Appendix G

Records of the Branch Presidency.

The Branch Presidency in the Church of Jesus Christ

of Latter Day Saints at Kalaupapa, Moloka‘i.[1]

In or about the Year 1888

  1. Brother Momona were the Branch President

the First Counselor unknown.

" Second Counselor unknown

" Secretary unknown

" Treasurer unknown.

In or about the Year 1892

  1. Brother Kekai were the Branch President

the First Counselor unknown.

" Second Counselor unknown.

" Secretary unknown

" Treasurer unknown

In or about the Year 1896

  1. Brother Mokuhalii were the Branch President

the First Counselor unknown

" Second Counselor unknown

" Secretary unknown

" Treasurer unknown

In or about the Year 1900

  1. Brother John Haulani were the Branch President

John Kialoa the First Counselor

John Eleakala Nahulu the Second Counselor

the Secretary unknown

" Treasurer unknown

On September 10—1914

5 Brother David Kenau Kauhionamahaokalaniofauu—Pres

John Eliahala Nahulu First Counselor

Abraham S. Paniani Second Counselor

the Secretary unknown

Treasurer unknown

On September 11—1919

6. Brother John Maipinepine Bright—Branch President

John Elrakala Uahulu—First Counselor

David Haleamanu Kahananui—Second Counselor

Secretary unknown

Treasurer unknown

On October 1925

7. Brother John Eleakala Nahulu­—Branch President

David Haleamanu Kahananui—First Counselor

William Hoapili Kailimai Jr.—Second Counselor

Secretary unknown

Treasurer unknown

On April 1927

Brother John Eleakala Nahulu—Branch President

David Haleamanu Kahanamei—First Counselor

Samuel K. Keiki Ka-ne—Second Counselor

" " " "—Secretary

Treasurer Unknown

On November 1931

Brother John Eleakala Nahulu—Branch President

Samuel K. Keiki Ka-ne—First Counselor

William Kaulahao Keahi—Second Counselor

Samuel K. Keiki Ka-ne—Secretary

Treasurer unknown.

On January 1933

Brother William Hoapili Kailimai—Branch President

Samuel K. Keiki Ka-ne—First Counselor

William Kaulahao Keahi—Second Counselor

Samuel K. Keiki Ka-ne—Secretary

Treasurer unknown

On October 8—1933

Brother David Kenao Kauhionamakaokalaniopuu—Pres

Samuel K. Keiki Ka-ne—First Counselor

William Kaulahau Keahi—Second Counselor

Samuel K. Keiki Ka-ne—Secretary

David Kenao Kauhionamakaokalaniopuu—Treasurer

On February 23—1940

Brother David Kenao Kauhionamakaokalaniopuu—Pres

Jonah Kinilaulehua Mahelona—First Counselor

William Hoapili Kailimai—Second Counselor

Isaiah Fred Roback—Secretary

David Kenao Kauhionamakaokalaniopuu—Treasurer

On July 12—1942

Brother David Kenao Kauhionamakaokalaniopuu—Pres

Jonah Kinilaulehua Mahelona—First Counselor

William Hoapili Kailimai—Second Counselor

Isaiah Fred Roback—Secretary

David Kenao Kauhionamakaokalaniopuu – Treasurer

On November 8—1942

Brother David Kenao Kauhionamakaokalaniopuu—Pres

William Hoapili Kailimai—First Counselor

Isaiah Fred Roback—Second Counselor

" " "—Secretary

Jonah Kinilaulehua Mahelona Napela—Treasurer

On April 29—1945

Brother Jonah Kinilaulehua Mahelona Napela—President

William Hoapili Kailimai—First Counselor

Jacob Sing Kong—Second Counselor

Isaiah Fred Roback—Secretary

Jonah Kinilaulehua Mahelona Napela—Treasurer


[1] Record of the Kalaupapa Branch Presidency, Kalaupapa Branch Records (1885–1945), LR 4289 11, vol. 4s, Church History Library. This record can be supplemented by an article titled “General Conference in the Sandwich Islands,” Deseret Evening News, February 13, 1874, which notes that by October 8, 1873, Jonathan Napela was listed as the first known Kalaupapa branch president: “A Semi-annual General Conference of the Sandwich Islands Mission of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, was held at Lā‘ie, O‘ahu, Hawaiian Islands, Oct. 6, 7, and 8, 1873. . . . Napela presides at the Kalaupapa, Island of Malokai [sic].” (See also the MHHM, October 8, 1873.) Five years later, there were two LDS Church branches; one in Kalawao and the other in Kalaupapa. At this time Napela served as the district president over both branches until his death in 1879. From 1879 to 1887 there is no record of who the Kalaupapa branch presidency was. The record above records branch presidents from 1888 to 1945. Other records reveal that Jonah Mahelona continued to serve as the branch president until 1952 when he was replaced by Jack Sing Kong, who continued to serve as the Kalaupapa branch president until his death in December 1983. Jack was the last local branch president at Kalaupapa. The 1888–1945 branch presidency information can be compared with a contemporary source titled “Records of the Branch Presidency,” Kalaupapa Branch, Hawaii Mission, General Minutes, vol. 2, 36–39, LR 4289 11, Church History Library, Salt Lake City. Additional supplemental information can be drawn from Andrew Jenson’s MHHM and other documents in the possession of the author.