11 April 1841 (Sunday Afternoon). Temple Site.

Times and Seasons 2 (15 April 1841): 388 [1]

Pres't. Joseph Smith then addressed the assembly and stated, that in consequence of the severty of the weather, the saints had not received as much instruction as he desired and that some things would have to be laid over until the next conference—as there were many who wished to be baptized, they would now go to the water and give opportunity to any who wished to be baptized of doing so. [2]

—11 April 1841


[1] See History of the Church, 4:343. Not in Teachings. The History of the Church entry is based on the Times and Seasons account. The following remarks were made on the final day of April 1841 General Conference.

[2] That is, those who wished to be baptized for remission of sins, for the restoration of health, and for the dead.