Women Expounding Scripture

The Lord told Emma Smith to “expound scriptures” by the Spirit, saying this was his “voice unto all.” So how did women of the Church in the 19th century use the scriptures, in particular the Bible, in their teaching, exhorting, and writing? In this episode, Dr. Amy Easton-Flake discusses her research publications about how early Latter-day Saint women used scripture to understand their divine roles and change their society, and why modern Latter-day Saint women should do the same.
“The Bible in the Millennial Star and Woman’s Exponent” (forthcoming in BYU Studies, 2020)
“Merging Mormon Women and Women of Genesis: Hannah Tapfield King's Women of the Scriptures” (Women’s History Review, vol. 27 no. 7, 2018)
“Biblical Women in the Woman’s Exponent: Nineteenth-Century Mormon Women Interpret the Bible” (The Bible in American Life, Oxford 2017)