Subject Index
References are to page numbers
[Act Authorizing Conveyances, An], 321–22
[Act Concerning Division Fences, An], 322
[Act Concerning Fortifications, An], 180
[Act Containing Provisions, An], 121
[Act Creating the Office of Sealer of Weights and Measures, An], 324
[Act Defining the Duties of County Courts, An], 323
[Act for the Construction, Repairs, and Preservation, An], 180
[Act for the Foreclosure of Mortgages, An], 323
“Act for the Organization of the Militia, An,” 324
[Act in Relation to Common Schools, An], 182
[Act in Relation to Search Warrants, An], 189
[Act in Relation to the Penitentiary, An], 189
[Act Prescribing the Manner of Assessing and Collecting, An], 119
[Act Regulating the Mode of Procedure, An], 35
[Act to Amend an Act Entitled “An Act Regulating,” An], 324
[Act to Amend an Act Entitled “An Act to Provide,” An], 324
Act to Provide for the Further Organization of the Militia, An, 262
Acts and Resolutions, 100–1, 141, 340–41
Acts Passed by the Legislative Assembly, 252, 254–55
Acts, Resolutions and Memorials, 226–28
“Adam, Our Father and Our God,” 77
Adams, George J., 12, 14
Advarsels Røst, En, 217–18, 280–81
Advertiser, Press, 207
Ægteskab og Sæder i Utah, 312
Affidavits and Certificates, 12
Ai Duw a Ddanfonodd Joseph Smith?, 229
Ai Dwyfol Oedd Cenadwri Joseph Smith?, 230
Alexander, R., 71
Allen, Benjamin, 192
Allen, David O., 319, 426
Amddiffyniad y Saint, 20, 161
“Amis, La Matinée Est Belle,” 174
amusements, 58
Andrus, Milo, 163, 248–49
Anffyddiaeth Sectyddiaeth!, 146
Angell, Truman O., 38, 114, 199, 252
Anmhoblogrwydd “Mormoniaeth?,” 230
Annerchiad ar Ymadawiad W. S. Philips a J. Davis, 127
Annerchiad at Offeiriaid, 155
Annual Festival . . . of the Typographical Association, 194
antipolygamy legislation, 322
Apostolical Religion Restored, 13
Appleby, William I., 193, 204
Är Mormonismen en Irrlära?, 311
Armstrong, Thomas C., 42, 55, 73, 114–15, 120, 151–52, 187
“Art of Printing, The,” 194
Arthur, Christopher A., 64–65, 368
Articles of Confederation, 226–28
Articles of Faith, 69, 210
Assassination of Joseph and Hyrum Smith, 205–6
“Assassination of Joseph and Hyrum Smith, The,” 96, 206, 275
Atwood, Millen, 56–5
Aubrey, W., 114
auditor’s report, 113, 179
Aux Amis de la Vérité Religieuse, 233
Averett, Elisha, 200
“Awake! Ye Saints of God, Awake!,” 276
“Away, Away to the Mountain Dell,” 54
Babbitt, Almon W., 91, 112, 141, 159, 192, 237, 252, 318, 375, 388, 413, 426
Babbitt, Miss M., 39
Backenstos, Jacob B., 206
Ballantyne, Richard, 19–20, 25, 78–81, 84–85, 89–91, 140, 143–45, 147, 154–55, 294–95
Ballif, Serge L., 48, 362
Ballo, Dominico, 71, 301, 334
Ballo, 59, 155–56, 202, 237, 265, 297, 303, 336, 339
Deseret Quadrille, 255
Martial, 59, 155–56, 237, 297, 303, 336, 339
Nauvoo Brass, 38, 59, 155–56, 202, 237, 297, 303, 336, 339
Ogden City Brass, 339
Ogden City Martial, 339
Springville Brass, 339
baptism for the dead, 66, 69
Bard’s Offering, The,
Barker, Frederick E., 108, 380
Barker, Joseph, 295
Barlow, James M., 37, 40, 71, 272, 286
Barnes, Lorenzo D., 187
Bassett, Charles H., 255, 304
bathhouse, 63
Be It Known by These Presents, 223–25
Beatie, Hampden S., 196, 253, 272, 336
Bell, James F., 49, 212, 236, 293
Bell, William, 297–98
Bengal Hurkaru, 257–59
Bennet, James Arlington, 77
Bennett, James Gordon, 206
Bennett, John C., 12, 53, 82, 168, 186
Benson, Ezra T., 41, 180, 189, 250, 305, 316, 333, 337
Benton, Thomas Hart, 202
Bernhisel, John M., 29, 55–56, 78, 177, 182, 215, 288
Bertrand, Louis A., 125–28, 174–75, 347–48
Beth yw “Gras Cadwedigol?,” 176
Bibelske Henviisninger, 57, 142, 270, 345
Bibliska Hänvisningar, 57
Bigler, Henry W., 266, 269
[Bill of Fare for the Mormon Battalion Festival], 200, 202
Bingham, Erastus, 178
Biographical Sketches, 22–23, 26, 86, 91–97, 100, 233, 310
Bird, James, 222
Blackwell, Hiram H., 266
Blair, Seth M., 25, 250
Bleak, James G., 262–63
Boggs, Lilburn W., 145
Bohn, Jacob J. M., 116, 381
Bollwinkel, John M., 192
Bolton, Curtis E., 49–50, 125, 128, 322
Bond, James, 36, 39–40
book agents, 289, 307
book debt, 23, 308, 425
Book of Doctrine and Covenants, The. See Doctrine and Covenants
Book of Mormon, 22–23, 26, 133–34, 171–72
Book of Mormon (French), 175
Book of Mormon (German), 51
Book of Mormon (Hawaiian), 19, 24, 256, 261, 266–70
Book of One Thousand Marks and Brands, 238–39
bookbinder, 21–22
Booth, Samuel, 204, 243, 288, 403, 422
Bording, Frederick E., 25, 60–61, 116–18, 142, 156, 159, 163, 184–85, 197, 217–18, 234–35, 270, 278–80, 294, 302, 310–12, 323, 328–29, 330–33, 335–36, 344–45, 347, 350–51, 355
Bowden, William, 25–26, 63, 93, 96, 134, 150, 171, 244, 246, 291, 293
Bowery, 38
Bowes, John, 245
Bowie, S., 25, 78, 80, 85, 89–91, 140, 143, 145
Box, Thomas, 131
Boyd, T. C., 277
brand book, 238–39
Brand, Edmund C., 115, 151–52, 263, 282–83
Brand, Printer, 151–52
Brandebury, Lemuel G., 395
Brannan, Samuel, 24, 54, 268
Bremer, Fredrika, 295
Brewster, David, 66
“Brigham Young Call For Assistance,” 65
Brocchus, Perry E., 237, 395
Broomhead, Ann Mariah, 39, 71
Brower, Arieh C., 36, 112, 141–42, 170, 190
Brown, Benjamin, 29, 85–86, 212, 230
Brown, Thomas, 90, 140, 147
Browning, Jonathan, 112
Browning, O. H., 53, 186
Brunson, Lewis, 354
Bryceson, Thomas J., 49
Buchanan, James, 348, 350, 383, 395
Budge, William, 244
Buke a Moramona, Ka. See Book of Mormon (Hawaiian)
Bull, Joseph, 21, 24–25, 36, 192, 194, 268, 276–77
Bullock, Benjamin K., 222
Bullock, Thomas, 59, 71, 100–1, 111–12, 127, 136, 176, 181, 213, 229, 252, 286, 297–98, 304, 312 406–7
Bunker, Edward, 29, 183–84
Bunnell, David E., 222
Burgess, Harrison, 243
Burrows, John H., 108, 380
Burton, Robert T., 38, 40, 70–71, 158, 193, 196, 253, 266, 272–73, 286, 297, 303–4, 339
Burton, Richard, 133
Cahoon, William F., 39, 71, 199–200
Cain, John T., 39, 71, 109–10, 335–36, 341
Cain, Joseph, 36, 176, 178–79, 226, 229
Calder, David O., 286, 339–40
California Chronicle, 160
“Caliph of Baghdad,” 301
Calkin, Asa, 23, 71, 112–13, 158, 179–80
Campbell, Alexander, 169
Campbell, Robert, 38, 40, 70–71, 243, 330
Campbell, Robert L., 40, 83, 95, 119, 129, 134, 176, 406
Candland, David, 39–40, 70–71, 109, 183, 193, 202, 236, 266, 304, 335
Cannon, Angus H., 165–66, 203
Cannon, David H., 25, 277, 418
Cannon, Elizabeth H., 24, 268
Cannon, George Q., 19–21, 23–25, 43, 93–94, 105, 107, 148, 174–75, 190, 192, 246, 256, 261–62, 266–69, 276–78, 283, 305, 325, 376
Cannon, Marsena, 243, 284, 421
Cannon, John Q., 108
Capson, Nils, 57
Caravan, 273
Carlisle, Samuel, 210–11
Carn, Daniel. See Garn, Daniel
Carrington, Albert, 78, 100, 158, 178, 181, 190, 238, 254, 354
Carter, John, 222
Carter, William F., 78, 80, 102, 222, 378
Caswall, Henry, 90, 169, 186
Catalogue of Works, 72, 241, 313–14
Catalogue of Works, A, 110
[Catalogues], 273, 275, 313
Catechism for Children, 22–23, 26, 152–54, 245–46
Caveen, Daniel, 210–11
“Celestial Marriage,” 32, 234
Celestiale Ægteskab, Det, 234–35
Celestical [sic] Marriage, 67, 69
Chambers, John G., 21, 190, 192, 194, 271
Charles, John, 85
Chase, George O., 272
Chimborazo, 212
Chislett, John, 230, 232, 408
Christensen, C. C. A., 323
Christian Herald (Sydney), 186
Christian Instructor (Madras), 295
“Christian Polygamy in the Sixteenth Century,” 33, 140
Circular (Lyman and Rich), 239
[Circular Informing the Saints of the Stoppage of Emigration], 348
[Circular for the Ship Clara Wheeler], 161
[Circular for the Ship John M. Wood], 129
[Circular for the Ship Juventa], 212
Circular. Frontier Guardian, 16
Circular to Presidents and Bishops, 225–26
Circular. To Presidents and Bishops, 293–94
Circular. To the Presidents, 211–12
City Charter and Ordinances, 21, 243–44
City of the Mormons, The, 169
City of the Saints, 133
Civil War, 23
Clapp, Benjamin L., 330
Clara Wheeler, 161
Clark, Hiram, 266
Clarke, R., 169
Clawson, Hiram B., 38–40, 71, 196, 237, 243, 253, 256–57, 263, 266, 286, 304, 348
Clawson, J. R., 286, 301
Clawson, Margaret Judd, 39–40, 71, 286, 301
Clawson, Miss, 286
Clawson, Rudger, 108, 380
Clayton, William, 29, 38, 55, 72, 118, 176–77, 181, 235, 238–39, 293
Clegg, Henry, 210–11
Clements, Gilbert, 49, 260, 304
Clinton, Jeter, 165, 203
Clive, Claude, 71
Clough, Moses, 44, 55–56
Collection of Sacred Hymns, A. See hymnal (Wight)
Collection of Testimonies, A, 20, 223, 245
Colton, Calvin, 168
“Come All Ye ‘Royal’ Sons,” 271
“Come All Ye Sons of God,” 118
“Come, Come Ye Saints,” 118
“Come Saints of Latter Days,” 59
“Come to Me,” 14
“Come Zion’s Sons and Daughters,” 249
Comer, T., 333
Companion for the Bible, A, 186–87
Compendium, A, 22–23, 26, 324–28
Complimentary Party of the Police, 198
consecration, 223–25
Constitution and By-Laws of the Typographic Association, 21, 190–91
Constitution of Deseret, 101, 226–28, 278, 286
Constitution of the State of Deseret, 21, 204–5, 286–88
Constitution, US, 215, 226–28, 405
constitutional convention, 121, 205, 252, 254, 286–88
Cook, William, 152, 187
Cooke, Sarah Ann, 37, 39–40, 71, 286, 301, 334–35
Cooke, William, 334–35
Coray, Howard, 38, 91, 374
Coray, Miss, 39
Coray, Martha Jane Knowlton, 91, 95, 374
Corbaz et Robellaz, 48
Corbaz et Rouiller Fils, 48
Cordon, Alfred, 59–60
Council Bluffs Bugle, 132, 150, 159, 166
Council Bluffs City . . . Mrs. Fanny Murry, 150
Council Bluffs City . . . To the Sixth Quorum, 158
Cowdery, Oliver, 49
Cowley, Matthias, 36–37
Cowley, William M., 21, 25, 140, 192, 277, 420
Crawford, William S., 188
Crocheron, G., 39
Crowell, William, 44–46
Cumming, Alfred, 177, 352
Cummings, James W., 38–39, 71, 78, 109, 158, 189, 266, 304, 341
Cunningham, Andrew, 78, 196–97
Dadl Rhwng Bedyddiwr ac Anffyddiwr, 145
daily minutes of the legislature, 21, 178–79, 229
Dairy [sic] of a Voyage, 64–66
Dall, Charles H. A., 260, 415
Dalling, John, 169–70
Dammeg y Pren, 261
Daniels, Daniel, 20, 22, 29, 242, 312, 317, 344
Daniels, William M., 186
Darlun o’r Byd Crefyydol, 261
Darsteller, Der, 19–20, 25, 230–33
Davenport, James, 118
Davies, Douglas W., 53
Davis, John S., 21–22, 70, 127, 192, 194, 271
Davis, Nathan, 199–200
Davison, Matilda, 54, 90, 168, 186
Day, Thomas, 13
“Dead Shot,” 38, 361
Deck, James G., 52–53, 364
Declaration of Independence, 226–28
“Deep In this Holy Ground,” 59
Defence of Mormonism, A, 20, 25, 132, 257–60, 295
Defence of Polygamy, 20–21, 77, 129–33, 168–69, 260, 295, 385
DeMonte, W., 102
Den Patriarkalske Orden. See Patriarkalske Orden, Den
Dennis, Edward, 268, 417
Dennis, William T., 47
Der Darsteller. See Darsteller, Der
Derr, William, 198–99
Deseret Almanac, 21, 63, 109, 138–39, 170–71
Deseret Alphabet, 136–40, 171, 177, 239, 386–87
Deseret Alphabet, The, 21, 136–39
Deseret Dramatic Association, 21, 37–40, 58, 70–71, 109–10, 266, 286
Deseret Dramatic Association, The, 266
Deseret Express and Road Company, 265
Deseret News extra, 41, 58, 75–76, 78, 85, 146, 151, 237–38
“Deseret Press, The,” 271
Deseret Typographical Association, 21, 36, 138, 190–92, 194, 270–71
Det Celestiale Ægteskab. See Celestiale Ægteskab, Det
Dewey, Benjamin F., 78, 80
dialogue, 99, 140, 162
Dialogue Between A. and B. on Polygamy, 140, 155
Dialogue Between Joseph Smith and the Devil, 205
Discourse Delivered in the Tabernacle, A, 21
Discourse on the Evidence of the American Indians, 168
Discourses Delivered by Presidents, 21, 212–16
Divine Authenticity of the Book of Mormon, 22, 60, 66, 82, 344
Divine Authority, 49, 53, 233, 278
Dixon, John, 266
Dockstader, George, 236–37
“Doctor in Spite of Himself,” 38
Doctrine and Covenants, 22–23, 26, 133–34
Danish, 22, 159, 302
Section 44, 33
Section 76, 221, 327
Section 87, 33
Section 103, 216
Section 129, 216
Section 132, 34, 146
Dodd, John, 69
“Don Cæsar de Bazan,” 38–39, 361
Douglas, Stephen A., 350
Dowdle, Absalom P., 73, 75, 185
Drake, Mr., 24
Dramatic Association, 109–10
Drummond, W. W., 205, 238, 350, 395
Ducloux, Marc, 49, 128
Dulin, Charles C., 204, 402
Dunbar, William C., 37, 71, 110, 159–60, 242, 334–35, 339
Dundee conference report, 16, 119
Dufter Ashkara Press, 52
Duzette, Edward P., 237
Dyer, Miss E., 40
Dykes, George Parker, 50–51, 55, 57, 142, 203
“Earth Was Fair, When God Walked There, The,” 65
Eddington, William, 297, 304, 336
Edmunds, George, Jr., 395
Eine Göttliche Offenbarung. See Göttliche Offenbarung, Eine
Eine Offenbarung welche Joseph Smith. See Offenbarung welche Joseph Smith, Eine
Eine Stimme der Warnung. See Stimme der Warnung, Eine
Eldredge, Horace S., 29, 158, 182, 237, 297, 330
Eldredge, John S., 73, 75
election 77–78, 158, 304
“Elegy on the Death of . . . Joseph Smith, Senior,” 96
Ellerbeck, Thomas W., 100–1
Ellsworth, Edmund, 39–40, 71, 234
Elvira Owen, 35
Emerald Isle, 249
emigration, 127, 151, 163–65, 169, 225–26, 248–49, 282, 284, 289, 294, 324, 332, 348, 392
[Emigration Circular], 324
En Advarsels Røst. See Advarsels Røst, En
En Sandheds-Røst. See Sandheds-Røst, En
En Sannings-Röst. See Sannings-Röst, En
Enfield, William, 186
Enoch Train, 273
Epephania, Miss, 301
Epistle of Elder J. Haven, An, 251
Epistle of Orson Pratt, 32–33
Epistle to the Church . . . in France, An, 125, 127–28
Epitre du Président de la Mission Française, 127–28
“Equality and Oneness of the Saints,” 33
Er Mormonismen en Vranglære?, 310–11, 347
Étoile du Déséret, 50, 128
Evangeliets Sande Grundsætninger, 335–36
Evans, David W., 108, 379
Evans, Israel, 242–43
Eveleth, Dwight, 25
“Evening Thoughts,” 275
Excelsior Printing Office, 148
[Excerpt from the Voice of Joseph, in Dutch], 221–22
Exclusive Salvation, 207
“Explanation of Substituted Names in the Covenants,” 33
Exploration and Survey of the Valley, 76, 295
Express and Carrying Company, 265, 383, 429
Farnham, Augustus A., 19, 73, 75–77, 188
Farr, Lorin, 112, 178, 254, 354
Farrer, William, 266, 268
Favez, Louis, 166–69, 393
Fazakerley, Thomas, 26, 43, 134, 171–72, 220, 244, 246, 283, 291, 325, 327
Felt, Nathaniel H., 41, 165, 203–4, 290
Felt, Nathaniel Preston, 290, 422
Female Life Among the Mormons, 257–59, 414–15
Fenn, Charles, 282–83
Ferguson, Andrew, 51–52, 56–57, 83, 119
Ferguson, George C., 108, 380
Ferguson, Henry A., 21, 192
Ferguson, James, 25, 38–39, 70–71, 100–1, 108–9, 113, 242, 257, 273, 318, 334, 342, 352
Ferris, Benjamin G., 61–62, 84, 367, 388, 413, 427
Ferris, Cornelia (Mrs. B. G.), 62, 321, 350, 367, 415, 427
Few Incidents of Travel in England, A, 13
Few Words in the Utah and Sho-sho-ne Dialects, A, 135–36
15 Wilton Street . . . Dear Brother, 161
“Figure and Magnitude of Spirits,” 32
Fillmore, Millard, 395
Findlay, Allen M., 53, 207–8
Findlay, Hugh, 19–20, 52–53, 207–10, 304
First Presidency, 94, 105, 211–12, 250
first principles, 47, 66, 99, 221, 327–28
Flanigan, James H., 77, 115, 187, 245, 328
Fleming, Josiah W., 73, 75
Fletcher, M., 169–70
Flygare, Nils C., 344
Foelscher, W., 25, 67, 250–51
Follett, William A., 222
“For the Pioneers,” 275
“For the 24 Young Ladies,” 275
Forsgren, John E., 280
“Fortune’s Frolic,” 39, 361
Foss, Ezra C., 21
Fotheringham, William, 78, 80, 102–3, 240
Fourteen Articles of Faith, 77, 115, 187, 245, 328
Fourth of July Ball, 297
Fourth of July oration, 213
Fragments sur les Mormons, 168–69
France, William, 49
Francis, Samuel, 52, 232, 321, 347, 408
Franklin, John B., 33
Frémont, John C., 82
Frontier Guardian, 16
Frost, Burr, 73, 75
Fullmer, John S., 29, 168, 193, 205–6
Furst F[o]netic Rdur, 139
Gahan, William, 66
Galloway, Andrew, 63
Garn, Daniel, 25, 50–51, 146, 363
Garr, William, 339
Gasparin, Agénor de, 166–69, 393
Gates, Jacob, 33–35, 158, 304
Gems for the Young Folks, 86
General Election, 304
General Instructions, 289
General Orders No. 5, 342
General Report of the Auditor, 179
General Report . . . of the Sheffield Conference, A, 183
General Ticket, 77
“Gentle Shepherd, The,” 38, 361
“Gently Sing,” 271
George Washington, 329–30
Gibbons, J. A., 54
Gibbons, Mr., 102–3
Gibbs, George F., 108, 380
Gibbs, Horace, 78
Gibson, Jacob, 334
Gibson, Walter Murray, 269
Gilchrist, William, 72
Gillies, Ebenezer, 63–64
Glasgow conference report, 72, 189–90
Glazier, Orren, 222
Globe Coffee and Dining Room, 193, 266
Glover, William, 38, 212
anthropomorphic, corporeal, 217, 221
progressing, 33, 359
Goddard, George, 273, 297
Goddard, William P., 222
Golconda, 35
“Golden Farmer, The,” 39, 361
Gooch, John, 13
Gospel Reflector, 11
Gospel Triumphant, The, 295
Gospel Witness, 77
Göttliche Offenbarung, Eine, 146
Goulder, George H., 34–35
Government of God, 327
Governor’s Message, 176–78, 317–18, 352–54
Graham, James, 73, 75
Graham, John C., 108, 380
Graham, Samuel, 12
Grand Mass Meeting, A, 264–65
Grant, George D., 39, 193, 336
Grant, Jedediah M., 41, 78, 107, 158, 181–83, 202, 211, 213, 233, 243, 250, 263, 286, 304, 314–15, 316–17
Great First Cause, 94, 310
“Great Is the Lord!,” 276
Great Salt Lake City . . . Bishop Dear Sir, 256–57
Greene, Evan M., 228, 406–7
Grimshaw, John, 108
Grimshaw, Jonathan, 39–40, 100–1, 136, 213, 286, 377
Grossman, Mr., 230, 232
Guddommelig Fuldmagt, 278–79
Guers, Emile, 166–69, 392–93
Gunnison, John W., 84, 111–13, 169, 295, 372
Gunput Crushnajee’s Press, 208
Gwahoddiad!, 162
Haalelea, Levi, 268, 417
Hahn, Frans Julius, 60, 218, 278, 344, 420
Haight, Hector C., 20, 22, 61, 157, 163, 198, 270, 278–81, 294, 302, 310–12, 323, 328–33, 335–36, 344–45, 347, 350–51, 355
“Hail to the ‘Twelve’ and Pioneers,” 275
Hales, George, 21, 36, 100–1, 192, 194, 254, 271, 295
Half-Yearly Report of the London Conference, 73, 120
Half-Yearly Report of the Newcastle-upon-Tyne Conference, 63
Hall, Joseph, 52
Hall, Thomas, 198–99, 286
Hancock, Levi W., 330
handbill, 29, 51–52, 55–56, 83–84, 120, 147, 159–60, 169, 192, 216, 225, 234, 242, 244, 289, 301, 305, 316, 330, 333–35, 337
Hanks, Ebenezer, 239
Hanks, Ephraim K., 196–97, 272
Hansen, Peter O., 118, 159, 218
Happy New Year, 255
Hardee, William J., 342
Hardy, John T., 63
Hardy, Leonard W., 198, 237, 255, 297, 317
“Hark Ye Mortals, Hist! Be Still,” 15
Harmon, Jesse P., 243
Harney, William S., 346
Harp of Zion, The, 22–23, 26, 42–44, 275
Harrington, Leonard E., 112, 178, 254, 354
Hart, James H., 24, 108, 125–28, 163–64, 174, 202
Hastrup, Mary, 332, 351
Hastrup, Teah, 332, 351
Hatch, Lorenzo H., 333–34
Haven, Jesse, 19, 25, 29, 54, 67, 69–70, 88–90, 97–98, 157, 186, 195, 222, 235, 249–51, 291, 302
Haven, John, 54, 70, 88, 90, 186, 249, 373
Hawkins, James, 266
Hawkins, Leo, 39–40, 108, 229, 304, 407
Hawkins, Miss, 71
Hawkins, Mrs., 285
Hawthornthwaite, Samuel, 316
He Olelo Hoolaha, 256, 414
“He that Readeth, Let Him Understand,” 114–15
Heard, J. T., Printer, 46
Heer, C. L., 232
Hepburn, A. B., 20, 216
Herriman, Henry, 330
Hill, A. N., 199
Hill, Emily. See, Woodmansee, Emily Hill
Hindu Press. See Texter, Henry
“His Last Legs,” 37, 39–40, 286, 361
“History of Joseph Smith,” 49, 66, 91, 216–17, 233, 325
History of Philosophy, The, 186
History of the Saints, The, 82
Hittell, John S., 160
“Hive of Deseret, The,” 223, 250
“Ho! A Song to the Press,” 271
Hoagland, Abraham, 243
Hoagland, Elizabeth. See Cannon, Elizabeth H.
Holbrook, Joseph, 354
Holy Spirit, 221, 309–10
Holy Spirit, The, 94, 308–10
Homes of the New World, The, 295
Hood, Alvan, 12
Hooper, William H., 288, 297–98, 318
Horizon, 15, 212, 249, 251, 273, 290–91, 329
Horne, Joseph, 243
Horner, John M., 24, 78, 200, 268
Houtz, Jacob, 29, 44, 55–56, 365
“How Glorious Will Be the Morning,” 118
“How Have the Nations Grown Corrupt!,” 291
“How to Pay the Rent,” 39, 361
Hughes, Henry, 210–11
Hunter, Edward, 40–41, 59, 127
“Hunting a Turtle,” 39, 361
Huntington, Dimick B., 62, 135–36, 200
Hurt, Garland, 237
Hutchinson, Jacob F., 21, 38, 71, 192
Hyde, John, 73, 75, 369
Hyde, John, Jr., 305
Hyde, Mrs., 286
Hyde, Orson, 16, 59–60, 78, 183, 261
Hyde, William, 73, 75, 255
Hymn Upon the Death of Joseph and Hyrum Smith, 14
British, 22, 26, 133–35, 291–93
Danish, 22, 116, 323
French, 25, 347
Wight, 14
I. E. R., 129, 293
“I’m About to Bid Farewell,” 65
[Important Notice to All the People], 333
Inbjudning till Guds Rike, 329
Incidents of Travel in Central America, Chiapas, and Yucatan, 168
Indbydelse til Guds Rige, 184–85, 270, 328–29
Independence Party, 236
India Ancient and Modern, 319
Indian hostilities, 62, 83–84, 111, 121–22, 124, 177, 252, 318
Indian Standard press, 102
Inhabitants of Hartlepool, The, 169–70
Irvingisme et le Mormonisme, L’, 168, 393
Instructions to the Presidents . . . of Seventies, 330
International, 64–66
invitation, 36, 41, 109, 114, 182, 193–94, 196, 198–99, 236, 250, 253, 255, 263, 266, 270, 272, 297, 303
Invitation, 115, 403
“Irish Attorney, The,” 37, 39, 361
“Irish Lion, The,” 37, 39, 361
“Iron Chest, The,” 301, 424
Irvine, John, 108, 380
Is Mormonism True or Not?, 145
Israels Indsamling, 350–51
“I’ve Been a Printer Pretty Long,” 195
Ivie, James, 84
Jackson, Mason, 282–83
James, Richard, 25–26, 31, 41, 44, 46, 56, 86, 98–99, 105, 129, 134–35, 161–62, 206–7, 212, 249, 273, 275, 291, 305, 307, 313, 325, 327, 329, 348, 358
James Pennell, 212, 249, 273, 329
Jaques, John, 22, 26, 43, 99, 152–53, 162, 207, 233, 245–46, 291, 293, 325
Jenny Ford, 76
Jeffersonian Democracy, 12
Jeremy, Thomas, 22
John J. Boyd, 249
John M. Wood, 129, 134
Johnson, Aaron, 112, 178
Johnson, Benjamin F., 24, 147–50, 254, 268, 354
Johnson, Henry M., 196–97, 272
Johnson, Joel H., 148
Johnson, Joseph E., 148, 150, 159
Johnstone, Marie Louise, 293
Jones, Dan, 20, 22, 29, 136, 145–47, 155, 161–62, 165, 175–76, 190, 192, 198, 216, 225, 229–30, 261, 273
Jones, David Bevan, 127, 344, 430
Jones, Dewi Elfed, 127, 312, 344
Jones, Elisha, 222
Jones, J. M., 71, 301
Jones, John, 77
Jones, Nathaniel V., 54, 78, 80–82, 102–3, 143, 155, 196, 259, 272
Jones, Thomas, 118
Journal of Discourses, 19, 22, 25–26, 58, 103–8, 327
Journal of Heber C. Kimball, 86
Journal of the Legislative Assembly, 229, 342
Journals of the House of Representatives, Council, and Joint Sessions, 100–1, 141
Journey Beyond the Rocky Mountains, A, 168
Journey to Great-Salt-Lake City, 133
“Jubilee Song,” 275
Judd, W. R., 39–40
judgment, 66
Judiciary Party, 193
July 4th celebration, 236–37, 297, 336
July 24th celebration, 155–56, 303–4, 337–39
Juventa, 212
Ka Buke a Moramona. See Book of Mormon (Hawaiian)
Kane, Thomas, 53–54, 169, 295
Kauwahi, J. W. H., 268, 416–17
Kay, John, 37, 39–40, 71, 110
Keeler, James, 266
Kelly, John B., 21, 101, 190, 192, 194, 271, 304
Kershaw, George F. W., 302–3
Kesler, Frederick, 114, 199, 236
Key to the Science of Theology, 22–23, 26, 218–21, 233
Keys, 216–17
Kimball, Heber C., 59–60, 78, 107, 112, 138, 178, 181–83, 211, 213, 250, 254, 263, 354
Kimball, Hiram, 383
Kimball, Lydia Marden, 131–32, 384
Kimball, Mrs., 286
Kimball, William H., 39, 242, 262–63, 265
Kinderhook plates, 168
King Follett discourse, 77
King, Hannah Tapfield, 245, 304, 411
Kingdom of God, 66
Kinney, John F., 176, 182–83, 205, 213, 233, 237–38, 245, 260, 395
Kirtland Safety Society, 11
Krauss, Mr., 232
Ladew, A. P., & Co., 24, 163, 392
“Lady of Lyon, The,” 39, 361
Læseøvelser i det Engelske Sprog. See Reading Exercises
Lærdommens og Pagtens Bog. See Doctrine and Covenants (Danish)
Lamb, Abel, 165
Lamoreax, Andrew L., 29, 125–28, 160, 174–75, 289
“Last Valentine Was Great Blest,” 59
Latter-day Kingdom, 308, 310
[Latter-day Saints’ Belief], 240–41
Latter-day Saints’ Belief, The, 17, 53, 188
Latter-day Saints’ Faith, 187
Latter-day Saints’ Millennial Star and Monthly Visitor, The, 19, 143–45, 155
Latter-day Saints’ Millennial Star . . . Supplement, The, 40
Latter Day Saints’ Soiree, The, 17
Lawrence, Miss B., 39–40
Le Livre de Mormon. See Book of Mormon (French)
Le Réflecteur. See Réflecteur, Le
Lectures on Faith, 90, 302
Legislative Party, 263–64
Leitz, Thomas, 289–90
Leonard, Truman, 78, 80, 102, 208, 240–41, 273
Les Mormons et Leurs Ennemis. See Mormons et Leurs Ennemis, Les
Les Prairies. See Prairies, Les
“Let Them Sing of Invention,” 271
Letter to the Queen, 145
Letter to the Rev. Osborne, 49
Letters Exhibiting the Most Prominent Doctrines, 23, 26, 46, 66, 278, 327
Lewis, John, 34
Lewis, Philip B., 24, 148, 266, 268
Lidget, Miss, 71
Life Guards, 196, 272, 297, 303, 336
Life Guards Assembly, 196, 272
Linforth, James, 22, 43, 281–85
Lines Composed By Parley P. Pratt, 15
“Lines Inscribed to President S. W. Richards,” 129
“Lines Written on the Death of Gen. Don Carlos Smith,” 96
List of Persons Who Have Received Assistance, 127
Little, James A., 242, 305, 308, 316, 325, 327–28
Little, Jesse C., 62–63, 155, 202, 237, 243, 254, 263, 297, 304, 317
Littlefair, William, 169–70
Littlefield, Lyman O., 132, 150, 158–59, 166
Livre de Mormon, Le. See Book of Mormon (French)
Llofruddiad Joseph a Hyrum Smith!, 198
Llyfr Mormon, ei Darddiad, 261
“Lo the Gentile Chain is Broken,” 15, 145
Loader, Zilpah, 152
London conference report, 33–34, 73, 120, 262
Long, John V., 33–34, 108, 200–2, 245, 264, 286
Longley, Elias, 139
“Love’s Sacrifice,” 70–71, 369
Luddington, Elam, 78, 80
“Luke the Laborer,” 286, 422
Luther, Martin, 140, 169, 260, 388
Lyman, Amasa M., 59, 211–12, 239, 376
Lynch, John G., 189–90
Lynch, Patrick, 72, 190, 286
Lyon, John, 22, 26, 42–43, 54, 64–66, 271, 275
Mackay, Charles, 186, 398
Mackintosh, Daniel, 199, 263
Madan, Martin, 319, 426
(Madras) “Christian Instructor,” The, 132, 294–95
Mærkværdige Syner, 279–80
Maeser, Karl G., 233
Maggie, 290
Magraw, William M. F., 123, 265, 296, 350, 383
Maiben, Henry, 64–66, 110, 183, 194, 236, 271–73, 286, 301, 304, 334, 339
Maiben, John B., 283
Maiben, William, 263, 283
mail, 123, 265, 296, 339, 354, 383
Mair, James, 16, 119
Marathi, 208–10
Margetts, Henry, 39, 286
Margetts, Philip, 38–39, 71, 286, 301
Mariage et Moeurs à Utah, 25, 321
Märkvärdiga Syner, 280
Marriage and Morals in Utah, 20, 22, 205, 233, 278, 298–301, 312, 319–21
“Marriage & the Pre-existence of Man,” 30
Marryat, Frederick, 168, 186, 398
Marsden, James, 33–34, 73, 120, 152, 262, 327
Martin, Edward, 29, 38, 72, 189–90, 291
Martin handcart company, 15, 251, 291, 316
Martin, Moses, 53
Martin, Samuel, 108
Mather, John, 83
Mathews, John, 210–11
May, Joseph, 108
Mayer, George, 55
McAllister, Duncan M., 376
McAllister, John D. T., 38, 40, 273, 334–35, 339
McArthur, Daniel D., 29, 51, 119
McBride, William, 132, 268
McCarthy, John, 132, 140, 143, 147, 259–60, 294–95, 387
McCune, Matthew, 143
McDonald, Alexander F., 66, 403
McEwan, Henry, 25, 277, 420
McGaw, James, 112
McGregor, J., 169–70
McKenzie, D., 286, 301
McKenzie, Thomas, 198–99
McKinzie, Thomas, 71
McKnight, James, 21, 36, 190, 192, 194, 271, 304, 318, 340, 342, 354
McMahon, Arthur, 81, 371
McNaughton, James, 16
McRae, Alexander, 304
Meik, James P., 20, 25, 80–81, 132, 257–60, 295
Meik, Mary Ann, 260
Melanchthon, Philipp, 140, 169, 260, 388
Members of the Deseret Dramatic Association, 71
Memmott, John, 183–84
Memorial of the Legislative Assembly, 180–81
Memorial to Congress, 121–24
Mensor, Rev. Dr., 295
Merrill, Philemon C., 249
Merry Christmas, 253
Merthyrdod yr Apostol Parley P. Pratt, 23, 343–44
Messenger Extra, 11
Methodism Priestcraft Exposed, 185–86, 188–89
Meynell, James B., 13–14
Military Circular, 342
military warrants, 257
Millennial Star, 25–26
Millennial Star office, 19–20, 22
Miller, Daniel A., 281
Miller, Reuben, 78
Millikin, Lucy Smith, 97
Mills, James, 89, 140, 143, 147, 260, 295, 387
Mills, William G., 52, 86, 192, 248–49, 271, 293, 304
Milner, John B., 108
Milton, John, 140, 169, 295, 388
“Milton on Polygamy,” 77, 140, 295, 388
Minutes of the Legislative Assembly, 179
Minutes of the London Conference, 151, 262
Missionaries’ Festival, 250
Mitchell, B. T., 199
“Monde en Sa Démence, Le,” 348
“Money,” 37–40, 361
Morley, Isaac, 112, 178, 254
Mormon Battalion, 200–3, 215, 257
Mormon creed, 205
Mormon Grove, 165, 236, 392
Mormon Herald, 261
Mormon, The, 19, 24, 164, 203–5
Mormonism, 145
“Mormonism a Paradox,” 205, 311
Mormonism Exposed, 245
Mormonism In All Ages, 169
Mormonism: Its Leaders and Designs, 305
Mormonism! Plurality of Wives!, 75
Mormonism Unmasked, 169
Mormonism Unveiled: A Brief Expose, 81–82, 371
Mormonism Weighed in the Balances, 169
Mormonisme Polygame, Le, 169
Mormons at Home, The, 62, 321, 350, 427
Mormons Bogs, 60–61, 344
Mormons et Leurs Ennemis, Les, 20, 132, 166–69
Mormons, Les, 168
“Mormons, Les,” 168
Mormons: or Latter-day Saints, The, 186, 398
Mormons, or, Latter-day Saints, The, 169, 295
Mormons, The, 53, 169, 295
“Mormons, The,” 20, 52–53,
“Morning Breaks, the Shadows Flee, The,” 116
Morrill, Justin S., 288, 322
Morris, Thomas, 266
Morton, Mary Ann, 293
mother in heaven, 148–49
Mountain Meadows massacre, 278
“Mountain Standard, The,” 15
Mountain Warbler, The, 223
Mountaineer, 25
Murray, Fanny, 150–51
Musser, Amos Milton, 38, 78, 80–83, 240–41, 260
“My Fiftieth Year,” 344
Naisbitt, Henry W., 304
Names of Members, 112, 178, 253–54, 318, 354
Napela, Jonathan H., 268, 416
Narrative of the Travels . . . of Monsieur Violet, 168, 186, 398
Nauvoo Brass Band. See band
Nauvoo Legion, 113, 196, 262, 324, 341–42
“Nay, Speak No Ill, a Kindly Word,” 17
Nebeker, George, 196–97, 272
Nebeker, John, 304
Necessity for Miracles, 308, 310
Nestler and Melle, 25, 50–51
New Arrangements, 62
New Era Office, 14
New Jerusalem, 235
“New Year, The,” 271
New Year’s Festival, 182–83
New-York, Messenger, 13
Newcastle-upon-Tyne conference report, 63
Nicholl, William, 169–70
Noah, Mordecai M., 168
Norton, John W., 75
Notice!! All Persons Visiting Big Cottonwood Kanyon, 339–40
[Notice of Elder Wheelock’s Departure], 301
Notice to Subscribers, 282
[Notice to the Public], 84
Nottinghamshire conference report, 34–35
“Now is the Day of Israel,” 15
“Now We Are Met, Let’s Joyful Be,” 65
Nuttall, L. John, 217
“O Once I Dwelt in Babylon,” 223
“O My Father,” 275–76
“O, Ye Mountains High,” 332
Offenbarung welche Joseph Smith, Eine, 146
“Oh, Ye, Who’re Bound By Oppression’s Might,” 245
Old Sectarian, The, 15
Old Tabernacle, 38
Oliver’s Printing Offices, 17, 309
On the Death of N. Preston Felt, 290
On the First Principles of the Gospel, 88–89, 97, 195, 249–51
[On the First Principles of the Gospel in Dutch], 195
$100 Reward!, 108–9
Only Way to Be Saved, The, 52, 78–80, 90, 102–3, 150, 155, 188, 244, 327
Order of Procession and Funeral Services, 317
Order of the Day for the Sixth of April 1853, 59
Oriental Press. See Bowie, S.
Original Songs, 194
“Othello,” 285–86
Ott, Alexander, 204, 402
Ottinger, George M., 243
Otty, Philip, 15–16
“Our Era this Day Numbers Three Years and Twenty,” 59
“Our Mountain Home,” 271
Owens, Robert, 78, 80, 147, 389
Pa Beth yw “Mormoniaeth?,” 165
Palmer, Henry, 245, 411
[Pamphlet on Doctrine], 302–3
Parker, Samuel, 168
Parker, Thomas, 246
Pascal, Samuel, 147, 387
Patriarchal Order, 20, 22, 44–46, 146, 163, 294
Patriarchalische Ordnung, 162–63
Patriarkalske Orden, Den, 162–63, 294
Patterson, Joseph, 69
Paul, Nicholas, 88, 97
Peck, Martin H., 165, 203
“Peidiwch a’u Gwrando,” 165
Pellow, J., 119
Pender, Hopkins C., 253
Penrose, Charles W., 293, 332
Perkins, William G., 243
Perpetual Emigrating Fund, 42, 98, 127, 177, 224–26, 251, 289, 293–94
[Perpetual Emigrating Fund Circular], 98
Peterson, Canute, 388
Petitpierre, Elder, 48
Phelps, William W., 14, 21, 49, 78, 109, 136, 158, 170–71, 178, 181, 192, 254, 271, 304
Philip, Landgrave of Hesse, 140, 169, 260, 388
Phillips, W. S., 127
Phonographic Instructor, The, 264
Pichot, Amédée, 166–69, 393
Pic-Nic Party at the Headwaters, 303, 337–39
Pierce, Franklin, 177, 181, 205, 213, 233, 388, 395, 397, 413
Piercy, Frederick, 22, 43, 281–84
Pitman, Isaac, 264
Pitman’s Phonographic Instructor, 264
Pitt, William, 29, 38, 72, 212, 242, 334
“Pizarro,” 38
Placard. See handbill
playbill, 20, 37–40, 70, 301, 334
Poems, Religious, Historical, and Political, 22–23, 26, 274–76, 293
[Poetry Slips SWR], 129
polygamy, 20, 34, 46, 54, 67, 69, 75–76, 129–33, 140, 146, 148–50, 160, 168–69, 186, 205, 221, 245, 259–60, 278, 288, 295, 300, 302, 319, 322
Polynesian (Honolulu), 148, 305
Pontotoc American Sovereign, 47
Port Elizabeth Telegraph, 248
Prairies, Les, 174
Pratt, Belinda Marden, 20–21, 77, 129–33, 168, 260, 295
Pratt, Orson, 20, 22–23, 26, 29–33, 46, 49, 54, 60, 73, 82, 91–96, 99, 107, 110, 133–35, 140, 145, 158, 178, 224, 233–35, 237–38, 250, 254, 260, 278–80, 298–99, 305, 307–10, 313, 317, 333, 335, 337, 344–45
Pratt, Parley P., 15, 20, 22–24, 26, 49–51, 54, 59, 75, 78, 112, 116, 125, 131–32, 145, 158, 160, 172–74, 184, 205, 217–20, 250, 254, 261, 271, 278, 280, 298–300, 304, 311–12, 319–21, 343–44, 366
Pratt, Sarah, 30
“Pre-existence of Man,” 32
premortal existence of spirits, 32, 221, 327
President’s Party, 41
“Press On,” 72
“Press, The,” 194
“Press—the Press—the Printing Press, The,” 195
priesthood, 216–17
print shop
Deseret News, 20–21, 57, 59, 63, 357
Millennial Star, 25, 358
St. Louis Luminary, 24, 163–64
Welsh, 22, 358
Western Standard, 24–25, 268, 276–77, 420
Priodas a Moesou yn Utah, 311–12
“Proclaim To All People We’ve Laid the Foundation,” 59
Proclamacion! Extraordinaria!, 218
Proclamation by the Governor, 345–47
Proclamation of the Gospel, 78, 80–81, 90, 155
Proclamation to the People of the Coasts, 49, 81
Procter, J., 169
Programme for the Celebration, 237, 336
Programme for the Literary and Musical Entertainment, 304
Programme. Grand Juvenile Procession, 155–56
Programme of the Celebration, 297
Prophet of the Nineteenth Century, The, 169, 186
Mormon, 165–66
St. Louis Luminary, 163–64, 200
Western Standard, 261–62
Prove All Things, 207–8
Provis, Richard, 195, 235
Prussian Mission, The, 55–56
Psalmer og Aandelige Sange. See hymnal (Danish)
publication, place of
Aberdeen, Scotland, 51
Agra, India, 54, 102
Arbroath, Scotland, 83
Austin, Texas, 14
Belfast, Ireland, 187
Birmingham, England, 234, 242, 333
Bombay, India, 52, 208
Boston, 13
Calcutta, 81, 257, 259
Cape Town, South Africa, 67, 88, 97, 157, 195, 221, 249, 251
Copenhagen, 60–61, 116, 142, 156, 159, 163, 184, 197, 217, 234, 270, 278–80, 294, 302, 310–12, 323, 328–30, 332, 335, 344–45, 347, 350, 355
Council Bluffs, Iowa, 131, 150, 158, 165
Coventry, England, 13
Delhi, India, 102
Derby, England, 242
Dover, England, 289
Dundee, Scotland, 16, 56, 119, 335
Edinburgh, 17, 334
Fillmore, Utah, 251, 253–54, 262
Geneva, Switzerland, 230, 321, 347
Glasgow, 15, 72, 189, 337
Hamburg, Germany, 50, 146
Hartlepool, England, 169
Hull, England, 17
Jersey, 125
Kanesville, 16
Karachi, Pakistan, 240
Keokuk, Iowa, 64
Kirtland, Ohio, 11
Kotri, Pakistan, 240
Lausanne, Switzerland, 47, 166
Liverpool, 29, 35, 40, 42, 44, 55, 66, 72, 85, 91, 98–99, 103, 129, 133, 152, 161–62, 171–72, 205, 207, 210, 212, 218, 222, 241, 244–45, 249, 273, 275,281, 289–91, 301, 305, 313, 324–25, 329, 348
Llanelli, Wales, 118, 127
London, 33, 63, 73, 114–15, 120, 150–51, 262, 298
Los Angeles, 239
Luton, England, 244–45
Madras, India, 78, 84, 89, 140, 143, 147, 154, 294
Malmö, Sweden, 57
Manchester, England, 316
Merthyr Tydfil, Wales, 70, 136, 145–47, 155
New York, 203, 290
Norwich, England, 15
Nottingham, England, 34
Paisley, England, 316
Paris, 49
Peterborough, England, 333
Philadelphia, 11
Pontotoc, MS, 46
Port Elizabeth, South Africa, 235, 246
Port Lewis, Mauritius, 302
Salt Lake City, 35–37, 41, 57, 59, 61–62, 70–71, 77, 83, 85, 100, 108–9, 111–14, 119, 121–24, 127, 129, 135, 138, 141, 151, 155, 158, 170, 176, 178–82, 189–90, 193–94, 196, 198–200, 211, 213, 216, 222–26, 229, 236–38, 243, 249, 253, 255–56, 263–66, 271–72, 286, 294–97, 301, 303–4, 314, 317–18, 321–24, 330, 334, 336–37, 339–40, 342, 345–46, 348, 352, 354
San Francisco, 148, 160, 256, 266, 276, 305, 319
San Jose, Calif., 132
Secunderabad, India, 207
Sheffield, England, 55, 120, 183
Southport, England, 192
St. Helier, Jersey, 127, 174
St. Louis, 163, 200, 235
Swansea, Wales, 161–62, 165, 176, 190, 192, 198, 216, 225, 229–30, 261, 312, 317, 344
Sydney, Australia, 73, 185, 188
Taunton, England, 159
Tranent, England, 330
Truro, England,
Washington, DC, 29, 110
Zurich, Switzerland, 345
Pulsipher, Zera, 243, 330
Pymm, John, 34
Questions to be Asked the Latter Day Saints, 314
Quorum of the Twelve, 33
R., W.. See Robb, William
“Race for Dinner, A,” 301, 424
railroad, 122–23, 161, 205
Raleigh, Alonzo H., 38, 40, 70, 114, 199, 243, 297
Ray, John A., 178, 254
Read, Lazarus H., 169, 260, 295, 395
Reading Exercises, 330–32
Recueil de Cantiques. See hymnal (French)
Reed, James, printer, 187–88
Réflecteur, Le, 19, 47–49, 128
reformation, 314
Regular Ticket, For G. S. L. County, 158
Reid, John S., 53
Religious Tract Society (London), 145
Remarkable Visions, 99, 279–80
Remy, Jules, 133
“Repent Ye Gentiles All,” 66
Repent! Ye People of California, 160
Reply to a Second Tract, A, 89–91, 155
Reply to a Tract, A, 89–90, 155
Reply to “Mormonism Unveiled,” A, 81–82
Report of the Adjutant General, 113
[Report of the Committee on Compiled Laws], 189
Report of the Dundee Conference, 16, 119
Report of the First General Festival, 21, 200–3
Report of the Glasgow Conference, 43, 72
Report of the London Pastoral Conference, 33
Report of the Nottinghamshire Conference, 33
[Report to the President, Senate, and People], 181
Resolutions, Acts and Memorials, 295
“Response to P. P. Pratt’s ‘Fiftieth Year,’ A,” 344
resurrection, 66
[Resurrection Day], 235
Revelations, 21, 216–17
Rich, Charles C., 12, 194, 211–12, 239, 266, 376
Richards, Franklin D., 22–23, 26, 32, 41, 43, 78, 107, 152, 161–62, 171–72, 205, 207, 218–20, 241–42, 244–46, 274–76, 281–83, 289–93, 298, 300, 314, 324–27, 354
Richards, H. P., 39
Richards, Rev. J., 20, 89–91, 155, 373
Richards, John, 373
Richards, Joseph, 19, 54,
Richards, Phineas, 129
Richards, Samuel W., 22, 32, 41–42, 55, 72, 85, 91–93, 95–96, 99, 105, 107, 128, 133–34, 138, 150–52, 158, 181–82, 204, 207, 237, 243, 254, 263, 281–82, 297, 304, 341, 348
Richards, Wealthy Dewey, 129
Richards, Willard, 58, 78, 83–84, 107, 109, 111–12, 121–24, 135–36, 158, 213
Rifle and Light Infantry Tactics, 342
Rigdon, Sidney, 12, 213
Riser, George C., 20, 51, 55, 146–47
Robb, William, 75, 185–86
Robbins, Alexander, 165, 203–4
Robellaz, Charles François, 48
“Robert Macaire,” 37–39, 361
Robertson, N., & Co., 25, 259
Robinson, F. C., 72
Robinson, John, 151–52
Robinson, Mr. (printer), 240
Robison, Lewis, 243
Rockwell, O. P., 339
Rockwood, Albert P., 35, 78, 158, 304, 330
Roffe, Edwin, 282–83
Rogerson, Josiah, 108, 380
Romeril, G., 125
Romney, Miles, 199
Ross, Alexander, 118
Ross, D. J., 336
Rostron, Richard, 245
“Rough Diamond,” 70–71, 369
Route from Liverpool, 22, 26, 263, 281–85
Routledge, John, 186–87
Rowan, Matthew, 120, 183
Rules Adopted for Conducting Business in the Convention, 286, 288
Rules for Conducting Business, 178
Rumel, John H., 139, 386
Sabot, Charles Louis, 25, 232, 321, 347
Sacred Hymns and Spiritual Songs. See hymnal (British)
Sadler, John, 25–26, 42, 66, 152, 154, 172, 174, 218, 220, 241, 283–84, 300, 313
Salt Lake Temple, 58–59, 224
Salvation: A Dialogue, 99–100, 162, 233
Samuel Curling, 212, 273
San Bernardino ranch, 211–12, 239
Sanders, Cones, and Co., 81
Sanders, James, 108
Sandheds-Røst, En, 61, 156–57, 332, 355
Sannings-Röst, En, 197–98, 332–33
Saunder, Charles, 371
Savage, Charles R., 242–43, 403
Savage, Henry, 34
Savage, Levi, 78, 80
Scott, Thomas D., 80, 143
Scriptural Evidences in Support of Polygamy, 319–21
Second Annual Festival of the Typographical Association, 270–71
Secrist, Jacob F., 29, 51, 55, 63
“Sectarian Cudgel,” 14
Seer, The, 20, 22, 26, 29–33, 94, 234, 310, 327
Select Dancing-School, 272–73
Series of Pamphlets, A, 26
“Serious Family, The,” 37, 39, 361
Sharp, John, 199–200
Shaver, Leonidas, 193, 237–38, 395
Shearman, William H., 25, 277, 418
Sheen, Isaac, 91, 95, 375
Sheets, Elijah F., 198, 243
Sheffield conference report, 183
Shepard Book Company, 141, 296
“Shepherds have Raised Their Sweet Warning Voice, The,” 118
ship circular, 35, 129, 161, 212, 249, 273, 290–91, 329–30
Short, Rev. C., 20, 225
Siddons, 212
Simmons, Joseph M., 39–40, 71, 196, 253, 263, 272–73, 286, 301, 336
Sims, George, 64–65
Sirrine, Mephibosheth, 12
Skandinaviens Stjerne, 22
Skelton, Robert, 20, 25, 78, 80, 89, 132, 143, 145, 147, 155, 257–60, 295, 305
Sketch of the Biography of Ex-Gen. J. C. Bennett, A, 12
Slack, Martin, 34
slave trade, 61–62
Sloan, Edward L., 108, 187–88
Smith, Alexander H., 97
Smith, Don Carlos, 96
Smith, Elias, 94–95, 100, 253, 339
Smith, George A., 94–95, 107, 112, 156, 178, 180, 189, 206, 213, 233, 237–38, 250, 254, 286, 288, 354
Smith, John, 59
Smith, John L., 20, 25, 78, 146, 158, 181, 230, 232, 234, 321, 345, 347
Smith, Joseph, 12, 21, 212–14
Assassination of, 99–100, 205–6
first vision of, 99, 256
Smith, Joseph F., 95
Smith, Leonard I., 19, 29, 67, 69, 88, 97–98, 195, 235, 246, 248, 273
Smith, Lot, 196–97, 272
Smith, Lucy Mack, 22, 26, 86, 91–97, 100, 233, 310
Smith, Paul, 73, 75
Smith, T., 169–70
Smith, Thomas, 49
Smith, Thomas S., 112, 178
Smith, Truman, 186
Smith, William, 91
Smith, William S., 240
Smithies, James, 38, 71
Smoot, Abraham O., 243, 339
Snow, Bernard, 71, 286, 301
Snow, Eliza R., 22–23, 26, 43, 59–60, 69, 96, 194–95, 274–76, 293, 304, 350
Snow, Erastus, 12, 19, 24, 61, 78, 156, 163–65, 197, 203, 236, 332, 355
Snow, Lorenzo, 41, 49, 52, 59, 78, 102, 150, 158, 182, 188–89, 221–22, 224, 244, 254, 354
Snow, Warren S., 354
Snow, Willard, 22, 60–61, 116, 118, 157
Snow, William, 100, 243, 254
Snow, Zerubbabel, 107, 395
Social Hall, 37–39, 70, 109–10, 114, 182–83, 194, 196, 198–202, 236, 250, 253, 263–64, 266, 270–72, 285–86, 297, 301, 304, 318, 334, 352, 361
Social Hall! The Deseret Dramatic Association, 37
Social Hall. Theater!, 285–86, 301
Social Party, 114,
Some of the Principal Doctrines, 67, 69, 302
Song for the “Mormons,” A, 65–66
Song of Gratitude, A, 248–49
“Song of the Deseret Press,” 271
Songs for the Laying of the Corner Stones, 59–60
Songs of Zion, 118
Southern Californian, 239, 410
Sparks, Quartus S., 78
Spaulding, Solomon, 54, 70, 168, 175
special conference, 19, 29, 67, 75
Speech of Mr. Smith, 186
Spencer, Claudius V., 158, 304
Spencer, Daniel, 29, 41, 43, 125–26, 304
Spencer, Orson, 20, 22–23, 26, 29, 41, 44–46, 54–55, 77, 146, 162–64, 182, 278, 294
Spiritual Communication, 366
Spiritual Gifts, 308, 310
Squires, Thomas, 34, 63–64
St. Louis Luminary, 19, 24, 163–65, 203
St. Louis Luminary extra, 235–36
Staines, William C., 71, 169, 193, 250, 263, 266, 286
Stansbury, Howard, 49, 76, 295
“Stanza on the Presentation of the Book of Mormon,” 69, 275
State House (Fillmore), 112, 124, 176–77, 181, 252, 318, 413
Stenhouse, Fanny, 47–48
Stenhouse, T. B. H., 19–20, 47–48, 132, 166–69, 204, 238, 249
Stephens, John Lloyd, 168
Steptoe, Edward J., 176–77, 181–83, 193, 205, 213, 215–16, 260, 396–97
Stewart, William, 78
Stiles, George P., 176, 395
Stimme der Warnung, Eine, 25, 50–51
Stirling, James D., 108, 380
Stock, John, 246
Stoddard, Judson, 339
Stoker, John, 254
Stout, Hosea, 138–39, 158, 181, 254, 304, 341
“Stranger, The,” 38, 361
Stringham, Briant, 196–97, 243, 272
Sunder, Charles, 371
“Sur le Baptême,” 50
“Sur l’Organisation de l’Eglise,” 233
Sutherland, D. H., 71, 286, 301
Synopsis of the Holy Scriptures, 325
T. J. D., 293
Taft, Seth, 12, 243
Tait, William, 52–53, 364
Tanner, Nathan, 148
Tanner, Thomas, 199–200
Taylor, Edward, printer, 183
Taylor, George J., 165–66, 203–4, 402
Taylor, J., 333
Taylor, James, 108,
Taylor, John, 19, 24, 43, 49, 54–55, 112, 158, 164–66, 182, 203–5, 233, 286, 288, 310– 11, 319, 344, 347
Taylor, Margaret, 290
Taylor, William, 55, 125, 127–28, 174
Tellman, J. H., 232
“Temple, The,” 275
Tereminia, Madame, 301
Territory of Utah. Proclamation by the Governor, 61–62, 83–85
Testimonial Presented to Elder Henry Clegg, 210–11
Testimonies for the Truth, 85–86
Texter, Henry, 294
Theatre! Social Hall, 70
Thelyphthora; or, a Treatise, 319
“There Is a Land Beyond the Sea,” 118
“They Call Me a Mormon,” 245
Third Night!! Flora’s Festival!, 334–35
Thomas, Preston, 29, 46–47, 165–66, 203
Thomson, Walter, 101
Thornton, 273
“Though Deep’ning Trials,” 276
Thougts[sic], 322
three degrees of glory, 69
Ticket for the City Council of the City of Provo, 222
“Time and Change,” 275
“Time Is Far Spent, The,” 276
To the Intelligent Public, 20, 246–48
To the Marattas of Hindoostan, 53, 208–10
To the Public, 73, 75
Tobler, Mr., 232
Tour of the American Lakes, 168
Tracts, &c., 154–55
[Tracts on the First Principles of the Gospel], 23, 26, 305–10, 313, 335
[Tracts on the First Principles of the Gospel, in Danish]. See Evangeliets Sande
[Tracts on the First Principles of the Gospel, in Welsh], 23, 317
Traddodir Darlithiau, 190
Traethawd yn Egluro Pwy Duw, 136
Traethodau ar Ail-Ddyfodiad Crist, 118
Traethodau ar y Doniau Gwyrthiol, 118
Traité sur le Baptême, 49–50
Treatise in the Fulness of the Everlasting Gospel, 53
Treatise on the Gospel, A, 46–47
Tremendous Excitement!, 296
True Faith, The, 308–9, 345
True Repentance, 233, 308–9, 345
“Truth Reflects Upon Our Senses,” 276
Truth Will Prevail, 242–43
Tullidge, Edward, 132
Turner, J. B., 169
Tuscarora, 329–30
twin relics of barbarism, 322
“Two Bonnycastles, The,” 286, 422
Tyler, Daniel, 19, 166, 230, 232–34, 273
Typographic Association, 36
Typographical Association of Deseret. See Deseret Typographical Association
Tystioliaethau Diwrthbrawf, 175–76
Udgorn Seion, 22
Underwood, John W. H., 395
Une Voix d’Advertissement. See Voix d’Advertissement, Une
Union Hotel, 193–94
United States Hotel, 62–63, 70
Unity, 246, 303
Universal Apostacy, 308, 310
University of Deseret, 122, 171, 194, 386
Ure, James, 316, 330, 334–35, 337
Utah and the Mormons, 62
Utah Expedition, 23, 205, 339, 345–50, 352, 354, 383, 395, 429
Utah Territory,
journals, 21, 100, 141, 229, 342
laws, 21, 35, 100, 119, 121, 141, 180, 182, 189, 226–28, 295–96, 340–41
legislature, 77–78, 109, 111–13, 121–24, 158, 171, 176, 178–79, 182, 222, 225, 251–54, 263–65, 318, 354
memorials, 21, 121–25, 180–81
organic act, 226–28
Van Cott, John, 20, 22, 41, 43, 60–61, 118, 142, 156–57, 159, 163, 184–85, 197–98, 217–18, 234–35, 278–80, 323, 333, 345, 351
Van de Sandt de Villiers & Tier, 88–89, 250
Van Every, William, 12
Van Vliet, Stewart, 346
Very Important References, 187
Viett, George, 50
Vocabulary of the Utah and Sho-sho-ne or Snake Dialects, 136
Vogel, J., 232
Voice in India, A, 240
Voice of Joseph, 222
Voice of Warning, 22–23, 26, 53, 66, 125–26, 172–74, 184–85, 217–18, 280–81, 327
Voix d’Advertissement, Une, 125–26
Waddington, Richard, 64–65
[Wahren Glauben], 345
Wakara. See Walker
Waldo, Loren P., 257
Walker, 61–62, 83–84, 366
Walker War, 62, 83–84, 121–22, 124
Walker, William, 19–20, 29, 67, 69, 88, 97–98, 157, 195, 235, 246, 248, 250, 273
Wall, William M., 62, 83
Wallace, George B., 59–60
Wandell, Charles W., 14, 19, 40, 75, 185, 277
Ward, William, 199
Warning to All, A, 97–98, 157, 195–96
[Warning to All, A, in Dutch], 157
warrants, 257
Wasp Extra, 12
Water Baptism, 233, 308–9, 345
Watt, George D., 39, 57–58, 101, 103–5, 108, 138–39, 192, 216, 286
Waugh, George Peden, 17–18, 291
Weatherhead, Thomas, 157–58, 195
Weeks, Warren, 177
Weeks, William, 177
“Weep, Weep Not For Me, Zion,” 14
Weihe, Alexander, 60
Wellfleet, 273
Wells, Daniel H., 59, 78, 107, 112, 156, 178, 196, 199, 254, 317, 342, 346, 354
Wentworth Letter, 81
Wesley, John, 69, 246
Wesley, John (Methodist cleric), 187
West, Chauncey, W., 78, 80
West, George Montgomery, 12
Western Bugle, 159
Western Standard, 19, 24–25, 261–62, 276–78
Westmoreland, 330
What Do the Latter-day Saints Believe?, 66
What is Mormonism, 54
Wheelock, Cyrus H., 206, 242, 293, 301, 403
Wheelock, Mary Ann, 39–40, 71
“When First the Glorious Light of Truth,” 235
“Where Shall We Seek Salvation?” 260
Whitney, Horace K., 21, 38–40, 71, 192, 301
Whitney, Orson K., 38, 40
Whittle, Thomas L., 266
Why the “Latter Day Saints” Marry, 147–50
Widerborg, Carl, 159, 279–81, 351
Wilson, W. H., 286, 301
Winchester, Benjamin, 325
Windsor, Anson P., 222
Wight, Lyman, 14
Wilkie, Matthew, 21, 24–25, 192, 268, 276–77, 417
Wilkin, David, 193
“Willard Richards Pocket Companion,” 217
Willes, William, 19, 25, 52, 54, 80, 82, 102, 222–23, 245, 250, 285
“William Clayton’s Private Book,” 217
William Stetson, 212
Williams, Thomas S., 78, 200, 202 401
Willie handcart company, 208, 273, 316
Willie, James G., 273
Winter, Arthur, 108, 380
Wolcott, Robert W., 20, 223, 244–45
Women of Mormondom, The, 132
Wood, Miss E., 39–40
Wood, L., 39
Woodard, Jabez, 232–33, 347
Woodmansee, Emily Hill, 245, 260, 411
Woodruff, Wilford, 78, 94–95, 107, 138, 158, 178, 192, 213, 254, 314, 354
Wooley, Samuel A., 78, 80, 102–3, 240, 260
Woolley, Edwin D., 38, 40–42, 103, 158, 254
Woolley, Rachel, 40
Working Bee, 222–23, 245
Wright, Jonathan C., 78
Writings from the “Western Standard,” 278
Wyllie, E., 15
Y Casgl, 70
Y Farw yn Fyw, 147
Y “Lleidr ar y Groes,” 230
Y. X. Carrying Company. See Express and Carrying Company
[Yankee Story], 348–50
“Ye Elders of Israel,” 118
York, Aaron M., 222
Young, Alfred, 222
Young, Brigham, 21, 23, 31, 33, 49, 57–59, 77, 93–96, 107, 110, 121–24, 133, 138–39, 156, 163–64, 177, 181–82, 202, 211–16, 224–26, 250, 254, 263, 284, 294, 297, 337–39
governor’s message, 21, 111, 176–78, 205, 251–52, 317–18, 352–54
proclamation, 21, 61–62, 83–85, 345–47
Young, Brigham H., 21, 190, 192, 194
Young, John, 59
Young, John R., 269
Young, Joseph, 158, 330
Young, Joseph A., 242, 304
Young, Joseph W., 35, 339, 350–51
Young, Julia, 108
Young, Phineas H., 21, 190, 192, 194–95
“‘Young Sam’ and His Uncle,” 350
Yr Arweinydd i Seion, 192
Zabriskie, Lewis, 222
Zabriskie, Lewis C., 222
Zion, 69, 351
Zions Panier, 25, 51
Zion’s Watchman, 19, 73–77, 132
Zion’s Workmen Pic-Nic, 199