
Abraham, 294–95

active biological/gender complementarity law, 292–93

Adam and Eve

creation of, 195n30

marriage of

and covenants in ancient Near East, 111–12

covenant-making patterns and, 112–23

key elements of, 107–8

Latter-day Saint insights into, 123–24

referenced in Ezekiel, 129–30n64

priesthood ordination and, 294–95, 304n45

tree of life and, 207–8

as types of Christ and church, 184–85, 195n31

veil of mortality and, 175–76

affirmation, in covenant making, 119–22

Al-Amarna, 73–76


in Amarna-period diplomacy, 73–76

hospitality and, 242

Amenemhat, 86

America’s Witness for Christ. See Hill Cumorah Pageant

ancient Near East

covenants in, 111–12, 125–26n20

hospitality in, 269n4

angels, 185–86, 197nn43,44

Antioch, 244–45

apostasy, 303n33

ascension, Gnostic idea of, 209–10

Ashurnasirpal II, 71–72

Atonement, 175

authority. See also priesthood authority

ritual and, 4–5

of women, 185–86


Book of Mormon and, 163–66, 172n42

for health, 324

by immersion, 155–57

individual or dual participation in, 157–59

as initiatory act, 171n33

Japanese Saint on, 58

meaning in ritual and, 22, 24

and miqvaot at Masada and Qumran, 153–55

purposes of, 159–63

Resurrection and, 208

as sacrifice, 219

similarity of, to everyday acts, 27

Barnabas, 244–45

beliefs, ritual and, 40–41

blessings. See also healing

in covenant making, 117–18

reception of missionaries and, 248–49

repetition of healing, 328–29

Boaz, 134–37, 139, 143, 149n57


of Christ, 305n55

Confucian notion of, 377–78

laws of mortal, 291–93

Latter-day Saint conception of, 375–77, 389

li and, 381–83

and Mormon theory of ritualization, 385–87

priesthood ordination and renewal of, 296

theodicy and, 289

Book of Mormon

baptism and, 163–66, 172n42

hospitality in, 269–70n5

Book of the Dead, 88–89

botanic medicine, 312–13

boundary work, ritual as, 41–42, 60–61

bridal chamber

Holy of Holies as, 215

as shrine of sacrifice, 220

temple and, 209–10, 211

Valentinian, 202–3

British folk healing, 315–17

buna coffee ceremony

children and, 420n26

process for, 398–401, 417nn14,16

Relief Society and, 408–14

as respite, 402–3, 421n28

as ritual, 397–98

significance of, 396, 401–2

socialization in, 403–6, 422–23n37

Word of Wisdom and, 407–8

Burnaburiash II, 74, 75–76

burping, in Mayan ritual, 17

butsudan, 54–55

“Called to Serve,” 369–70

canes, wooden, 316–17

cardinal directions, 208–9

Carnival, 22–24

Catholic Church

Latter-day Saint Church and, 2, 8n5

Protestant Reformation and, 3, 10n13

rites of, 10n12

rituals in, 15–16

veil and, 177

cessationism, 310, 311

chain of being, 290

chain of belonging, 290–91


bearing, 175–76, 190n8

buna coffee ceremony and, 404–5, 420n26

chrism, 211

Church history, 82n38, 357–59

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, The

annual pageants of, 349–52

association of Catholic Church and, 8n5

conversion to, 407–8, 415n2

culture and community of, 352–54

in Ethiopia, 396–97

feasting and, 76–79

Japanese ritual and, 52–59

perception of ritual and, 1–6

priesthood ordination and, 297

ritual power and, 387–88

rituals in, 48–59

Clarkston Pageant, 349

cleanliness, 167–68n7


meaning in ritual and, 27

shaking, 256, 279–80n41,43

veil as, 176–77

coffee. See also buna coffee ceremony

discovery of, 417n10

effects of, 401

significance of, 397–98

Coffin Texts, 89–92

collectivity, 39–40, 44–46

commensality. See feasting

communication, rituals as, 42–44

communitas, 41–42, 50, 351–52

community, pageants and culture and, 352–54, 366, 371–72

Confucianism. See also li

body in, 381–83

notion of self in, 377–78

ritual reenactment in, 383–85

consecrated oil

ingestion of, 341n85

introduction of, 313

use of, 318–21, 323–24, 326–29, 340n78, 342n95

continuity, in rituals, 235–36


buna coffee ceremony and, 407–8

cosmic mountain, 205–6

cosmogonic myth, 212–13


in ancient Near East, 111–12, 125–26n20

baptism as, 165–66

ceremony of shoe and, 142–43

marriage of Adam and Eve as, 108–11

in Old Testament, 128n42

patterns of making, 112–23


of Adam and Eve, 114–15

in Gospel of Philip, 212–13

Paul and, 181

of spirits, 193n24

veil and, 175–76, 183–84

of women, 195n30

culture, pageants and community and, 352–54


in covenant making, 117–18

defined, 277n32

dusting feet and, 246–47

dancing, 282n53, 364–65

David, 270–71n8

dead. See also Book of the Dead

feeding, 80n13

letters to, 87–88

redemption of, 224n20

responsibility to Egyptian, 84

temple associated with realm of, 215–16

temple work for, 58–59

demonic possession, 314–15

descriptive texts, regarding dusting feet, 244–45, 257–58

diplomacy, Amarna, 73–76

discipleship, 239–42, 253, 278n37

divorce, 189n2

Djau, tomb of, 84

doctrinal mode of religiosity, 30

Doctrine and Covenants, dusting feet in, 245–54, 257

Dogon rituals, 24, 25–26, 29

Early Dynastic period, feasting in, 70–72

earthquake, 285n69

efficacy, pageants and, 349, 366–70

effigy, 357

Egyptian beliefs regarding eternal family

Book of the Dead and, 88–89

Coffin Texts and, 89–92

hieroglyphic texts and, 92–103

inscriptions, statues, and tomb paintings and, 84–87

letters to dead and, 87–88

significance of, 83–84

Eliezer, Rabbi, 195n33

Elimelech, 139–40


pageants and, 356–57

ritual and, 44–45

endowment, 32–33, 36n25, 197n44, 314

eternal family, in Egyptian beliefs. See Egyptian beliefs regarding eternal family

eternal marriage, 186–87


Church in, 396–97

discrimination against women in, 402

mourning in, 404, 408

ethnicity, 364–66, 371

Eucharist, 72, 77–78, 211, 217–18

everyday acts, rituals’ similarity to, 18, 26–28

evil, 288–89

exaltation, 11n19

exorcism, 314–15

exoticism, 363–66

faith, in healing, 329–30, 341n87

Faith in Every Footstep pageant. See Sesquicentennial Spectacular (1997)

family, in Egyptian beliefs. See Egyptian beliefs regarding eternal family

family rituals, 53, 78

feasting, 27, 70–79

feet, dusting

authority for, 284n66

in Doctrine and Covenants, 245–54, 257

history and necessity of, 266–68

John Taylor on, 283n58

Joseph Fielding Smith on, 283n61

in letter to elders, 254–57

in New Testament, 236–45

in nineteenth and twentieth centuries, 260–63, 285n69

nineteenth-century performances of, 257–60, 281n51, 282n53, 285–86n70

rejection of hospitality and, 274nn20,21, 276n27

S. Dilworth Young on, 283n59

twentieth-century discussions on, 264–66

five mysteries, 201–2

Flake, Kathleen, 49

Flake, Oz, 281n51

folk healing traditions, 315–17

food. See also feasting; sacred meals

meaning and symbolism of, 69–70

pioneer, 79

sacred meals, 217–18

forgetfulness, veil of, 176

funerals, 71, 72–73. See also mourning

funerary statues, Egyptian, 84–86

Garden of Eden, 316

genealogy, 294–95

generations, turnover of, 292–93

gifts, diplomacy and, 74, 75–76

Gilgamesh, 230n85

glossolalia, 44

Gnosticism, 199–200, 209–10. See also Valentinians


becoming like, 381

purposes of, 123

will of, 329–30

godliness, 4–5, 11n18

Gomorrah, 244, 249

good Samaritan, 309–10

Gospel of Philip

coherence of, 200–203

discovery of, 199–200

and Lundquist’s typology of temple, 205–20

purpose and use of, 221–22

ritual and, 203–5

sacraments in, 225–26nn30,33, 227–28n59

Grant, Heber J., 325–26

Greeley, Andrew, 64n40

Greenberg, Moshe, 110

Hall, James, 322

Hancock, Mosiah, healing of mother of, 318

hands, laying on of, 298–300


change in, culture, 309–10, 330–31

consecrated oil and, 340n78, 341n85, 342n95

faith in, 341n87

during Joseph Smith’s lifetime, 310–15

liturgical reform and, 325–30

in twentieth century, 321–25

in Utah, 315–21

women and, 340n80

heathen, 249, 277n34

Herod’s temple, 174

hieros gamos, 213–15

Hill Cumorah Pageant, 348, 349

hillock, primordial, 206–7

historical prologue, in covenant making, 113–16

Holy Ghost, 164, 356–57

Holy of Holies, 174, 202–3, 209, 215, 218

home. See also Egyptian beliefs regarding eternal family

bodily performance and, 386

family rituals in, 53


in ancient Middle East, 268–69n3

in ancient Near East, 269n4

in Book of Mormon, 269–70n5

and commandment to love one another, 273n16

discipleship and, 239–42

dusting feet and, 242–45, 248, 252–53, 259–60

given to John Murdock, 258

Jesus Christ and, 271–72nn10,14, 273n17

Lot and, 275n24

in Old Testament, 238–39, 270–71n8

reciprocity and, 271n9

rejection of, 274nn20,21, 276n27

sacrament and, 274–75n22

washing and, 270n6

in Western world, 246

human sacrifice, 8n3

hylic, 210

imagistic mode of religiosity, 29–32

immersion, 155–57, 159–66

Inanna, 213

individualism, 388–89

inhospitality, 242–45, 276n27

initiatory act, baptism as, 161–63, 165, 171n33

interactional narratives, 46

inventing tradition, 363–66

Iroquois ritual, 17

Islamic women, 177

Japanese ritual, 52–59

Jerusalem temple, 202–3, 205–6, 211

Jesus Christ

Adam as type of, 184–85, 195n31

body of, 305n55

creation and, 181

hospitality and, 239–42, 271–72nn10,14, 273n17

mountains and, 205–6

priesthood ordination and, 295–96

rent temple veil and, 174–75

Jesus the Christ (Talmage), 262–63

John the Baptist, 156, 158, 160–61, 163

journey, 27–28

joy, feasting and, 75

jubilee (1849), 346–47

kamidana, 54–55

king of Tyre, 129–30n64

Kirtland School of the Prophets, 78

kispu, 80n13

Kitchell, Ashbel, 279–80n43


acquisition of, 218, 222

ritual and, 5

Last Supper, foot-washing at, 240–41

laying on of hands, 298–300

Lee, John D., 316

letters, to dead, 87–88

levirate marriage, 133–37, 140, 143–44


body and, 381–83, 389

as Mormon theory of ritualization, 385–87

as ritual, 378–81

and ritual reenactment, 383–85

Light of the World pageant, 350

liminality, 346

liturgy, as ritual, 15–16

Living Legends, 364

Lord’s Supper. See Eucharist

Lot, 239, 275n24

love, commandment concerning, 273n16

Luther, Martin, 3

marriage. See also marriage of Adam and Eve; wedding ritual(s)

childbearing and, 190n8

commandment concerning, 196n38

as covenant, 123–24

divorce and, 189n2

eternal, 186–87

Hebrew, 127n29

hieros gamos, 213–15

levirate, 133–37, 140, 143–44

unity in, 187–88

Martin Harris: The Man Who Knew, 349

Martin’s Cove, 28

Masada, 153–55

Masonry, 36n23

maximal rituals, 28–30

Mayan ritual, 17

McLellin, William E., 258, 310–11

meaning, in ritual, 18–26, 32–33

medical advances, 321, 323–24

Memisabu , 86


as husbands and fathers, 196n39

interdependence of women and, 187

social status of, 198n50

veiled during prayer, 182, 183

Mencius, 382

Mesopotamia, feasting in, 70–72

messengers, in Amarna-period diplomacy, 73–76

metacommentary, 22–24

midwifery, 317

mind, body and, 383–84

minimal rituals, 28

miqvaot, 153–55, 166–67n4

missionary work, 51–52, 278n39, 366–70. See also feet, dusting

modes of religiosity, 29–32

modesty, veil and, 177

Moroni, 1

mortality, veil of, 175–76

motherhood, 175–76

mountain, cosmic, 205–6

mourning, 404, 408

mysteries, five, 201–2

narrative, ritual as, 45–46

Nauvoo Pageant, 367

Near East, ancient

covenants in, 111–12, 125–26n20

hospitality in, 269n4

New Testament

dusting feet in, 236–45, 246, 247–48, 251

feasting in, 77

nuns, 177


covenants and, 112

treaty, 279n41

Obed, 136


of Adam and Eve, 121

covenant making and, 116–17, 118

Old Testament

baptism in, 155, 157–60

covenants in, 111–12, 128n42

family in, 83–84

feasting in, 72–73

hospitality in, 238–39, 270–71n8

mistreatment of women in, 270n7

oral tradition, in temple ritual, 49


covenants and, 123–24

defined, 8n4

godliness and, 4–5

instructions concerning, 340n76

practiced in primitive church, 192n20, 193n21

priesthood and, 193–94n24

as ritual, 16

types of, 282–83n57

veils and, 179–80

ordination. See priesthood ordination


annual Latter-day Saint, 349–52

community and culture and, 352–54

Faith in Every Footstep pageant, 343–45, 354–70

global and local elements of, 370–72

as ritual and theater, 346–49

spiritual events and, 345–46

paradoseis, 179–80

paradox of ritual, 17–26

Passover, 72

Paul, 178–88, 192n17, 244–45

pentecostal events, 351–52


baptism as, 58

bearing testimonies as, 50–51

Bennett on frames of, 354

effigy and, 357

rituals as, 42–44

transportation and transformation and, 373n19

performance studies, 346


dusting feet and, 261, 267

temple ordinances as cause of, 3

Peter, 240

pilgrimage, 27–28

pioneer food, 79

pioneers, ritual reenactment and, 384–85. See also Sesquicentennial Spectacular (1997)

Pleroma, 201–2, 209, 210–11

plural marriage, 41, 306n58

polygamy, 41, 306n58

Poor Man of Nippur, 72

possession, demonic, 314–15

power, ritual, 387–89


instructions concerning, 340n76

priesthood veil and, 177–79

women veiled during, 179–88

prayer shawls, 176–77, 191nn10-12

prescriptive texts, 275–76n25

priesthood authority

baptism and, 24, 159

doctrinal mode of religiosity and, 30

dusting feet and, 263

godliness and, 4–5

for healing, 322

ordinances and, 193–94n24

ritual power and, 387–89

subjection to, 305n57

priesthood ordination

of Adam, 304n45

apostasy and, 303n33

belonging and, 288–91, 301

Christological chain and, 295–96

genealogical chain and, 294–95

institutional chain and, 297

Joseph Smith and, 287–88

and laws of mortal body, 291–93

laying on of hands and, 298–300

priesthood veil, 177–79, 185–86

primordial hillock, 206–7

progress, 380–81

property, shoes and transfer of, 137–43, 146–47nn28,33

prophecy, women veiled during, 179–88

Protestant healing, 322

Protestant Reformation, 3–4, 9–10n11, 10n13

purification, 160, 162–64, 167–68n7

purposes of God, 123

Qumran, 153–55, 160, 161

reciprocity, 239, 244, 269n4, 271n9

recognition, of rituals, 17–18


of dead, 224n20

in Gospel of Philip, 202–3, 215–16

Irenaeus on, 224n21

in Mormonism, 288

reenactment, ritual, 383–85

rejoicing, feasting and, 75

Relief Society, 408–14, 424–25nn44,47,49

religion and religiosity

Durkheim’s studies on, 39–40

modes of, 29–32

remembering, 45–46

repentance, 160–61, 164


baptism and, 208

in Gospel of Philip, 215–16

priesthood keys and, 293

revelation, 5, 205–6, 228n63

ritual authority, 387–89

ritual power, 387–89


change in, 235–36

defined, 18

godliness and, 4–5

paradox of, 17–26

perception of, 1–4, 9n8, 10–11n15

Protestant Reformation and, 9–10n11

revelation and, 5–6

signification of, 26–29

socialization and, 423–24n43

study of, 37–48, 59–60

tension between new and old, 395–96

theater and, 346–49, 351

types of, 276n26

as universal and specific, 15–17

Ruth, 134–37, 139–40, 143–44

sacrament(s). See also Eucharist

Christian commensality and, 77–78

in Gospel of Philip, 225–26nn30,33, 227–28n59

hospitality and, 274–75n22

as ritual, 15–16

similarity of, to everyday acts, 26

sacred, pivoting of, 385–86

sacred meals, 217–18

sacred space

in covenant making, 122–23

in Gospel of Philip, 208–10

to Jews, 190n4

shoes and, 133, 140–41

sacred things and activities, 39–40


in Gospel of Philip, 218–20

human, as temple ordinance, 8n3

similarity of, to everyday acts, 26

Salim, 156

Sargon of Akkad, 71

School of the Prophets, 78

scriptures, 16

sealing, 186–87, 246

secrecy, of temple and rituals, 220

self, 291, 303n25, 375–78

SER (spontaneous exegetic reflection), 25–26

seriality, 60

Sesquicentennial Spectacular (1997)

common history and, 350

efficacy and entertainment elements of, 366–70

global and local elements of, 361–66, 370–72

spiritual and secular elements of, 355–61

transmission and scope of, 343–45

sex and sexuality

among youth, 423–24n43

Hutch on, 292–93

as ratification of marriage covenant, 119–21

shi, 378


levirate marriage and, 133–37

slavery and, 149–50n60

symbolism of, 137, 148n50

temple covenants and, 142–43, 148n54, 149n59

and transfer of property, 137–41, 146–47nn28,33

silence, ritual embodied in, 29–34

slavery, 149–50n60, 196n39

Smith, Joseph

dusting feet and, 254–57

healing and, 310–15

priesthood ordination and, 287–88, 289–91

sacrament and, 78

temples and, 228n63

Smith, Joseph F., 306n58, 322–23, 324–25

Smith, Joseph Fielding, 264, 376

Smith, Lucy Mack, 285–86n70

Smith, Samuel, 285–86n70

social activities, religious ritual and, 47–48

social control, ritual power and, 387–89

societas, 41

Sodom and Gomorrah, 244, 249, 275n23

Sophia, 212

soul, 230n86

speaking in tongues, 44

spirits, 193n24

spitting, levirate marriage and, 135

spontaneous communitas, 351–52

spontaneous exegetic reflection, 25–26

spontaneity, 43, 44

statues, Egyptian, 84–86

stipulations, in covenant making, 116–17

stories, 291–92

study of ritual, 37–48

swearing, covenants and, 112

tallit, 176–77, 191nn10-12

Talmage, James E., 262–63

temple ordinances

bodily performance and, 386

ceremony of shoe and, 142–43, 148n54, 149n59

identity effects of, 65n46

imagistic mode of religiosity and, 32–33

Japanese Saints and, 58–59

as maximal rituals, 28–29

misconceptions concerning, 8n3

persecution and, 3

as ritual, 48–50

ritual reenactment and, 384

sacredness of, 64–65n44

sealing, 186–87

understanding of, 25


consecration of oil and, 319–20

healing and, 313–15, 320–21, 325–26

Lundquist’s typology of, 203–20, 226n43

patterns for, 228n63

Valentinians and, 221

temple text

Gospel of Philip as, 201–3

purpose of, 222

temple veils, 174–75, 189–90n3, 210

ten degrees of holiness, 190n4

testimonies and testimony meetings, 46, 50–51

theater, 346–49, 351

theodicy, belonging and, 288–91

thirdspace, 420n25

Thomsonianism, 312–13

ti, 381–82

title, following priesthood ordination, 299

tobacco ritual, 17

tomb paintings and inscriptions, Egyptian, 84–87

tongues, speaking in, 44

touch, 298–99, 307n68


inventing, 363–66

Japanese, 52–59

meaning and change in, 25

tension between new and old, 395–96

treaty oaths and curses, 279n41

tree of life, 207–8

Trinity, 194n28

truth, 289

turnover of generations, 292–93

Tushratta of Mitanni, 73, 75

Tyre, king of, 129–30n64

tzitzit, 176

unreal ritual texts, 285n68

Uruk Vase, 213

Utah, 353–54


Gospel of Philip and, 201–2

hylic and, 210

mission of, 200

resurrection and, 216

sacraments of, 227–28n59

sacred meals and, 217

sacrifice and, 219–20

temples of, 221


connotations of, 173–74

as honorary clothing, 176–77

of mortality, 175–76

Pharisaic thought regarding, 189n1

during prayer and prophecy, 179–88

priesthood, 177–79

temple veils, 174–75, 189–90n3, 210

use and symbolism of, 188

verba solemnia, 117, 119

visiting teaching, 412–13

ward social, 78

washing. See also feet, dusting

in Gospel of Philip, 211

hieros gamos and, 214

hospitality and, 270n6

in Old Testament, 172n41


as cleanser and purifier, 167–68n7

dusting feet and, 244, 245–46

wedding ritual(s), 27, 35n13

will of God, in healing, 329–30


in covenant making, 118–19

women as, 197–98n47

women. See also buna coffee ceremony

Chrysostom on, 196n37

discrimination against Ethiopian, 402

empowerment of, 194n26, 197n40

healing and, 311–12, 314, 317, 322, 324–25, 326, 339n67, 340n80

mistreatment of, 270n7

religious participation of, 195–96nn34,35, 195n30

social status of, 198n50

veiled during prayer and prophecy, 179–88

as witnesses, 197–98n47

wooden canes, 316–17

Word of Wisdom, 407–8

yāda’, 120