A number of individuals have contributed to this volume, and I gratefully acknowledge their multiple contributions. I am thankful to personnel at Brigham Young University’s Religious Studies Center, under the direction and leadership of Professor Scott C. Esplin, publications director, for their professionalism and expert help on different levels. I acknowledge the work of Brent R. Nordgren, production supervisor; Emily V. Strong, graphic designer; and Julie A. Newman, editorial intern, each of whom added value to this volume. I am especially thankful to Don L. Brugger, managing editor of the RSC, for his careful work in editing this volume, paragraph by paragraph, and for making numerous improvements to the manuscript. I thank Dr. Monte Shelley, from BYU’s WordCruncher team (, for conducting computerized studies in order to locate multiple examples of several categories of Hebraisms. I deeply appreciate the scholars who peer-reviewed my manuscript and added many helpful comments and suggestions.
I acknowledge the professional efforts of my brother Jay A. Parry, who carefully read an early draft of the manuscript and who provided me with encouragement and support. Together Jay and I have taught Hebraisms in the Book of Mormon to many BYU Campus Education Week audiences; such teaching experiences have convinced me of the importance of the topic and its great interest for members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Lastly and most importantly, I express gratitude to my ever-patient wife, Camille, who has supported my academic efforts over several decades of marriage. Any of my accomplishments pale into insignificance when compared to her ability to demonstrate Christlike love to God’s children, whether in our own community or in faraway places.
Notwithstanding those who have provided multiple improvements to the manuscript, I alone am responsible for the content of this volume.