses on their own inheritances. We also made one hundred and twenty-five bushels of salt. Four barrels of water from the salt lake will make one barrel of the most beautiful salt. The water is so strong that I can swim in it very easily, although I cannot swim at all in fresh water. It is a wonderful place to bathe; and there is a warm stream that boils out of the earth about half a mile to the north of the city, and everyone who has bathed in it, until now, has been healed, whatever his illness. Frequently eight or nine persons are seen in it at the same time. Everyone who has been in it wants to go there again; the temperature of the water is 109 degrees Fahrenheit, and it has much sulphur in it. Two miles further to the north, there is a larger and hotter spring, 126 degrees. The water rushes out of a large rock, and I could not, because of the heat, hold my fingers in it while I counted to eleven. There are all together over fifty such springs, varying with respect to the nature of their waters, within an area of three miles in diameter, some of them powerful enough to turn mills or large machines. Like the “pool of Siloam” of old, these fountains heal all the sick, whatever their affliction. The climate is unusually temperate and healthful, in the enjoyment of which, together with the fountains, &c., we can truly say, that we have found a healthful and paradisiacal country. Oh, what a great blessing it is to those who are afflicted with rheumatism, cramps, scurvy, and every kind of disease: I believe that every kind will be healed here. In the month of October there were over three thousand souls in the valley! Shout and sound your trumpets, you sons of Zion, far and wide; come ye emigrants, ye poor afflicted children of Zion, from the corners of the earth; come, and worship the Lord God of Israel, that your days and your years will be many and happy, however many he gives you in this beautiful, fruitful, healthful, and peaceful paradise.

“Encourage everyone to bring all kinds of seeds, seedlings, &c., that will be useful, or beautiful, with them.

“Your brother in the gospel of Christ,


We earnestly expect that each Distributor will have prepared to settle all the book accounts without fail, by the next Conference, so that our purposes will not be frustrated.


Books for Sale.

WE have just received nearly one hundred volumes of “Capt. Jones on Mormonism in 1847,” from the Binder, bound very nicely, fine, and cheap, for different prices as before. We hope the Saints will strive to own at least one volume of these in every family before it is too late. The volumes for 1846 have already all been sold, with a great call for more, but they are not to be had.

Glamorgan Conference

Will be held in Merthyr, Sunday, July 16th, and we wish for all the presidents pertaining to it, and as many of the others who are able, to come there to represent their different branches, and the condition of the kingdom in their midst. Also,

A Tea Party of the Missionary Society

Will be held the following Monday, the 17th, in the Cymreigyddion Hall, Merthyr, tickets one shilling each, available from the various presidents throughout all the branches. We hope to see a suitable and general effort towards this blessed Society, and let the Saints strive to sell tickets to others, for the call for missionaries is increasing in practically every corner of our country, and our efforts with this Society ought to be increasing proportionately, until our fellowmen throughout the North, and other places, have embraced the truth, so they can sustain their own causes. We hope that our zealous and faithful sisters will not be one whit behind their excellent readiness and faithfulness of last year, which will not be forgotten.