
We are pleased to recognize the publishing expertise and professionalism of the faculty and staff who serve in Brigham Young University’s Religious Studies Center, including the publications director Scott Esplin; publications coordinator Joany Pinegar; editors Devan Jensen, Shirley Ricks, Meghan Rollins Wilson, Cara Nickels, and Sarah Johnson; production supervisor Brent Nordgren; and designer Emily Strong. We are grateful for everyone who reviewed and edited draft essay manuscripts.

The editors gratefully acknowledge our colleagues who have contributed their time and talents to researching and writing the essays in this volume. The authors also acknowledge the assistance provided by Beverly Yellowhorse, who directs the Religious Education Faculty Support Office, and the able assistance of the following student research assistants: Ally Fronk Bichsel, Anna Pomares, Bradley McCormick, Camdyn Barney, Ciera Anderson, Deanna Nielson, Drew Carson, Emma Thornock, Jena Burgess, Laynie Calderwood, Madison Godfrey, Maren Davis, Nathan Hubert, Savannah Jardine, Scott Garrett, and Ward Hedges.

We appreciate the willingness of Dale Van Atta and Ralph W. Hardy Jr. to contribute essays to this volume. Their intimate knowledge of Church-related people and events in Washington, DC, has made this a more comprehensive volume. Dale Van Atta acknowledges the assistance of Daryl Gibson, his longtime editor and collaborator, on his essay. He is appreciative of the oversight and encouragement for the Marriott book project from Sheri Dew, as well as Chris Schoebinger and his team at Shadow Mountain, a Deseret Book subsidiary, as well as the book’s editor, Emily Watts. Ralph Hardy thanks the family members and friends of those featured in his summary who contributed to his research.