Latter-day Saints at Arlington National Cemetery

Kenneth L. Alford

Kenneth L. Alford, “Latter-day Saints at Arlington National Cemetery,” in Latter-day Saints in Washington, DC: History, People, and Places, ed. Kenneth L. Alford, Lloyd D. Newell, and Alexander L. Baugh (Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University; Salt Lake City: Deseret Book), 415‒46.

Kenneth L. Alford, a retired colonel in the U.S. Army, was a professor of Church history and doctrine at Brigham Young University when this was published.

People die only when we forget them . . .
If you remember me, I will be with you always.
—Isabel Allende[1]

Over four-hundred thousand men, women, and children have been interred at Arlington National Cemetery. Photo by author.Over four-hundred thousand men, women, and children have been interred at Arlington National Cemetery. Photo by author.

A prominent sign at the entrance to Arlington National Cemetery identifies it as “our nation’s most sacred shrine.” Visitors are directed to “please conduct [them]selves with dignity and respect at all times” and to “remember these are hallowed grounds.”[2] While most Americans are familiar with the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, there are also memorials to the Unknown Dead of the War of 1812 and Unknown Civil War Dead. The cemetery is dotted with numerous monuments—from the USS Maine to the Rough Riders and to the space shuttle memorials of both Challenger (1987) and Columbia (2004). Less well known is the fact that hundreds of Latter-day Saints are among the honored dead at Arlington.


Located adjacent to the Pentagon and across the Potomac River from the Lincoln Memorial, Arlington is the only national cemetery that includes burials from every major conflict in our nation’s history.[3] Arlington is the final resting place of U.S. presidents John F. Kennedy and William H. Taft; generals John J. Pershing, Philip Sheridan, Philip Kearny, Henry “Hap” Arnold, James “Jimmy” Doolittle, and Maxwell Taylor; admirals William “Bull” Halsey, Grace Hopper, and Hyman Rickover; Supreme Court justices Oliver Wendell Holmes, Thurgood Marshall, William H. Rehnquist, and Earl Warren; explorers John Wesley Powell, Richard Byrd, and Robert E. Peary; astronauts Roger Chaffee and Virgil I. Grissom, who died in the Apollo 1 fire; other revered individuals like Walter Reed, Pierre Charles L’Enfant, George Westinghouse, Joe Louis, and Abner Doubleday; and more than four hundred thousand other men, women, and children.

Enlisted soldiers guard the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier every hour of every day. All photos by author unless otherwise noted.Enlisted soldiers guard the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier every hour of every day. All photos by author unless otherwise noted.

The story of Arlington National Cemetery began during the American Civil War. The cemetery occupies the grounds of Arlington House, the still-standing nineteenth-century mansion and eleven-hundred-acre estate owned by Confederate general Robert E. Lee and his wife, Mary Anna Custis. Four days after Fort Sumter surrendered in 1861, Virginia seceded from the Union. The following day—18 April—Lee was offered command of all Union forces. In declining the offer, Lee stated, “If I owned four millions of slaves in the South I would sacrifice them all to the Union; but how can I draw my sword upon Virginia, my native state?”[4] With Arlington House being situated two hundred feet above and looking down on Washington, DC, “it did not take a military genius to appreciate the strategic importance of the old plantation.”[5] On 24 May 1861, federal forces occupied the house and grounds at Arlington, just a few days after Mary Anna Lee had left.

A federal statute enacted in June 1862 authorized federal tax commissioners to assess and collect taxes on Confederate-owned property. The law required owners to pay the tax in person or forfeit their property. In 1863 a tax of $92.07 was levied on the Lees’ Arlington property. Mary Anna Lee sent a cousin to pay the tax, but federal tax commissioners refused to accept payment from him. The Arlington estate was purchased by the federal government in February 1864.[6]

This is the main entrance to Arlington National Cemetery. Arlington House, Robert E. Lee’s home prior to the Civil War, can be seen on the hill in the background.This is the main entrance to Arlington National Cemetery. Arlington House, Robert E. Lee’s home prior to the Civil War, can be seen on the hill in the background.

Union brigadier general Montgomery C. Meigs, who had a great personal dislike for Robert E. Lee, turned the property into a military cemetery—partially to ensure that the Lees would not be able to return.[7] On 13 May 1864, William Christman was the first soldier buried there, a twenty-one-year-old private in the 67th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment who died of peritonitis and never saw combat. Over a decade after the Civil War, the Lees’ oldest son, George Washington Custis, successfully sued the federal government to return the property. He then sold it back to the federal government in 1883 for $150,000.[8]

Memorial Day, originally called Decoration Day when it was conceived by the Grand Army of the Republic (an influential fraternal organization for Union Civil War veterans), was first celebrated at Arlington National Cemetery on 30 May 1868. The day was “designated for the purpose of strewing with flowers or otherwise decorating the graves of comrades who died in defense of their country during the late rebellion [the Civil War].”[9] Today, service members and other volunteers place flags at every burial site in the entire cemetery every Memorial Day.

McClellan Gate in the heart of Arlington National Cemetery.McClellan Gate in the heart of Arlington National Cemetery.

Arlington National Cemetery is 624 acres of rolling hills, grass, and gardens—approximately half of Robert and Mary Anna Lee’s original Arlington estate. In the first sixty years of its existence, there were just over thirty thousand interments.[10] Today, the cemetery averages between twenty-seven and thirty funeral services every weekday and between six and eight services on Saturdays throughout the year.[11] Arlington National Cemetery is divided into eighty-five consecutively numbered sections. Some of the higher numbered sections are still vacant. There is no more land available for the cemetery to easily increase in size, and there is concern that it will be filled in the next few decades if rules regarding interments are not modified.[12]

Arlington Grave Marker Emblems

Following World War I, a board of officers—which included the secretary of war and the army’s chief of staff, General John J. Pershing—“adopted a new [headstone] design to be used for all graves except those of veterans of the Civil and Spanish-American Wars.” The grave markers, known as “general” type, were to be “slightly rounded at the top, of American white marble, 42 inches long, 13 inches wide and four inches thick.” And, for the first time, a religious emblem was authorized for inclusion on the general-type headstones. Only two emblems were authorized at that time—“the Latin Cross for the Christian faith and the Star of David for the Jewish faith.”[13]

This angel Moroni grave marker was approved by the Veterans Administration Monument Services in 1980. Veterans Administration.This angel Moroni grave marker was approved by the Veterans Administration Monument Services in 1980. Veterans Administration.

The federal government provides marble grave and columbarium markers for every veteran interred at Arlington National Cemetery. At the top of the marble marker is room for an emblem to be carved above the name of the deceased. The Department of Veterans Affairs and the National Cemetery Administration have currently authorized seventy emblems. In order to be approved, each design must represent “the sincerely held belief of the decedent that constituted a religion or the functional equivalent of religion and was believed and/or accepted as true by that individual during his or her life. The belief represented by an emblem need not be associated with or endorsed by a group or organization. Emblems of belief for inscription on Government headstones and markers do not include social, cultural, ethnic, civic, fraternal, trade, commercial, political, professional or military emblems.”[14]

The most common grave marker emblem at Arlington is the simple Christian (Latin) cross. Emblems are included for several Christian denominations: Lutheran, Presbyterian, Episcopal, Unitarian, Methodist, Seventh-day Adventist, Catholic, Church of God, the Polish National Catholic Church, and the Community of Christ. Other approved emblems denote the Jewish, Buddhist, Muslim, Hindu, Sufi, Bahaά’í, Sikh, and Shinto faiths. There are also emblems for atheism, humanism, Wicca, Druidism, Eckankar, and Farohar as well as some nondenominational emblems such as a guardian angel, a heart, a pomegranate, a Maltese Cross, a medicine wheel, an eagle, a crane, and an infinity sign.[15] No other graphics or symbols are authorized on the government-furnished markers except the Civil War Union Shield, the Civil War Confederate Southern Cross of Honor, and the Medal of Honor insignia.[16]

The angel Moroni grave marker of Jacklyn Lucy, wife of Captain Norman Owens, U.S. Navy.The angel Moroni grave marker of Jacklyn Lucy, wife of Captain Norman Owens, U.S. Navy.

Until 1980, Latter-day Saints had no distinctive emblem to clearly identify Church affiliation of the deceased. Donald L. Wardle, a Latter-day Saint director of Monument Services for the Department of Veterans Affairs, “noticed the lack of an LDS grave marker emblem in his position at the V.A. and began corresponding with Church leaders about it. They agreed the Church should have one. Several designs were considered but most were too intricate for headstone in[s]cription. Finally, [an] angel Moroni design was submitted, and it met all requirements.” The First Presidency approved the design, which “profiles the Angel Moroni blowing his trumpet. The bell end extends upward through an oval-shaped border.” The angel Moroni design was accepted by Veterans Affairs soon after.[17]

Identifying Latter-day Saints

Lloyd P. Shipley and Lottice Bledsoe, who were reinterred in Arlington National Cemetery in 2019, were married at Mobile, Alabama, on 8 February 1945 during the closing months of World War II. Courtesy of the Lloyd and Lottice Shipley family.Lloyd P. Shipley and Lottice Bledsoe, who were reinterred in Arlington National Cemetery in 2019, were married at Mobile, Alabama, on 8 February 1945 during the closing months of World War II. Courtesy of the Lloyd and Lottice Shipley family.

A project to identify members of the Church interred at Arlington was conceived several years ago. After learning from the cemetery historian’s office that no public records regarding religious affiliation or headstone emblems exist, the challenge to identify Latter-day Saints became more daunting. After visually inspecting tens of thousands of individual grave markers and markers in the cemetery’s ten columbaria for the angel Moroni emblem, seventy-two Latter-day Saint interments had been identified.[18] A research team of Brigham Young University undergraduate students systematically checked 1980-and-later grave markers in all the remaining sections of the cemetery using an online database of grave marker photos.[19]

The research team identified 262 interments at Arlington National Cemetery with the angel Moroni emblem or who have been confirmed as members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints—172 military service members (70 U.S. Army, 45 U.S. Navy, 40 U.S. Air Force, 16 U.S. Marine Corps, and 1 U.S. Coast Guard), 72 military spouses, and 18 dependent children (see table 1). There is an almost equal number of officers and enlisted service members. Latter-day Saints are buried in thirty-three sections of the cemetery and nine sections of the columbaria. Section 60 has the most Latter-day Saint interments, with forty-three burials. Five sections have between twelve and nineteen Latter-day Saint graves, and the remaining twenty-seven sections have fewer than ten burials each.

Arlington National Cemetery grave markers include information regarding which wars the military members served in. Fifty-six of the Latter-day Saint veterans had no wartime service listed on their headstones. Sixty-seven served in one war, thirty-three served in two wars, and sixteen served in three wars (see tables 2 and 3).

For several years near the end of the twentieth century, individuals and families could provide their own headstones at Arlington in place of the white marble markers that are mandatory today. Some of those personalized grave markers include the angel Moroni emblem. The grave marker for Sergeant Major Richard Brown Wilson and his wife, Elizabeth Jeanne Marceau Wilson, for example, includes the phrase “Sealed in the Swiss Temple for Time and all Eternity” beneath their names. The marker for Colonel Ross Lee Carson and his wife, June Elizabeth Lydamore, includes Doctrine and Covenants 132:46: “Whatsoever you seal on earth shall be sealed in heaven; and whatsoever you bind on earth, in my name and by my word, saith the Lord, it shall be eternally bound in the heavens.”[20]

Latter-day Saints Buried at Arlington

With forty-three burials, Section 60 has the most Latter-day Saint interments at Arlington National Cemetery.With forty-three burials, Section 60 has the most Latter-day Saint interments at Arlington National Cemetery.

Each Latter-day Saint interred at Arlington National Cemetery has a unique story. What follows is one of the many possible stories that could be told. Private First-Class Lloyd P. Shipley, from Cache County, Utah, was deferred from the 1940 draft because he lost most of two fingers on his right hand in a lawn mower accident as a six-year-old. After Pearl Harbor was attacked, he was reclassified and drafted. His military service began on 11 February 1942, and he served honorably for the next three years, two months, and eleven days. A farmer before the war, he was trained as a rifleman and served in Europe as a communications messenger in the 137th Infantry Regiment of the 35th Division. Seriously wounded by machine gun fire during the Normandy Campaign seven weeks after D-Day, he was hospitalized for the next nine months. He received a Purple Heart and earned a Combat Infantry Badge.[21] Of his service in France, he wrote, “It took about half a day in France to cool our ardor for the war. It was just like maneuvers, but the enemy was shooting back with real bullets and some of us were being killed. . . . It was a trying experience, but I wouldn’t trade it for anything. It gives you the best opportunity to see men at their worst and to see the best come out in them under the worst circumstances.”[22] He passed away in 1999. On the hundredth anniversary of his birth—17 December 2018—he was reinterred with his wife at Arlington National Cemetery with all his living grandchildren in attendance to witness the event.[23]

This 1910 patriotic postcard includes a few lines from Theodore O’Hara’s poem “Bivouac of the Dead” that are engraved on the McClellan Gate at Arlington National CemeteryThis 1910 patriotic postcard includes a few lines from Theodore O’Hara’s poem “Bivouac of the Dead” that are engraved on the McClellan Gate at Arlington National Cemetery


Arlington National Cemetery has reached 80 percent of its capacity. There are only a hundred thousand burial sites left. To extend how long the cemetery “can be used as the final resting place for American service members,” federal officials are “moving to limit the number of individuals eligible for burial at Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia, restricting below-ground sites to combat heroes, battle casualties and a small pool of notable dignitaries.”[24] In the future, Latter-day Saints buried in Arlington National Cemetery will most likely be buried without any accompanying family members.

In the nineteenth century, Theodore O’Hara, a Kentucky veteran of the Mexican War, penned an elegiac poem entitled “Bivouac of the Dead.” The quatrain that ends the first stanza appears on the large and imposing McClellan Gate in the center of Arlington National Cemetery:

On Fame’s eternal camping-ground
Their silent tents are spread,
And Glory guards, with solemn round,
The bivouac of the dead.[25]

Due to the incompleteness of available burial records, we may never know how many Latter-day Saints are buried in Arlington National Cemetery. This research is an initial effort to identify and honor them and their service to our nation.



U.S. Army




Warrant Officer




U.S. Marine Corps






U.S. Navy






U.S. Air Force






U.S. Coast Guard




Family Members








Table 1. Summary of Latter-day Saints interred at Arlington National Cemetery

Wartime Service


World War II






Gulf War








Table 2. Wartime service summary of Latter-day Saints interred at Arlington National Cemetery

Wartime Participation


Three Wars


Two Wars


One War


No wartime service




Table 3. Wartime summary of Latter-day Saints interred at Arlington National Cemetery

Appendix A

Arlington National Cemetery Latter-day Saint Interments

The following list is not complete (no burial database listing religious preferences is currently available for review, and a Latter-day Saint grave marker image was not available until 1980). Additional details about these people are available through the free ANC Explorer app, the ANC Explorer website (, and

Table explanatory notes:

  1. Status entries are: “USA” (U.S. Army), “USAF” (U.S. Air Force), “USCG” (U.S. Coast Guard), “USMC” (U.S. Marine Corps), “USN” (U.S. Navy), “Spouse,” or “Dep” (which denotes a service member’s legal guardianship, usually for a child).
  2. Rank abbreviations vary by both military service (for example, Captain is “CPT” in the U.S. Army and “CAPT” in the U.S. Air Force and U.S. Navy) and time period. Military rank definitions are available at
  3. Wartime Service abbreviations are: “WWII” (World War II), “KOR” (Korea), “VN” (Vietnam), “GW” (Gulf War), “AFG” (Afghanistan), and “IRQ” (Iraq). A dash denotes no wartime service is recorded on the grave or columbarium marker.
  4. ANC Location information is either “S##–####” (Section number – Grave number) or “C#–##–##–#” (Columbarium Court number – Section number – Column number – Niche number).

No. Name Status Rank Birth Death Wartime Service ANC Location

1 ACKERSON, Lyona Larsen Spouse — 1912 2001 — S38-4221

2 ADAMS, Thomas J. Child — 2013 2013 — S60-10113

3 ADAMSON, Dale Joseph USAF MSGT 1920 2013 WWII, KOR S51-2677

4 ALLAIN, Barbara Jean Spouse — 1928 2014 — S71-359

5 ANTHONY, Carrie R. Spouse — 1956 2017 — C9-N85-20-5

6 ARCENEAUX, Kathy Lee Spouse — 1942 2011 — S69-480

7 ARCENEAUX, Stanley John, Jr. USAF TSGT 1945 2018 VN S69-480

8 ARNOLD, Richard, Jr. USAF COL 1913 2000 WWII, KOR S65-865

9 ARNOLD, Vivienne Spouse — 1915 2005 — S65-865

10 BACON, Jack Gates USN ETCS 1915 1997 WWII, KOR S60-953

11 BADGER, Phyllis Spouse — 1913 2008 — S66-6902

12 BADGER, Rodney Jenkins USN CAPT 1912 2002 WWII, KOR, VN S66-6902

13 BALLADARES, Samuel J. USMC PFC 1982 2002 — S68-1628

14 BEACHUM, Anne Hampton Spouse — 1922 2002 — S66-6853

15 BEAMAN, Gordon USAF TSGT 1926 2002 WWII, KOR, VN S67-1829

16 BEASON, Richard Wallace USMC LT COL 1936 2010 VN S54-3045

17 BEGOLE, Patricia C. R. Spouse — 1922 1997 — S37-2333

18 BELCHE, Brintice E Spouse — 1928 2013 — S55-396

19 BELCHE, Homer Robert USA LTC 1923 2013 WWII, KOR, VN S55-396

20 BENISHEK, Richard Paul USA SGT 1928 2014 KOR, VN S60-3183

21 BENNETT, Lavor Dolph USA SFC 1922 1999 — C5-EE-51-2

22 BENNETT, Lola Mae Spouse — 1929 2017 — C5-EE-51-2

23 BERG, Attellia Ann Spouse — 1922 2016 — S28-3333

24 BERG, Gordon H. USAF LT COL 1916 1995 WWII, KOR S28-3332

25 BERG, Sydney Louise Child — 1944 1961 — S28-3332

26 BIGELOW, Andrew Curtis Child — 1961 1961 — S46-650

27 BIGELOW, Avalon C Spouse — 1922 2003 — S46-650

28 BIGELOW, Joseph Alfonso Child — 1961 1961 — S46-650

29 BIGELOW, Lavell USN CAPT 1917 2007 WWII, KOR S46-651

30 BLAMIRES, Jesse Allen USA SGT 1981 2007 AFG S60-8769

31 BLANCHARD, Glendon F. USN LCDR 1914 1997 WWII, KOR S64-1778

32 BOAZ, Monroe Thomas, Jr. USN ACC 1953 1988 VN S69-3506

33 BOUDREAUX, Mona Joan Spouse — 1937 2014 — S60-11334

34 BOUDREAUX, Robert Matthew USMC CAPT 1924 2015 WWII, KOR S60-11334

35 BRADLEY, Kenneth Dylan Child — 2002 2017 — S55-510

36 BRADY, Arlo James USN LT 1917 2001 WWII, KOR, VN S68-1929

37 BRADY, Delores Jensen Spouse — 1916 2005 — S68-1929

38 BRINGLE, Vilate A. Spouse — 1897 1988 — S10-10609-WS

39 BRITTON-MIHALO, Andrew Trevor USA SSG 1986 2012 AFG S60-10097

40 BROWN, Vera K. Spouse — 1924 2011 — S69-3489

41 BROWN, Wilbur Ronald USAF MAJ 1936 1966 VN S60-8933

42 BULL, Robert George, II USAF CAPT 1939 1969 - S46-690-1

43 BULL, Virginia Spouse — 1946 2012 — S46-613

44 BULLOUGH, Bruce Lynn USN CAPT 1948 2003 VN S69-5178

45 BYINGTON, Carlyle Owens USAF TSGT 1941 2018 VN S57-1541

46 CALHOUN, Norman Douglas USA CPL 1933 2013 — C7-W-4-5

47 CARDON, Eli P. Child — 1993 1993 — S60-4971

48 CARDON, Marvin Barlow USA LTC 1934 1997 — C4-Z-8-1

49 CARSON, Andrew David USA CPL 1921 1998 WWII S64-3375

50 CARSON, Dora E. Maloy Spouse — 1923 2009 — S64- 3375

51 CARSON, June Elizabeth Lydamore Spouse — 1928 1994 — S10-10780-A

52 CARSON, Ross Lee USAF COL 1926 2010 — S10-10780-A

53 CHEEVER, Kelly Child — 1986 1986 — S69-158

54 CHILDERS , Providence Carol Spouse — 1922 2008 — S68-2554

55 CLARK, Allyn Lee USA LTC 1930 2016 KOR, VN S55-1862

56 CLARK, Doris May II USA MAJ 1940 2012 — S64-1320

57 COCKRILL, Robert L. Jr. USN CS1 1927 2004 WWII, KOR, VN S51-2949

58 COFFEY, Claudia C. Spouse — 1939 2009 — C8-SS-17-3

59 COLE, Veronica Ponchey USN HM2 1951 2012 — S54-1913

60 COLEMAN, Roy Elmo USA PFC 1928 2017 KOR C9-N85-28-1

61 COLLIER, William W. USN LCDR 1921 1993 WWII, KOR S4-3317-A

62 COOK, Robert E. USAF SSGT 1935 2005 — C6-QQ-27-5

63 CORRY, Donna Krecklau Spouse — 1932 2017 — C9-N85-9-1

64 COX, Daniel Emitt USN CCS 1916 1992 — C6-Q-11-1

65 COYLE, Mark A. USA LTC 1946 2009 — S64-3427

66 CREMEEN, Jason L. Child — 1978 1978 — S59-1291

67 CREMEEN, Joy Lyn Spouse — 1955 1998 — S59-1291

68 DALY, Florence B. Spouse — 1918 2010 — S68-1828

69 DALY, John W. USA LT COL 1912 2001 WWII S68-1828

70 DAVIDSON, William Stanley USN BM3 1945 2011 — C8-UU-18-3

71 DEANE, Robert W. USMC L CPL 1971 1991 GW S70-1409

72 DECOSTA, Guerene Merita Spouse — 1939 2003 — S69-5263

73 DEFABIO, John L. USA CPL 1913 1997 — C4-MM-5-2

74 DEFABIO, Josephine A. Spouse 1912 2006 — C4-MM-5-2

75 DEFRANK, Vincent Aaron USA SP4 1988 2015 IRQ S62-722

76 DEGOOYER, Franzetta R. Spouse — 1913 1997 — S6-9299-A

77 DENHOLM, Nancy Spouse — 1948 1990 — C2-PP-27-3

78 DERWIN, Drew Alan USAF AIC 1988 2014 — S70-2383

79 DOAN, James Milton USAF SMSGT 1940 2014 VN S71-501

80 DUEHRING, Ottillia E. Spouse — 1893 1981 — S39-402

81 DUNKEL, Walter E. JR. USA SGM 1938 1995 VN S60-3414

82 ESPINOZA, Alfonso Stevan USAF MSGT 1930 1986 KOR, VN S69-5149

83 FAIRBOURN, William T. USMC MG 1914 1987 WWII, KOR, VN S34-510-A

84 FARROW, Mary Chesney Spouse — 1952 2009 — S53-1860

85 FARROW, Timothy Bradford Child — 1977 1977 — S53-1860

86 FARWELL, Gary M. USA CW5 1970 2010 — S60-9668

87 FAST, Rodrick S. USAF LT 1945 1995 VN S60-3013

88 FERGUSON, Sean Ray USA SSG 1982 2011 AFG, IRQ S60-9883

89 FINCH, Donald Malcom Benton USMC SGT 1943 2015 VN S62-657

90 FOECHTERLE, Edward R. USAF LT COL 1941 1995 VN S67-259

91 GEORGE, Charles W. USA MAJ 1914 1996 WWII, KOR S67-2899

92 GEORGE, Muriel L. Spouse — 1922 1980 — S67-2899

93 GIBB, Rulon Stewart USAF LT COL 1946 2014 — S55-827

94 GIESE, Juanita B. Spouse — 1924 2004 — S51-904

95 GIESE, Kenneth W. USA CSM 1923 1975 WWII S51-904

96 GILBERT, George Francis Jr. USMC MSGT 1924 2000 WWII, KOR, VN S59-277

97 GOFF, Pamela M. Spouse — 1948 2011 — S51-3374

98 GOLDSMITH, Andrew H. USA CW3 1934 1989 KOR S69-3082

99 GORE, Louis Elmore USN HM1 1923 2012 WWII, KOR, VN S55-3726

100 GRASSMEIER, Kathleen Frances USAF MAJ 1942 2001 VN S54-5461

101 GRIFFITH, Myrna Hazel Spouse — 1909 1980 — S53-1200

102 GRIMES, Shaun M. Child — 1995 1995 — S60-3403

103 GROESBECK, Mac S. USA SGT 1916 1942 WWII S60-8245

104 GUILD, Marlin T. USA COL 1948 2008 VN, GW S60-8471

105 GUILD, Misako Spouse — 1937 2010 — S60-8471

106 HAGEMAN, Helen Josephine Spouse — 1922 2012 — S54-2731

107 HAIGHT, Chauncy P. USA LTC 1920 2009 WWII, KOR, VN S60-9244

108 HAIGHT, Gayle Alice Baker Spouse — 1927 2012 — S60-9244

109 HAJNY, Zdenek USA 2LT 1922 1949 WWII S34-2476

110 HALL, Harold Byron USAF LT COL 1922 2013 WWII, KOR S60-10334

111 HALL, Hazel J. Spouse — 1924 2013 — S60-10334

112 HAMEL, Fred Mack USMC SGT 1918 1997 WWII S60-1726

113 HAMMAR, Carl Erik USA SSG 1987 2012 AFG S60-10225

114 HAND, Lee Merrill USA COL 1930 1995 KOR, VN S60-7089

115 HANSEN, Alice M. USMC MAJ 1911 1986 — C2-A-16-1

116 HARDING, William J. USA PFC 1925 2002 WWII S68-4673

117 HARTUNG, Lill Irene Spouse — 1939 2005 — S69-1971

118 HAWK, Hawkins Child — 1989 1989 — S68-1705

119 HILDUM, James McDowell USAF MAJ 1920 2017 WWII S76-1626

120 HILTON, Lawrence David USN LT 1968 2004 — S69-190

121 HINES, Jordan B. Child — 1997 1997 — S67-4616

122 HOFFMAN, Frederick D. Jr. USAF A1 1929 1986 — C2-H-22-3

123 HOLSTON, Alice Spouse — 1921 2013 — C4-S-14-2

124 HOLSTON, Henry USN SD2 1925 1996 — C4-S-14-2

125 HOLZWARTH, Rodney F. USA SGT 1933 2007 — C7-CC-3-2

126 HUGHES, Arville Lyle USA LTC 1938 2012 VN S64-4430

127 ILER, John Robert USN CAPT 1922 2011 — CN70,B,9,1

128 JACK, Robert Lee USA SSG 1948 2011 VN S55-3021

129 JANIAK, Kenneth Philip USA ILT 1947 2009 — S60-9319

130 JAROSS, James USMC COL 1928 2009 — S60-9245

131 JENNINGS, Donald Earl USAF AD2, TSGT 1931 2014 VN S33-12089

132 JENNINGS, Elizabeth A. USN SA 1944 1987 — C2-CC-13-1

133 JOHANSEN, Carl Oscar USMC PSGT 1921 2004 WWII S69-3546

134 JOHNSON, Curtis Lee Jr. USA COL 1929 2016 KOR S55-3601

135 JOHNSON, Dean L. USA CAPT 1945 2010 VN S54-5898

136 JOHNSON, Esther I. Spouse — 1926 2005 — S54-360

137 JOHNSON, Joyce B. Spouse — 1921 1984 — S65-3642

138 JOHNSON, King D. USA PVT 1920 1989 — C2-DD-2-2

139 JOHNSON, Walter Irving USN YNT2 1922 2010 WWII S54-360

140 JOHNSON, Yvonne M. Child — 1968 1968 — S12-8121-2

141 KANE, Robert Joseph USN SK1 1932 2000 KOR, VN S54-3848

142 KELLY, Cedric I. USAF TSGT 1924 2009 KOR S38-2494

143 KELLY, Ola J. Spouse — 1927 1977 — S38-2494

144 KNIGHT, Nathan K. USA SGT 1918 1991 — S43-2939

145 KUTA, Fred USA SGT 1924 2015 WWII S54-81

146 LAMMONS, Hugh A. USA WO3 1950 1982 — S53-2196

147 LANDRY, James Peter USA CPT 1922 2012 WWII, KOR S64-4529

148 LANDUA, Oliver H. USN CAPT 1919 2010 WWII S8-7244

149 LANEY, Ira L. USA LTC 1927 2007 WWII, KOR, VN S60-132

150 LAWTON, Timothy Gardner USAF COL 1936 2014 VN S37-2070

151 LEWIS, Marjorie Hennigan USA 2LT ANC 1920 2008 WWII S11-373-NH

152 MACDONALD, Jonathan L. USA SP4 1983 2005 — S64-1425

153 MANNING, Glenda Spouse — 1919 2004 — S60-4142

154 MANNING, Harry Keith USN BMI 1923 1993 WWII, KOR S60-4142

155 MARSHALL, John Lloyd USA LTC 1944 2015 VN S57-2983

156 MARTIN, George Teo USAF COL 1957 2008 — S60-8882

157 MAYFIELD, Agnes R. Spouse — 1922 1965 — S37-3286

158 MAYFIELD, Darrell Ware USAF COL 1921 2011 WWII, KOR, VN S37-3286

159 McDERMAID, Marion Spouse — 1912 2004 — S59-101

160 McDERMAID, Richard USAF COL 1914 1999 WWII S59-101

161 McLEAN, Max C. USN LCDR 1923 2004 WWII, KOR S66-6203

162 McLEAN, Virginia Spouse — 1923 2001 — S66-6203

163 McMAHAN, DeAnn T. Spouse — 1954 2005 — S69-2224

164 McPHERSON, William D. USN CDR 1958 2013 — CN70,H,41,3

165 McREYNOLDS, Stephen Wayne Jr. USA SSG 1949 2011 VN S59-150

166 MEILING, Jaque L. USN LCDR 1937 1986 VN S64-131

167 MERRILL, Alvin S. USMC 1ST SGT 1930 2004 KOR, VN S54-73

168 MILLAR, Jack W. USN CAPT 1922 1994 WWII, KOR, VN S68-4004

169 MILLER, John Frederick Jr. USN CAPT 1915 2015 WWII S55-6118

170 MILLER, Kim Hunter USA PFC 1947 2016 — S71-1591

171 MILLER, Thelma C. Jamison Spouse — 1920 2010 — S55-6118

172 MOATS, Evelyn C Spouse — 1916 1999 — S66-2788

173 MOATS, Paul Daniel USN EMC 1913 2008 WWII, KOR S66-2788

174 MOORHEAD, Cecil Allen USA CWO2 1931 2006 KOR, VN S64-5153

175 MORGAN, Keisha M. USA SPC 1982 2008 — S60-8561

176 MORGAN, Paul Roy USA CPT 1946 2008 VN S60-8272

177 MORRISON, Joseph John USA MAJ 1918 2011 WWII S54-1713

178 MOSS, Linda Louise Spouse — 1955 2017 — S62-1245

179 NELSON, Johnathan L. USA SP4 1945 2002 VN S67-2629

180 NESMITH, Anna Elizabeth USA PFC 1950 2011 — C8-VV-11-1

181 NEWCOMB, Fred J. USN MRC 1919 1982 WWII, KOR S69-4735

182 NORDIKE, Brian David, Sr. USN OSC 1968 2005 — S69-2198

183 OKERLUND, Edward C. USAF MAJ 1932 1989 KOR S65-3970

184 OKERLUND, Janet R. Spouse — 1932 2017 — S65-3970

185 OSTENBERG, John Michael USAF MSGT 1952 2014 VN, GW S71-202

186 OSTENBERG, Michelle Marie Spouse — 1956 2017 — S71-202

187 OWENS, Jacklyn Lucy Spouse — 1937 2016 — S60-11054

188 PENDLETON, Alvin F. Jr. USA TEC4 1924 2007 WWII C8-R-5-3

189 PENDLETON, Donna B. Spouse — 1925 2015 C8-R-5-3

190 PERRY, Robert Lee USN HMC 1925 2004 WWII, KOR, VN S69-3807

191 POULSEN, Bryant Edmond USA 1LT 1921 1944 WWII S60-10925

192 PYEATT, Lucas Todd USMC SGT 1986 2011 AFG S60-9605

193 QUINN, Larry G. USA LTC 1937 1999 VN S68-2514

194 RAMPLIN, Patrick C. USN YNT3 1924 1998 — C6-EE-26-2

195 RASMUSSEN, Floyd Alton USA CPT 1942 2011 VN, GW S64-6593

196 REX, Sandra L. USAF MSGT 1949 2010 — S54-3526

197 RICHARDS, Catherine S. Child — 1984 1984 — S12-8510-7

198 RICHARDS, Jody L. Child — 1984 1984 — S12-8510-7

199 RICHARDS, Merlon F. USA MAJ 1920 1998 WWII S70-663

200 RUSSO, Reeta Ann Spouse — 1931 2014 — S64-7014

201 SANDERSON, Albert F. Jr. USA COL 1911 1983 WWII S65-4101

202 SAVARD, Ryan USA SFC 1983 2012 AFG S60-10129

203 SAYLOR, Horace A. USA 1SGT 1920 1997 — C4-LL-9-1

204 SCARBOROUGH, Daniel Paul USMC 1SGT 1923 2016 WWII, KOR, VN S69-4198

205 SCHNEIDER, Matthew Evan USA SPC 1983 2006 — S60-8422

206 SCHOFIELD, Sondra Sue Spouse — 1940 2017 — S60-11286

207 SENGSTACK, Cinda Murdock USN LT 1931 2012 — C7-X-9-3

208 SEVILLANO, Diana L. Spouse — 1953 2010 — S40-106

209 SHEA, Clair Val USA SSG 1923 1990 — C2-NN-24 3

210 SHEA, Estella Mae Spouse — 1921 1991 — C2-NN-24 3

211 SHIPLEY, Lloyd Price USA PFC 1918 1999 WWII S55-1499

212 SHIPLEY, Lottice Bledsoe Spouse — 1921 1991 - S55-1499

213 SHURTLEFF, Carlyle Hegsted USA COL 1915 1994 WWII, KOR S64-2111

214 SHURTLEFF, Mary Jane Tomlinson Spouse — 1921 2007 — S64-2111

215 SMITH, Florence J. Spouse — 1907 2000 - S67-384

216 SMITH, Glenn Lowell USCG CAPT 1923 2018 - S60-11895

217 SMITH, John E. USN FTCM 1925 2010 WWII S59-175

218 SMITH, Marjorie Ann Spouse — 1926 2017 — S60-11895

219 SPENCER, Loren James USAF LT COL 1924 2013 WWII, KOR S54-1361

220 SQUIRE, Boyd E. USAF LT COL 1930 1967 VN S34-3830

221 STEWART, Glenn S. USA LTC 1919 1996 WWII, KOR S67-3235

222 STIRLING, Beth Ellis USN YN2 1921 1997 — C4-W-14-3

223 STOCKS, Maurice L. USAF COL 1947 2014 VN S57-2908

224 STYLER, June Marie Spouse — 1961 2004 — S69-3348

225 THOMPSON, Mack Eugene USA WOJG 1921 2014 WWII C3-V-6-4

226 TOLMAN, David Elden USN LT 1910 1953 — S8-5425-A

227 TONER, Francis L. IV USN LT(JG) 1982 2009 — S60-8876

228 TORRY, John Archibald Hyde Jr. USN CDR 1919 2000 WWII, KOR, VN S54-5295

229 TOTH, Joseph Charles Andrew USAF A2C 1936 2016 — C9-S42-5-3

230 TUCKER, Edwardean A. USN CDR 1912 1993 WWII, KOR S67-81

231 TURNER, Raymond V., Jr. USN SA 1952 2009 — S64-26

232 TYLER, Claude G. USAF SSGT 1918 1943 — S60-9712

233 UNGER, Cody Harold USAF MSGT 1920 2011 WWII, KOR S55-3130

234 VAN DAM, Geraldine Stokes Spouse — 1916 2006 — S7-8152-1

235 VAN DAM, Norman USMC COL 1912 1994 WWII, KOR S7-8152-2

236 VAUGHAN, George F. USN LCDR 1931 2000 VN S46-1176

237 VAUGHAN, Timothy K. Child — 1959 1959 — S46-1176

238 VAUGHN, Thomas W. USN MM3 1961 1981 — S68-3644

239 VOSS, Richard A. Child — 1992 1992 — S69-264

240 VZATEK, Stanley Stephen USN DSC 1950 2013 VN S55-535

241 WADE, Gordon R. USMC CPT 1929 2010 — S39-5-25

242 WADE, Joy Spouse — 1926 2010 — S39-5-25

243 WALKER, Rulon Anthony USN LCDR 1907 1992 — C3-O-6-3

244 WALQUIST, Ronald LeLand USA SGT 1945 2018 VN S76-1616

245 WANNEBO, Peter E. USA CPL 1917 1984 — S65-2164

246 WEBB, Allen K. USA 1st SGT 1915 2007 — C8-XX-29-3

247 WEISS, Gary Alan USA PFC 1950 2016 VN CN70,N,36,3

248 WELTI, Conrad Joseph USAF LT COL 1917 1991 WWII S68-2506

249 WHITAKER, Mike USAF TSGT 1941 2010 — C8-YY-4-1

250 WHITE, Nathan Dennis USN LT 1972 2003 IRQ S60-7873

251 WILLIAMSON, Boyd Dean USAF LT COL 1924 2010 WWII, KOR, VN S40-101

252 WILLIAMSON, Norah Dawn Spouse — 1925 2010 — S40-101

253 WILSON, Elizabeth J. Marceau Spouse — 1955 1998 — S10-10889

254 WILSON, Frances Gail Spouse — 1936 2014 — S71-965

255 WINTER, Galen C. USA TEC 3 1911 1986 — C2-H-13 4

256 WINTER, Virginia H. Spouse — 1913 2003 — C2-H-13 4

257 WOOD, James Frederick Child — 1953 1953 — S10-10883-B

258 WOOD, Robert A. USAF LT COL 1918 1999 WWII, KOR S10-10883-B

259 YOUNG, Bertha W. Spouse — 1914 2001 — S46-264

260 YOUNG, Fay Hubert USN CM2 1912 2002 — C6-Z-13-4

261 YOUNG, Helen Ehlers Spouse — 1920 2011 — C6-Z-13-4

262 ZEMLICKA, Frank Kenneth USAF LT COL 1936 2015 VN S71-1239


[1] Isabel Allende, Eva Luna: A Novel, trans. Margaret Sayers Peden (New York: Atria Paperback, 1987), 50.

[2] Arlington National Cemetery is one of 150 national cemeteries maintained by federal agencies. The Department of Veterans Affairs maintains 136 cemeteries, the Department of the Interior manages fourteen, and the Department of the Army maintains two cemeteries—Arlington National Cemetery and Soldiers Home. See “General History,” National Cemetery Administration,

[3] Ten Revolutionary War soldiers were reinterred at Arlington National Cemetery from other cemeteries. See Linda Witt, “Introduction,” in Lorraine Jacyno Dieterle, Arlington National Cemetery: A Nation’s Story Carved in Stone (Rohnert Park, CA: Pomegranate Communications, Inc., 2001), 11.

[4] Doris Kearns Goodwin, Team of Rivals (New York: Simon & Schuster, 2005), 350.

[5] Robert M. Poole, On Hallowed Ground: The Story of Arlington National Cemetery (New York: Walker & Company, 2009), 22.

[6] Poole, On Hallowed Ground, 54–55.

[7] Robert M. Poole, “The Battle of Arlington,” Smithsonian 40, no. 8 (November 2009): 52.

[8] Ruth Tam, “8 things you didn’t know about Arlington National Cemetery,” PBS News Hour (website).

[9] General Orders No. 11, Headquarters Grand Army of the Republic, Washington, DC, 5 May 1868. “Memorial Day Order,” National Cemetery Administration, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs,

[10] History of Arlington National Cemetery (postcard, Washington, DC: B. S. Reynolds Co, 1921).

[11] “About Arlington National Cemetery,” Arlington National Cemetery,

[12] According to the 2010 census, there are 21.8 million living military veterans who have earned the honor of being buried in a national cemetery. According to the National Cemetery Administration, “Veterans with discharges other than dishonorable, their spouses and dependent children may be eligible for burial in a VA national cemetery. Those who die on active duty may also be buried in a national cemetery.” See “General History,” National Cemetery Administration,

[13] “History of Government Furnished Headstones and Markers,” National Cemetery Administration,

[14] “Types of Emblems Available,” National Cemetery Administration,

[15] “Available Emblems of Belief for Placement on Government Headstones and Markers,” National Cemetery Administration,; emblems available as of July 2018.

[16] “Types of Emblems Available,” National Cemetery Administration,

[17] “Gravestone emblem approved,” Church News, 31 May 1980, 13.

[18] A columbarium is a place where funeral urns are stored. An increasing percentage of interments at Arlington National Cemetery are in a columbarium.

[19] ANC Explorer,

[20] You can look up these and other burials at “FindAGrave,” Arlington National Cemetery (website).

[21] Lloyd P. Shipley, Honorable Discharge, WD AGO Form 53-55, Army of the United States, 20 April 1945; Army Separation Qualification Record, WD AGO Form No. 100, 20 April 1945.

[22] Lloyd P. Shipley, Life History, September 1991, copy in author’s possession.

[23] Spencer Burt, “Utah-raised WWII veteran to be interred at Arlington Cemetery on 100th birthday,” Deseret News, 15 December 2018.

[24] Leo Shane III, “New Eligibility Rules for Arlington Cemetery Would Exclude Most Non-Combat Veterans,” Military Times (website), 25 September 2019.

[25] Major Sidney Herbert, “Col. Theodore O’Hara, author of ‘The Bivouac of the dead’—Soldier, Orator, Poet and Journalist.” Register of Kentucky Historical Society 39, no. 128 (July 1941): 231. Tradition says it was General Meigs who ordered the lines be added to the McClellan Gate. “In fall 2001, the National Cemetery Administration . . . install[ed] a new cast-aluminum tablet featuring the first stanza of ‘Bivouac of the Dead’ in all the existing national cemeteries where they are missing . . .”