Appendix C

One Hundred Eminent Men Baptized by Proxy in the St. George Temple, 21 August 1877

Arnold K. Garr, Christopher Columbus A Latter-Day Saint Perspective, (Provo, Utah: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1992), 85–86.

A. Signers of the Declaration of Independence (except John Hancock and William Floyd). [Alphabetized for ease of reference. *Ordained High Priests by Proxy August 22–24.]

John Adams

Samuel Adams

Josiah Bartlett

Carter Braxton

Charles Carroll of Carrolton

Samuel Chase

Abraham Clark

George Clymer

William Ellery

*Benjamin Franklin

Elbridge Gerry

Button Gwinnett

Lyman Hall

Benjamin Harrison

Joseph Hewes

William Hooper

Stephen Hopkins

Samuel Huntington

Thomas Jefferson

Thomas Nelson Jr

Richard Henry Lee

Francis Lewis

Thomas Lynch Jr

Francis Lightfoot Lee

Philip Livingston

Thomas McKean

Lewis Morris

Robert Morris

John Morton

Arthur Myddleton

William Chase Paca

Robert Treat Paine

John Penn

George Read

Caezer Rodney

George Ross

Benjamin Rush

Edward Rutledge

Roger Sherman

James Smith

Thomas Stone

George Taylor

Matthew Thornton

George Walton

William Whipple

William Williams

James Wilson

Oliver Wolcott

George Wythe

B. Baptized for the following Eminent Men:

Lewis John Rudolph Agassis

Charles Louis Napolean Bonapart

Lord Henry Brougham

Edward George Earl Lytton Bulwer

Robert Burns

Lord George Gordon Byron

John Calwell Cahoon

Count Camillo Bonso di Cavour

Thomas Chalmers

Henry Clay

Richard Cobden

*Christopher Columbus

Daniel O Connell

John Filpot Corran

Michael Faraday

David Glascoe Farragut

David Garrick

Edward Gibbon

Johann Wolfgang Goethe

Oliver Goldsmith

Henry Grattan

Washington Irving

Thomas Johnathan Jackson

Samuel Johnson

Benito Juarez

John Philip Kemple

Baron Justus von Liebig

David Livingstone

Thomas Babington Macauley

Lord Horatio Nelson

George Peobody

Frederick 2d king of Prussia

Count Demetrius Perepa

Hiram Powers

Sir Joshua Reynolds

Frederick Von Schiller

Sir Walter Scott

William Henry Seward

George Stephenson

William Makepeace Thackerey

Americus Vespucius

Frederick Henry Alexander Von Humbolt

Daniel Webster

*John Wesley

William Wordsworth

Source: Wilford Woodruffs Journal 7:367–368.