Chapter 11
Chat [I] XI—
Solomon Spaulding, Manuscript Found: The Complete Original “Spaulding Manuscript,” ed. Kent P. Jackson (Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1996), 69–79.
"Manuscript Found," p. 103
As the Sciotans & the Kentucks had mantained with each other an unterrupted <peace> & friendly intercourse, for the space of four hundred & eighty years, it seems almost incredible, that a Cause, which was of no great importance to either nation, should excite their resentment against each other & produce all the horrors of war.—But such were the unhappy effects of an affair, which had no regard to a single person, except the imperial famfilies of the two empires & the King of Sciota.—
[p. 104] As these families had <were> descended from the great Lobaska. they had, during the reigns of all their Emperors been in the habit of visiting each other, but as each Emperor & his children were reqiured not to mary out of their respective dominions, no intermariages had taken place.—They however claimed relationship & still continued to each other, the appellation of our dearest & best beloved Cousen.—
A Cousen of this discription, who was <the> eldest Son of Hamboon the Emperor of Kentuck arived at the City of Golanga with a small but splended Retinue of Friends.—At that time Rambock, who was the fourteenth Emperor, was seting on the throne of S<c>iota—He received the young Prince with apparant sensations of the highest pleasure & spared no pains to manifect towards <him> by his treatment, the greatest esteem & friendship. The Emperor had an only son, whose name was Moonrod—He ordered him to attend the young Prince & to treat him with evry token of affection & honour.
They spent their time in receiving visets from the officers of the goverment—in viewing curiosities, & in the assemblies of the first Class of young <citizens>, who met for recreation.—Elseon, for this was the name of the young Prince, was, soon after his arival, introduced to Lamesa, the eldest daughter of the Emperor.
She was a young Lady of a very fair & beatiful countenance. Her features & the construction of her person, were formed to please the fancy, whilst the ease, the gracefulness & modesty of her deportment were very pleasing to all her acquaintance—Her mind was replenished with the principles of knowledge & virtue—& such was her vivacity & the ease with which she expressed <her ideas> that all were delighted with her conversation—
[p. 105] No wonder that this fair imperial damsel attracted the attention of Elsion—& at their first enterview, enkindled a spark in his boosom—which he could hardly prevent from being discovered thro his blushing countenance & the embarisment he felt in conversation. He strove to erase those tender impressions which she had made on his heart—but in vain—evry renewed <enterview> only served only to fix her image deeper in his mind, with & to make the flame of Love more difficult to extinguish. He reasoned on the obsticles in <the> way <of> obtaining this young Lady for his partner—but instead of cooling only ser it only encreased the ardor of his passion & produced a resolution, that with the consent of Lamesa, nothing should prevent the attainment of his wishes.—To a mind thus ardent, which possessed the native courage resolution & perseverence of Elseon, the most gigantic obsticles would vanish into vapour.—Nor was it long before he found that a correspondent passion was excited in her breast. The moment she first saw him her heart palpitated—her face was covered with crimson.—She turned her eyes & attempted to speak—her tongue stopt its motion in the middle of a period—She hamed—sat down & observed that she was not well.—A discription of this scene is painted by a Sciotan Bard in poetic numbers—he represents the young Lady as recovering in a short time from this state of agitation & confusion & as being afterwards composed, & of having a better command of her passions. To follow this Poet in the description which he gives of Elseon, to whom he attaches a countenance & figure superior to other mortals—& qualities, which produced the <universal> esteem & admiration, would not comport with the faithful page of history. Suffice it say that Lamesa was captivated with his person, & was impressed with those ideas & sentiments that her happiness fled, except when she either enjoyed or antici [p. 106] pated his company. After Elsion had firmly determined to marry Lamesa he was impatient for a private enterview with her to disclose his sentiments—This occured in a short time;
They were together in one of the apartments of the Emperors palace—the company had all retired.—I have said he in a low voice to Lamesa,—conceived that opinion of you, that I hope you will not be displeased if I express my feelings with frankness & sincerity.—You must, she replied be the best judge of what it is proper for you to express—I am always pleased with sincerity. As the sun, says he my dear Lamesa when he rises with his radiant beams, dispels the darkness of knight, so it is in your power to dispel the clouds of anxiety which rest upon my soul—The Crown of Kentuck will be like a Rock on my head, unless you will condesend to share with me the glory & felicity of my reign. Will you consent to be my dearest friend & companion for life? There is nothing she replies would give me more pleasure than a compliance with your request, provided it shall meet the approbation of my Father—But how can he consent, when our Constitution requires that his daughters should marry in his own dominions? Besides my father intends that I shall reseceive the King of Sciota for my husband. By performing says he, the cerimonies of Mariage at Talanga, we shall literally comply with the imperial constitution, as Talanga is within the dominions of your Father—But as for this King of Sciota do you sincerely wish to have him for a husband? No, she quikly replies speak[s] anger sparkled in her eyes—No! The king of Sciota for my husband! his pride, his haughtiness—the pomposity of all his movments, excite my perfect disgust. I should as leave be yoked to a porcupine.
S- Several These Lovers, as you may well conjecture, said many things too tender & endearing to please the taste of the common Class of Lovers—In this enterview, which [p. 107] lasted about four hours, they exchanged the most transporting expressions of Love—made the most solemn protes vows of sincerity & perpetual friendship—& finally agreed that Elseon should make known to the Emperor their mutual desire to be joined in wedlock.
The next day he wrote to the Emperor as follows—May it please your most excellent Majesty. Permit me to express my most sincere gratitude for the high favours & honour which, thro’ the beneficence of your majesty, I have injoyed in your dominions—I am likewise impelled to request a favour, which to me would be the most precious gift that is in the power of your majesty to bestow—[——the]. Having contracted an acquaintance with your most amiable daughter Lamesa & finding that a correspondent affection & esteem exist in our hearts towards each <other> & a mutual desire to be united by the solemn covenant of mariage, I would therefore solicit your majesty’s permission, that succh a connection may be formed.—
Such a connection, I conceive, may in its effects be very salutary & beneficial to both Empires—It will unite the two imperial families in-a nearer in the bond of consanguinity & fix upon them an additional obligation to cultivate friendship, peace & an amicable intercourse—It will strengthen the sinues of both goverments & promote & promote an happy interchange of friendly offices.—As to the objection which might arise from the constitution requiring, that the Emperors daughters should marry in his own dominions—This according to its literal meaning can have respect only to the place where the Emperors Daughters shall marry—If by your Majesties permission I should marry your daughter Lamesa, in your dominion, [p. 108] it will be a literal fulfilment of the constitution. From this ground therefore I conceive no objection of any weight can arise—
Will your majesty please to vouchsafe me an answer to my request.
Signed. Elseon, Prince of Kentuck.
This Letter was presented to the Emperor, by Helicon an intimate friend of Elseon.—The Emperor read it—assumed the aspect of deep consideration—walked the room a few moments, then took a seat & told [1] Helicon, that he might inform the young prince—that he should receive an answer within Ten [2] days.—
But why Ten [3] days—a long time for two ardent Lovers to remain in suspence—But the Emperor must consult his Counsellors, his priests—& the last & most fatal councellor of all this King of Sciota, who presumed to claim the hand of the fair Lamesa—The affair became public—The popular sentiment at first favoured the connection—The Emperors Councellors & his priests were at first inclined to recommend an affirmitive answer. But <the> intrest of the Sciotan King soon prevailed—This produced a different view of the subject—The Councellors perceived that such a connection would be a most flagrant violation of the true meaning & sperit of the constitution & the Priests considered that it would be an act of the greatest impiety, as it would transgress an explicit injunction of the great founder of their goverment & religion. This opinion had vast weight on the minds of a great majority of the people. The more liberal sort vindicated the cause of Elseon—This produced great debate, altercation & confusion thro’ the City—All were anxious to know the Emperors decision [4]—
[p. 109] On the tenth day the Emperor transmited <to the prince> the following answer to his Letter—
To our best beloved Cousen Elseon, Prince of Kentuck. The Letter we received from your Highness has impressed our hearts with a deep sense of <the> honour & benefits which you intended our family &
At first we were inclined to accept of the alliance you proposed—But having examined & considered the subject with great seriousness & attention we that find; that to admit your Highness, who is not a citizen of our Empire, to marry into our family, would be a most flagrant violation of the true meaning & spirit of our Constitution & an impious outrage on the sacred memory of its Founder.—For these reasons we must solicit your Highness, not to insist on our compliance with your request.
Signed Hambock Emperor of Sciota
As Elseon had been informed of the complexion which his affair had assumed in the court & thro’ the City he was prepared for the answer which he reeived.—
Without manifesting the least <chagrine or> Resentment, he appeared to acquiesse in the decision of the Emperor. He displayed his in his countenance, his conversation & deportment his usial cheerfulness & vivacity. He continued his amusements, & associated with company with the same ease, gracefulness & dignified conduct which he had done before.—At the same time his determination was fixed to transport the fair Lamesa into his fathers dominions.—The first enterview which he had with her after he received the Emperor’s Letter, he informed her [p. 110] of its contents.—She trembled, paleness began to cover her face, & had not Elseon received her into his arms, perhaps she would have falen from her seat—However by a few soothing words & caresses, she was restored to her former composure & recollection.—Beleive me, quoth he—my dearest Lamesa—you shall be mine—This heart shall be torn from my bosom & these limbs from my Body, nothing else shall prevent our union & compleat enjoyment of happiness.—Can the ancient scribling of a great sage or the decree of an Emperor prevent the streams from uniting with the Ocean—with the same ease & propriety can they prevent the union of our hands since our hearts are united.—with your consent, you shall be mine! Is it possible, she replies, is it possible O Elseon! <to> disregard the authority of an indulgent & beloved Parent & disoby his command—This I never did—What if he should command you <says Elseon> to marry the King of Siota, would you obey.—
He might she replies, with more regard to my happiness command me to plunge a dagger into my heart—I can not indure that supercilious bundle of pride & affectation.
At this moment her Maid entered the room & gave her <a> Letter. I received this <Letter> she says, from your Brother, who told me it was from the Emperor.—Lamesa opened the Letter & read—
My dearest & best beloved Daughter—
Having the most tender & affectionate regard for your future welfare & felicity we have concluded a treaty of mariage betwen you & Sambul the King of Sciota—This aliance will be honourable to our family—& be productive of many benifits to the Empire. On the tenth day from this time the nuptial cerimonies will be celebrated <consummated> in our Palace—You will be in readiness & yield a cheerful compliance with our will.—
Signed. Rambock, Emr’—of Sciota.
Had the Lightning flashed from the clouds & peirced her heart, it could not have produced a more instantaneous effect—She fell into the arms of Elseon—the maid ran for a cordial.—Elsion rubed her temples & hands & loosned the girdle about her waist. Within about [p. 111] an hour the Blood began to circulate—Elseon to his inexpressible joy, felt her pulse begining to beat & perceived flashes of colour in her face—
With a plaintive groan she opened her eyes once more to the beams of day—& in a kind of wild destraction exclaimed—Ah cruel, cruel Father—why have you doomed your daughter to a situation the most odious & disgustful—As well might you have thrown her into a den of porcupines, opossums & serpents—With such animals I could enjoy life with less disgust & torment, than with this mighty King of Sciota—and An aliance with him an honour to our family—an honour to the decendents of the great Lobasca!—What wicked councellors have deceived my father & induced him to thro’ me into the arms of this hateful monster—Ah whether shall I fly & escape my barberous destiny.—I am your Protector, says Elseon—I am your friend & will conduct you beyound the loving & gigantic grasp of Sambal.—His loathsom arms shall never incircle my dear Lamesa—Consent to my request & we will be within ten <days> at the City of Gamba—There you will be estemed as the brighest Orniment of my
Fathers Empire. No longer, she replies, O Elseon can I refuse my consent to your proposal. When a compliance with my fathers command will entail wrechedness & misery thro’ life, Heaven will pardon my disobedience—Yes Elseon I will go with you—& place my happiness in your power—I would share with you the worst of fortune, rather than fall into the hands of this haughty Sambal. What could she say more, to express the feelings of a heart strugling under
the operation of different passions & opposite motives She has taken her resolution Love has gained the preeminance over evry obsticle.
At this resolution Elseon was transported with joy he now proceeds to form his plan for their flight. On the fourth day after, he called upon the Emperor & requested hi3 permission to depart to his own Country—The Emperor importuned him to tarry & be one of the guists at Lamesa’s weding But he declined by urging as his apoligy the <anxiety &> impatience of his father for his return.—
Permission was granted, & the Emperor aded that he should do himself the honour to furnish the Prince with an escort when he left the City—Elseon replied that as he was not fond of much parade, he could wish the escort might consist of the Emperors Children [p. 112] <only> his friend—& his daughter & with each of them a friend. These says he arc my dearest & best beloved cousens, for whom I shall ever retain the most sincere friendship—Nothing can afford me more pleasure says the Emperor than to comply with your request.—
Elseon took an affectionate leave of the Emperor & on the second day after, being prepared for his jorney, he sat off with his three friends & their servants—Moonrod, prince of the empire & Lamesa, with her two sisters—with <each> of them a friend attended him on his journey about twenty miles—They all tarryed at a viliagc over night—
Immagination alone can paint the pleasant & happy scene—Elseon was transported with joy—He prest her to his bosom with all the Ardor of inthusiasm & she yielded to all his tender & innocent embraces, with a grateful sensibility & modest resignation.
The invention & inginuity of Elseon must now be employed in forming a plan for their flight to his fathers dominions—As he appeared to acquiesse in the decision of the Emperor & had maintained the same cheerful deportment, none were suspicious of his design—The Emperor & the whole Court, still manifested towards <him> evry token of high respect & sincere friendship—Without any hisitation, the Emperor cheerfully complied with his request, that his dear Cousens—the son & the three daughters of <the> Emperor, with <each> of them a friend, should accompany him about twenty miles, on his return to Kentuck—The ritenue of the young Prince consisted of four of his most intimate friends & their servants—He took care to send their bagage on by two servants one day before they set out.—
The morning arived—the sun shone with radiant <spendor>—not a cloud intervened or was seen to float in the Atmosphere—It was the fourth <day> after Lamesa [p. 113] had received the Letter, which doomed her to the embraces of Sambal—The Emperor, his Counsellors, his Priests & principal officers assembled—& having invited the young prince & his friends to meet them, they entered the circle with great cerimony. The Emperor then addressed the Young Prince, thanked him for the honour of his viset & expresed his firm determination to maintain a sincere friendship & an inviolable peace with the goverment of Kentuk. Elseon replied—that those sentiments would meet the cordial approbation of his Father—who retained the same sentiments of friendship & peace toards the goverment of Siota—He then thanked the Emperor & whole assembly for the high respect they had shewn him—This was done with that frankness—& apparent sencerity that the whole assembly were highly pleased—The Emperor then embraced him & gave him his blessing—Customary cerrimonies were mutually exchanged by the whole company—& even tears were seen to drop from evry eye.
As the whole of this parade indicates no flight, of Elseon & Lamesa, we must now view them, with their select company of friends seting out on a short journey. All mounted on horses, they rode about twenty miles to a vilage where they halted. An eligant supper was provided—they were chearful & socible—none appeared more so, than Elseon & Lamesa.—
The next day Elseon requested the company of <his> dear cousens a short distance on his journey—When they <had> rode about two miles they halted & proposed to take their lave of each other. Lemesa & her friend without being perceived by the Company rode on—It was a place where the road turned & by riding <one> rod they could not be seen.—The rest of the company entered into a short conversation & passed invitations for reciprocal visets & friendly offices—They then clasped each others hands, & bowing very low took an affectionate farewell—But where are [p. 114] Lamesa & her friend—During these cerimonies their horses move with uncommon swiftness—her heart palpitates with an apprehension that she might be overtaken by her Brother—But now a friend more dear, her beloved Elseon, with his companions, out strip the wind in their speed.—& within one hour & half they overtake these fearful Damsels. They all precipitate their course casting their eyes back evry moment to her pursuers. But pursuers had not <sufficient> time to overtake them—They safely arive on the Bank of the great River—Elseon & Lamesa were the first that entered the Boat.—the Rest follow—& such was Elseon’s engagedness & anxiety to secure his fair prize, that he even seized an Oar & used it with great strength & dexterity—
As their feet <steped> on the opposite shore—Elseon claped his hands & spoke aloud—Lamesa is mine; she is now beyound the grasp of a pompous Tyrant—& the controul of a father, whose mind is blinded by the sordid advice of a menial junto of Councellors & priests.—She is mine—& shall soon be the princis of Kentuck. Their movement is no slow thro’ the remaining part of the journey.—They at length arive at the great City of Gamba.
We may now contemplate them as having new scenes to pass trough. Not to delineate the parade which was made at the court of Hamboon, for the reception of his Son, Lamesa & their friends—nor to describe the joy that was exhibited in evry part of the City <on their arival>—& the universal surprize occationd by the <story of the> flight of these two Lovers—suffice <it> to say that those who beheld Lamesa did not blame Elseon.—
As Hamboon was not very punctilious in his regard to the Constitution, being possessed of very liberal sentiments, Elseon found no difficulty in obtaining his consent to marry Lamesa—On the fourth day after their arival, Elseon & Lamesa with each of them a friend, appeared appeared on a stage which was erected on the public square of the City—The Emperor & empress with his councellors, his priests, his officers [p. 115] & all his relation with the principal Ladies of the city, formed a procession & surrounded the stage—The common citizens being a great multitude took their stands as they pleased—The Emperor & Empress then mounted the stage & united Elseon & Lamesa in the bond of wedlock according to custom—And as pulling the Log was an indispensible cerimony, one was provided with a rope round it on the stage—The Bridegroom & bride played their parts <in puling the Rope> with such dexterity & gracefulness—that the whole assembly were most pleasingly entertained. When all was ended—The wole assembly claped their hands & cried, long live Elseon & Lamesa—& giving three huzzas the common citizens <dispersed>—The rest repaired to a sumptuous entertainment & spent the remaining part of the day & evening in convrsation, singing & rereation.—
[1] The word “told” is written over “informed.”
[2] The word “Ten” is written over “six.”
[3] The word “Ten” is written over “six.”
[4] The letters “ci” are written over “ssi.”