Mosaics of Faith

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Episode 33: Mosaics of Faith
Matthew Grey
June 2021

Since 2012, archaeologists at the Galilean village of Huqoq have been uncovering an intricate mosaic floor of an ancient synagogue.  This 5th century mosaic depicts biblical scenes of Samson, Jonah, Noah’s ark, Pharaoh’s army, and snapshots of daily life in antiquity. In this episode, BYU religion’s Dr. Matthew Grey—who was supervising the synagogue excavation when it was uncovered— discusses details from this discovery, and how the archaeology of Roman Galilee can inform our understanding of the Bible.  


Click here to read a BYU Magazine article and see images from the Huqoq mosaic.

Simon Peter in Capernaum: An Archaeological Survey of the First-Century Village” in The Ministry of Peter, the Chief Apostle (Religious Studies Center, 2014)

Click here to learn more about professor Matthew Grey