Expanding Understanding of Eve

For centuries, some readers of Genesis have blamed Eve for the evils of the world because she ate the forbidden fruit in Eden. But Latter-day Saint scripture opens the way for different views, including seeing Eve’s decision as visionary and courageous. Our interpretations of Eve have not always been this positive, however, and historical Christianity’s interpretations haven’t always been that negative. In this episode Drs. Amy Easton-Flake and Mark Ellison expand our understanding of Eve.
"Reimagining and Reimaging Eve in Early Christianity” in Material Culture and Women's Religious Experience in Antiquity (Lexington, 2021).
“Mormon Women and Scripture in the Nineteenth Century” in The Routledge Handbook of Mormonism and Gender (Routledge, 2020).
Click here or here to see some of the historical images of Eve that were discussed in the podcast episode.
Click here to learn more about professor Amy Easton-Flake, and here to learn more about professor Mark Ellison.