Adam, 10, 44, 59, 119, 140, 142, 145–46, 150n31. See also Fall of Adam; original sin
African Americans, 67
aggiornamento, 77
Allen, Richard, 67
All Saints’ Day liturgy, 180–81
Andreasen, Niels-Erik, 154, 156, 164–65, 174
Anglicanism, 57, 133–34n27, 179–80. See also Episcopal Church
anthropocentric perspective on afterlife, 85–87
anthropological dualism, 155
apokatastasis, 9–10
Apostles’ Creed, 68
Aquinas, Thomas, 11
Armageddon, Jehovah’s Witnesses’ belief in, 138–39, 147–48n5, 148–49n8
Articles of Religion (Methodism), 68
Athenagoras, 29, 31, 36–37, 41, 42–43
atoms, and resurrection, 33–34
Augustine of Hippo, 11, 28, 30, 31, 34–36, 40–41, 49n40, 130
babies. See also children
baptism of, 10–12
resurrection of, 35
Bailey, Calvin, 117
Bailey, Lydia Goldthwaite, 117–18
Baker, Frank, 63, 67–68
Baker, Simon, 122
Balthasar, Hans Urs von, 5
and Catholic hypothesis of limbo, 10–12
by proxy, 122–24, 127–28
Basil the Great, Saint, 23
Benedict XVI, Pope, 3
Berkouwer, G. C., 84
and questions of composition, 84
Seventh-day Adventists’ understanding of difficult passages in, 170–74
biblical anthropology, 155
body. See also resurrection
deceased, in Eastern Orthodox Church doctrine, 21–22
spirit body, 97–100
as tabernacle for immortal spirit, 97
Book of Discipline (Methodism), 68
brain, scientific study of, 83–84
“breath of life,” 161
Brunson, Seymour, 122
Bynum, Caroline Walker, 30, 31–32, 45, 47n16
Calvin, John, 75–77, 81, 86
Calvinism, 75–77
and anthropocentric and theocentric perspectives on afterlife, 85–87
and continued consciousness in intermediate state, 77
Cullmann’s perspective on afterlife, 78–80
and higher/
and scientific study of brain, 83–84
and theosis, 87–88
Wright’s perspective of afterlife, 80–81
Campbell, Ted A., 69
cannibalism, 28, 31, 34, 36–37
evolution of doctrinal thinking in, 12–13
limbo in, 10–12
purgatory in, 5–10
sources of doctrine in, 3–5
understanding of afterlife in, 1–2
view on Christ’s descent into hell, 133n27
celestial kingdom, vision of, 118–21
chain consumption, 28, 31, 34, 36–37, 49n40
change, versus nonexistence, 37–38
chaplains, 181
childbirth, death in, 66
children. See also babies
accountability and salvation of, 121
care for dying, 66
resurrection of, 35, 41
Christians, early, 127, 188–89
Christian theology, de-Platonization of, 77
Christ’s descent into hell, 113–14, 130–32
differing views on, 133–34n27
early teachings on, 115–16
Latter-day Saint views on, 124–26
Seventh-day Adventist views on, 171
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, The. See also near-death experiences
and anthropocentric perspective on afterlife, 87
and cautions regarding near-death experiences, 107–8
and Christ’s postmortal ministry, 124–26
doctrine of, and interest in near-death experiences, 95–103
doctrine of hereafter, 128–30, 134n35
history of, and interest in near-death experiences, 103–7
and salvation of dead, 116–24
Clement of Alexandria, 115–16
Collins, Ken, 63
confession, and Catholic doctrine of purgatory, 6
continued consciousness, 77–82
cosmic renewal, 184–85
Council of Trent, 7–8
and Eastern Orthodox views on afterlife, 19–20
New Creation, 59–60
and resurrection, 41
Seventh-day Adventist views on, 160–62
crucifixion, and Eastern Orthodox views on afterlife, 22
Cullmann, Oscar, 78–80, 154–55
Cyprian, 7
damned / damnation, 36, 63, 123, 126, 131. See also hell
Danker, Ryan, 56–57
Dante Alighieri, 2–3, 10
Davidson, Richard, 160–61, 162
Greek views on, 154–55, 156–57
Hebrew understanding of, 154–55, 157–59
Jehovah’s Witnesses and escaping, 138
“Decree on Purgatory,” 7–8
degrees of glory, 129–30. See also celestial kingdom; three heavens
deification, 12–13, 24, 87–88
absent in spirit bodies, 98–99
and resurrection, 29
Divine Comedy (Dante), 2–3
Docetism, 29
dogma, 3
Donkor, Kwabena, 167
dualism, 77, 81–83, 174, 183
Dulles, Avery Cardinal, 4
du Preez, Ron, 169
Dybdahl, John, 154, 167
early Christians, 127, 188–89
Eastern Orthodox Church, 17–25
Edwards, Jonathan, 130
embalming, 22
emptiness, 71–72
Episcopal Church, 179–82
cosmic renewal versus individual salvation, 184–85
and hope for God’s kingdom on earth, 182
hope for resurrected human life, 183
mission of, 186–89
progressive, 59–60, 69, 70, 72
realized, 55–56, 60
eternal life, 23, 43, 54, 121, 163, 165, 171, 174
evil, soteriological problem of, 113–14
exegesis, 169–70
Extraordinary Holy Year of Mercy, 9
Fall of Adam, 19–20, 39
Farrar, Frederic W., 130–31
Final Judgment. See also judgment
Eastern Orthodox views on, 22–23, 25
Jehovah’s Witnesses’ views on, 146, 149–50n22
Wesley on, 61
1 Thessalonians 4:14, 172–73
and Catholic doctrine of purgatory, 6
prayer of, 20–21
Francis, Pope, 9
Galenieks, Eriks, 158
Gehenna, 142, 146, 149n22
glory, degrees of, 129–30
Gnosticism, 47n26
God. See also kingdom of God
becoming like, 12–13, 24, 87–88
fear of inexistence of, 71–72
r of wrath of, 70–71
humans as collaborators with, 186
Methodist views on love of, 58
power over resurrection, 29–30
Goldthwaite, Lydia, 117–18
grace, 5, 61, 71
Grant, Jedediah M., 105–6
Gravity, 71–72
Greek conceptions of soul, 156, 183
Greek dualism, 77, 81–83, 183
Greek views on death, 154–55, 156–57
Gregory of Nyssa, 30–31, 32–34, 39–40, 41–42, 47–48n27, 47n26, 49n43
Guenther, Eileen, 67
Gugliotto, Lee J., 169–70
Hades, 62–63, 142. See also Christ’s descent into hell
Hale, Heber Q., 106
Hall, Christopher, 24
heaven. See also celestial kingdom; degrees of glory; three heavens
common themes regarding, 66–67
Episcopalian views on, 182
Jehovah’s Witnesses’ views on, 142–44, 150n29
Latter-day Saint notion of multiple, 129–30
in modern Methodism, 68
Seventh-day Adventist views on, 171
Wesley on, 62–64
Hebrews 12:23, 173
Hebrew understanding of death, 154–55, 157–59
hell. See also Christ’s descent into hell; damned / damnation; Hades
in Catholic doctrine, 5, 7
Jehovah’s Witnesses’ views on, 141–42
Latter-day Saint views on, 128–29, 134n35
in modern Methodism, 68
in modern religious cultural imagination, 70–71
Wesley on, 62–63
Hempton, David, 64
hermeneutics, 167–70
higher / lower dualism, 81–83
Hinckley, Gordon B., 109
historical biblical method, 168
Honorius of Autun, 10
hope, for afterlife in Methodism, 53–54, 69
humanity, Seventh-day Adventist beliefs on nature of, 160–63, 172, 174
hypothesis, 3
Ignatius of Antioch, 28, 163
absent in spirit bodies, 98–99
and resurrection, 29
immortality, 79–80
indulgences, and Catholic doctrine of purgatory, 8–9
infant baptism, and Catholic hypothesis of limbo, 10–12
International Theological Commission, 11–12
Irenaeus, 30, 43–44, 46n13, 116
Jacobus Arminius, 56
Jehovah’s Witnesses
doctrine on Final Judgment, 146, 149–50n22
doctrine on heaven, 142–44, 150n29
doctrine on hell, 141–42
doctrine on humans versus spirit creatures, 150n24
doctrine on resurrection, 139, 144–47, 150–51n38
doctrine on soul at death, 139–41
leadership of, 137–38, 147n2, 147n3
Valentine’s experiences as, 137–39
views on Armageddon, 138–39, 147–48n5, 148–49n8
Jesus Christ. See also Christ’s descent into hell
Cullmann compares deaths of Socrates and, 78
and Eastern Orthodox views on salvation, 20, 22
eternal life through resurrection of, 165, 183
as mediator, 29
millennial reign of, 58, 138, 148n5
resurrected, 28–29
resurrection and miracles of, 48n32
Second Coming of, 58, 128, 154, 163
John Chrysostom, 21
John of Damascus, Saint, 19, 20
Jones, Sara, 66–67
judgment. See also Final Judgment
according to actions and hearts, 120
as purpose of resurrection, 41–43
Justin Martyr, 24, 28, 29–30, 40, 48n30, 48n32, 115
Kimball, Heber C., 105–6
kingdom bearers, 186–89
kingdom of God, 55–56, 144, 182, 186–87
Kubler-Ross, Elisabeth, 92, 98, 99, 107
Lang, Bernhard, 86, 102
Le Goff, Jacques, 7
Lewis, C. S., 114
life, purpose of, 93–94
limbo, 2–3, 10–12
Liturgy of Saint Basil, 18–19
“Love Divine, All Loves Excelling,” 59–60
Luke 23:43, 171
Luther, Martin, 76
Lutheranism, 133n27
Macrina, 28, 45n2
Maddox, Randy, 58
Magisterium, 4–5, 10
martyrs, 40–41, 173
McDannell, Colleen, 86, 102
current beliefs on afterlife in, 68–70
hope for afterlife in, 53–54, 69
individual contemplation in, 55
perfection in, 60–61
and practical divinity, 54
realized eschatology in, 55–56
reenchanting religious imagination in, 70–72
and Second Great Awakening, 65–67
theology undergirding views on afterlife in, 56–68
millennium, 43–44, 58, 138, 145–46
Millet, Robert, 87
Moody, Raymond A., 91–93, 98
Mount Sinai, 173
Mount Zion, 173
Mueller, Ekkehardt, 168
near-death experiences, 91–95
Brent L. Top’s belief concerning, 108–9
cautions regarding, 107–8
common characteristics of, 95–96
Latter-day Saint doctrine and interest in, 95–103
Latter-day Saint history and interest in, 103–7
New Creation, 59–60
Nicaean Creed, 18
Nichol, Francis, 162
nonexistence, versus change, 37–38
Nyman, Jane, 122
“One Church, Above, Beneath,” 63–64
Ordinary Magisterium, 4–5, 10
Origen, 7, 50n57
original sin, 10–12
Packer, Boyd K., 97
in modern Methodism, 68–69
Wesley on, 62–64
penance, and Catholic doctrine of purgatory, 6
perfection, 35, 60–61, 63, 67, 146–47
Peter Abelard, 10–11
Philippians 1:19–26, 171–72
physical heavens, 143
Plato, 81, 157
practical divinity, 54
Pratt, Orson, 94
premortal life, 96–97
progressive eschatology, 59–60, 69, 70, 72
purgatory, 2–3, 5–10, 62, 68, 69
Quincy, Josiah, 127–28
Rahner, Karl, 5
realized eschatology, 55–56, 60
repentance, 126–27
Athenagoras on, 36–37
Augustine on, 28, 31, 34–36, 40–41, 49n40
Calvin on, 76–77
church fathers and mothers on, 27–29
difficulties of doctrine of, 31–41
early Christian hope in, 127
and Eastern Orthodox views on afterlife, 17–19, 21, 22
Episcopalian views on, 183, 185
evidence of, 30
as focus of Methodism, 56
God’s power over, 29–30
Gregory of Nyssa on, 33–34, 39–40, 41–42, 47–48n27, 49n43
Irenaeus on, 30, 43–44, 46n13
Jehovah’s Witnesses’ views on, 139, 144–47, 150–51n38
Justin on, 28, 29–30, 40, 48n30, 48n32
Latter-day Saint views on, 101
in Methodism, 58–59
and millennium, 43–44
Origen on, 50n57
purpose of, 41–43
seed metaphor for, 30–31, 35, 47n16
Seventh-day Adventist beliefs regarding, 163, 164–67, 172–74
Tertullian on, 37–39, 40, 41, 43, 44, 45n4, 45n9, 46n13, 49n40, 50n59
Wesley on, 62
Revelation 6:9, 173–74
Ring, Kenneth, 99
Ritchie, George, 98
Rodonioff, Philip, 154
Romanos the Melodist, Saint, 20
Ruppert, Ray, 158–59
Ruth, Lester, 70
Sabbatine privilege, 8
Sacred Magisterium, 4, 10
salvation. See also baptism
and apokatastasis, 9–10
and Catholic doctrine of purgatory, 5–6
of dead, 101–2, 116–26, 131–32
Eastern Orthodox views on, 20
Episcopalian views on, 182, 184–85
and Joseph Smith’s vision of celestial kingdom, 118–21
Latter-day Saint views on, 128–30
Methodist views on, 55
and soteriological problem of evil, 113–14
Wesley on, 61, 65
Satan, Jehovah’s Witnesses’ views on, 143, 146
scientific advances, 83–84
2 Corinthians 5:1–10, 171–72
Second Coming, 58, 128, 154, 163
Second Great Awakening, 65–67
Second Vatican Council (1962), 9
seed metaphor, 30–31, 35, 47n16
“Service of Death and Resurrection, A,” 68–69
Seventh-day Adventists
beliefs on nature of humanity, 160–63
beliefs on state of dead, 163–64
beliefs regarding resurrection, 163, 164–67
hermeneutical perspective of, 167–70
understanding of difficult biblical passages, 170–74
views on soul, 158–59, 161–62
sexual function, and resurrection, 40
Shults, LeRon, 160
Silence of the Lambs, The, 71–72
as condition of being without God, 72
and resurrection, 33
sleep, as biblical metaphor for death, 157–58, 172
Smith, Alvin, 119–20, 122
Smith, Emma Hale, 103–4
Smith, Hyrum, 122
Smith, Joseph F., 101, 125–26
Smith, Joseph, Jr.
and baptism by proxy, 127–28
on becoming like God, 87
and death of Alvin Smith, 119–20
on eternal nature of spirit, 96
on hell, 129
on knowledge regarding death, 93
near-death experience of, 103–4
on repentance, 126–27
on salvation of dead, 121–23, 131, 132
on spirits possessing God’s power, 100
on spirit world, 101–2, 127
on sufferings of Lydia Goldthwaite Bailey, 117–18
vision of celestial kingdom, 118–21
Smith, Joseph, Sr., 118, 119, 120, 122
Smith, Lucy Mack, 103, 119
Smith, William, 120
Socrates, 78, 154–55, 157
soteriological problem of evil, 113–14
Calvin on intermediate state of, 75–77
continued consciousness of, in intermediate state, 77
Cullmann on intermediate state of, 78–79
Greek conceptions of, 156, 157, 183
Jehovah’s Witnesses’ views on, 139–41
Latter-day Saint views on, 96–97
in Methodism, 59
in Platonism, 82
resurrection and, 33–34, 42–43
Seventh-day Adventist views on, 158–59, 161–62
Wright on intermediate state of, 80–81
Soulen, Kendall, 65
soul sleep, 76
spirit body, 97–100
spiritualism, 155
spirit world. See also Christ’s descent into hell
Jehovah’s Witnesses’ views on, 143–44
Latter-day Saint views on, 100–103, 105–6, 128–30
Stele, Artur, 155–56
Surprised by Hope: Rethinking Heaven, the Resurrection, and the Mission of the Church (Wright), 181–89
Tatian, 27
Tertullian, 29, 37–39, 40, 41, 43, 44, 45n4, 45n9, 46n13, 49n40, 50n59
theocentric perspective on afterlife, 85–87
theosis, 12–13, 24, 87–88
three heavens, 58. See also degrees of glory
Timm, Alberto, 168
trichotomism, 174
Tuttle, Lovisa Mack, 103
United Methodist Book of Worship, The, 68–69
United Methodist Social Principles, The, 68
Ware, Metropolitan Kallistos, 24
Wesley, Charles, 56–58, 59–60, 63–64, 67–68
Wesley, John, 54–63, 65, 66, 130
Whalen, Clinton, 156
wholism, 162, 174
Williams, Rowan, 183
women, and Methodist understanding of afterlife, 66–67
Woodruff, Phoebe, 104–5
Woodruff, Wilford, 104–5
Wright, N. T., 80–81, 85, 127
Wright, Tom, 181–89
Young, Brigham, 97, 98, 102, 105
Zaleski, Carol, 86