Mark F. Zimbelman graduated magna cum laude in December 1984 from BYU’s accounting program. Prior to his career in academia, Mark gained over five years of experience working as an auditor in public accounting and one year as a controller in industry. After earning his doctorate from the University of Arizona in 1996, Mark worked for three years at the University of Oklahoma, where he was awarded a teaching award and several fellowships. His teaching and research interests are in auditing and preventing and detecting fraud, with a research focus on understanding and improving decision-making in accounting and auditing. He has developed a national reputation for his research on auditors’ detection of financial statement fraud, which he has published in top-tier accounting research journals, including The Accounting Review, Journal of Accounting Research, Contemporary Accounting Research, and Review of Accounting Studies. In August 2013, Mark was awarded the Mary and Ellis Professorship. Mark has five children and several grandchildren. In his spare time, he races bicycles.